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LED Marijuana Blooms

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ICMag Donor
Your making a lot of rude comments and have already been reported. No a good way to start.....


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
JJ, I think his link is less advertisement as it is a source of creditability. I'd be much more inclined to take the word of someone that has experience in the field and has a reference to back it up then some anonymous poster claiming he knows all about this topic without any outside information. This is only my opinion and I mean no disrespect to the rules you have in place here at ICMag.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Obviously you didn't read it then green. He said the led's are great for vegging but terrible for flowering.. the buds shrivel up after drying into airy popcorn

I believe that we may have been referring to two different treads.
this is the one I had looked at.


Though upon further investigation I realized that he has started several threads on the subject that I have yet to read.

Here are the links...



Hydro-Grow-LED, if you're going to push your product here you need to contact Skip regarding advertising. You need to remove your link until this is done.....

I removed the link, and typed my screen name instead, but it still looks like a link to me. If you can help me with this, that would be great. I'd like it to read as it is, and if the link is not kosher, then please fix the link cause I don't know how
JJ, I think his link is less advertisement as it is a source of creditability. I'd be much more inclined to take the word of someone that has experience in the field and has a reference to back it up then some anonymous poster claiming he knows all about this topic without any outside information. This is only my opinion and I mean no disrespect to the rules you have in place here at ICMag.

This is the main reason I post a link, since all of my research is contained on my site, and makes for an informative read. Taking a few minutes can teach you a lot about LED's, vs me having to copy and paste all the info here. Anyhow, I'll keep with forum rules as they request me to

Oh ya, because I've read a few comments so far with an incorrect reference, I wanted to establish the fact that I'm a woman ;)
Hydro, have you ever used LED's with any auto-flowering strains? It seems like that would be the ideal setup for a stealth grow.

I have AK, but I don't know if it's the auto-flower variety. Plants tend to begin showing hairs within 3-4 days under LED, sometimes faster. I grow about 10 strains, and all of them have this response.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Interesting, though I would love to see some grows done with true AF's for instance Bluestreak or Sourbuble ryder when it is released (that is if you are interested of course).

Also, I'd like to apologize for referring to you as a man. I suppose it is a force of habit seeing as how the majority of threads consist of male members in my experience. I will be sure to keep this in mind from now on.
Interesting, though I would love to see some grows done with true AF's for instance Bluestreak or Sourbuble ryder when it is released (that is if you are interested of course).

Also, I'd like to apologize for referring to you as a man. I suppose it is a force of habit seeing as how the majority of threads consist of male members in my experience. I will be sure to keep this in mind from now on.

It's totally cool. I know that most of the people on these forums (that post anyhow) are men, and they have me mistaken all the time. Hell, some of them even continue to call me man several times after they're corrected, so I just like to point it out for reference ;)

I'm always willing to do more grows in the future, but they'd have to wait until my current tomato test is done. If you had some seeds you wanted me to grow, I'd be more than happy to show you what they do under LED. I'm a medical patient, so for me, growing weed is legal, as I'm sure it is for many of you as well.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Thats good to know, because my main interest in LED's stemed from my fascination with Auto-Flowers. I've always imagined that they would make for some phenomenal AF grows in closed environments with increased speed and vigor due to their short stature. I think the penetration factor would really increase the ability for them to flower early and produce a much larger yield than conventional grows. Besides I think it would make tremendous leaps forward in improving the genetics of AF's since you could finish two or even three crops in the time it would normally take for one. I think it would also benefit your 'cause' by showing the true potential of your lights in short amounts of time.

You my want to consider contacting Mdanzig or S_a_H about doing some test with them. I'm sure many people, especially those on the AF and Mdanzig seeds threads would be very excited about the results.
What's the heat output like on the 126w?

The 126W has a large heat sink and 6 cooling fans. The temperature at the board where the LED's are soldered, never gets hotter than 105 degrees F. A 400W MH operates at 650 degrees, and a 400W HPS operates at 450 degrees, in case you were wondering ;)
You my want to consider contacting Mdanzig or S_a_H about doing some test with them. I'm sure many people, especially those on the AF and Mdanzig seeds threads would be very excited about the results.

They'd need to go ahead and contact me if they want me to do a grow with their seeds. I don't really go out and campaign for new grow tests, unless they're being done by other people, using my lights ;)


kind of off topic but TheGreenBastard - I don't see how AF could increase yield indoors. I thought AF automatically started flowering without regard to light cycle -- being short in stature because they don't really have a veg period. Indoors, you are in control of the light cycle. You could start flowering very shortly after seed, and have a plant similar to AF in that it's short in stature, flowered fast, w/o/ any of the supposed shortcomings AF's have in potency/quality.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I understand, it would probably seem as though you were just trying to get business.

this is a little :off2: but my CPU runs at about the same temp as your boards


h-grow-led - K+ for your excellent work, unbiased pursuit of knowledge, and ease at which you've dealt with naysayers. eagerly awaiting more info, and I am mad curious about who the 3rd grower is!:joint::joint::joint:
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