check out bf74's thread, that will tell you all you need to know about the truth of led's
Obviously you didn't read it then green. He said the led's are great for vegging but terrible for flowering.. the buds shrivel up after drying into airy popcorn
Obviously you didn't read it then green. He said the led's are great for vegging but terrible for flowering.. the buds shrivel up after drying into airy popcorn
check out bf74's thread, that will tell you all you need to know about the truth of led's
Hydro-Grow-LED, if you're going to push your product here you need to contact Skip regarding advertising. You need to remove your link until this is done.....
JJ, I think his link is less advertisement as it is a source of creditability. I'd be much more inclined to take the word of someone that has experience in the field and has a reference to back it up then some anonymous poster claiming he knows all about this topic without any outside information. This is only my opinion and I mean no disrespect to the rules you have in place here at ICMag.
Hydro, have you ever used LED's with any auto-flowering strains? It seems like that would be the ideal setup for a stealth grow.
Interesting, though I would love to see some grows done with true AF's for instance Bluestreak or Sourbuble ryder when it is released (that is if you are interested of course).
Also, I'd like to apologize for referring to you as a man. I suppose it is a force of habit seeing as how the majority of threads consist of male members in my experience. I will be sure to keep this in mind from now on.
What's the heat output like on the 126w?
You my want to consider contacting Mdanzig or S_a_H about doing some test with them. I'm sure many people, especially those on the AF and Mdanzig seeds threads would be very excited about the results.