I had to drop the shelf again tonight since they grew 5.5 inches in 5 days after feeding them Icc's tea mix.
They are sucking up the water now and when I was moving them around I could feel that they were on the light side and so tomorrow i'll give them just plain PH'd water.
The tall pheno seeds were the last seeds started and further along then the others.
I also noticed you gave them a double feeding, of the mild TEA, is ok if they can handle it ,, seems like they did well, but just be sure not to over do it. Medium TEA on day 42, you using the Black Gold now??
Because of what happened the first time I fed it to them this time around even though I gave them the mild tea I gave them a weaker feeding. They got one full cup of nuted water and one cup of PH water. This time once I could tell they were reacting fine I went ahead and made a full dose of the tea ( 2 gallons ) and gave each one two cups of it. ( Beer Cups )
Yes I used the Black Gold stuff this round.
2 beer cups?? Are you getting enough Runoff?
When feeding you are supposed to Flush with the TEA. Get at least 12-16ozs of RunOff of feeding water per pot in the 5.5 in sq pots, much more for larger pots. Then you will really see the potencial this system has. RunOff is a must when feeding, Without flushing when feeding can cause buildups in the soil you DON'T want. The idea is you flush out the old and replace it with the new. It also keeps the soil much more healthy for some reason. Next time you feed them, Day 42 I would give them a MILD TEA FULL DOSE FLUSH. I choose Mild as you have never given them a Full Feeding by not flushing with the feeding.
This might also explain why they took the double feeding as it was really like a single feeding. JUICE them bro they can take it! Flush when you feed!
Peace ICC.
I am just starting to get a whiff of anything when I open up the door but nothing that I can really describe yet.
You have to take into consideration that these LED lights do not produce enough heat to help evaporate some of the extra water in the pot the plant does not use.
When I over water with these lights it takes much longer for them to recover from the watering. Once I started watering less and transplanted them thats when they really started taking off. I am getting maybe a 1/3rd of a beer cup for run off. Thats why I like the mild tea mix with these lights the best. After a few grows i'll get used to the new equipment and your tea mixes for a better outcome.
So now that the root base is really in place I am going to go back to watering them like I would have before.
I would have to think that with all the plain waterings in between using the tea mixtures that soil would be flushed enough ?
So LEDS would be a No go for a drip to feed Coco ?
( unless you add heaters) ?