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LED Growers Unite, Who makes the BEST LED and how long has it lasted ? Cast Your Vote!!!

in Who makes the BEST LED ???

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Well-known member
10% blue seems reasonable. More than 30% is getting bad, and 40% is ill.

Coloured LEDs seem old tech, but I remember my cousin getting some decent money out to buy blues, which had been out of reach to him before then. They were just indicator lamps then, and superbrights existed, but were not worthy of a torch. Many early papers used prisms to split white, to get there coloured light. These were low par tests, and I can imagine the bandwidth choices being made.
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Well-known member

This is part of the reason I went with the light I chose. when I was looking to buy a light to replace my 5x5/1000watt grow space with something more sensible. Capital investment was a big thing for me. I dumped all my old gear for cheap and wanted to build a smaller set up for the same cost as I let go of my old large set up. I cast my vote on with a viparspectra XS2500 pro which I purchase for 152.99 at the time. Best bang for my buck and there’s was independent testing done by coco for cannabis on viparspectre‘s smaller xs1500 fixture. Driver has plenty of wire to keep the heat out of the grow space! Which is a big plus for someone like me who has no climate control.
This is an even sweeter deal than I got mine. If you don’t have one get ya one. TODAY!! View attachment 19067676
Vipar was my #1 choice for seedling and veg light. Nice even distribution. Warmish light. I Love it.


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Proton gradients​

Proton gradients in particular are important in many types of cells as a form of energy storage. The gradient is usually used to drive ATP synthase, flagellar rotation, or metabolite transport.[15] This section will focus on three processes that help establish proton gradients in their respective cells: bacteriorhodopsin and noncyclic photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation.[citation needed]


Diagram of the conformational shift in retinal that initiates proton pumping in bacteriorhodopsin.
The way bacteriorhodopsin generates a proton gradient in Archaea is through a proton pump. The proton pump relies on proton carriers to drive protons from the side of the membrane with a low H+ concentration to the side of the membrane with a high H+ concentration. In bacteriorhodopsin, the proton pump is activated by absorption of photons of 568nm wavelength, which leads to isomerization of the Schiff base (SB) in retinal forming the K state. This moves SB away from Asp85 and Asp212, causing H+ transfer from the SB to Asp85 forming the M1 state. The protein then shifts to the M2 state by separating Glu204 from Glu194 which releases a proton from Glu204 into the external medium. The SB is reprotonated by Asp96 which forms the N state. It is important that the second proton comes from Asp96 since its deprotonated state is unstable and rapidly reprotonated with a proton from the cytosol. The protonation of Asp85 and Asp96 causes re-isomerization of the SB, forming the O state. Finally, bacteriorhodopsin returns to its resting state when Asp85 releases its proton to Glu204.[15][16]


Simplified diagram of photophosphorylation.
PSII also relies on light to drive the formation of proton gradients in chloroplasts, however, PSII utilizes vectorial redox chemistry to achieve this goal. Rather than physically transporting protons through the protein, reactions requiring the binding of protons will occur on the extracellular side while reactions requiring the release of protons will occur on the intracellular side. Absorption of photons of 680nm wavelength is used to excite two electrons in P680 to a higher energy level. These higher energy electrons are transferred to protein-bound plastoquinone (PQA) and then to unbound plastoquinone (PQB). This reduces plastoquinone (PQ) to plastoquinol (PQH2) which is released from PSII after gaining two protons from the stroma. The electrons in P680 are replenished by oxidizing water through the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). This results in release of O2 and H+ into the lumen, for a total reaction of[15]

{\displaystyle {\ce {4h\nu + 2H2O + 2PQ + 4H+ stroma -> O2 + 2PQH2 + 4H+ lumen}}}

After being released from PSII, PQH2 travels to the cytochrome b6f complex, which then transfers two electrons from PQH2 to plastocyanin in two separate reactions. The process that occurs is similar to the Q-cycle in Complex III of the electron transport chain. In the first reaction, PQH2 binds to the complex on the lumen side and one electron is transferred to the iron-sulfur center which then transfers it to cytochrome f which then transfers it to plastocyanin. The second electron is transferred to heme bL which then transfers it to heme bH which then transfers it to PQ. In the second reaction, a second PQH2 gets oxidized, adding an electron to another plastocyanin and PQ. Both reactions together transfer four protons into the lumen.[2]: 782–783 [17]



Well-known member

Canopy Penetration and Beam Angle​

by /u/SuperAngryGuy of /r/HandsOnComplexity

Plant canopy penetration is a function of both optical power output and how focused that light source is. This is a huge consideration when building or buying a LED grow light.
Growing lettuce without much vertical space? Get a LED grow light with wider beam angles. Growing a 3 foot tall plant where you want the bottom leaves receiving a lager amount of light? Get a LED grow light with a narrow beam angle but have the light higher (further away from the plant) than a light with a wider beam angle.

Lighting beam angle concepts (source)
Linear lights sources such as fluorescent tubes have such a wide beam angle which is distributed along the bulb, are great for lettuce which can then be stacked on shelves. In most grow situations, the closer your light source is to the plant, the wider the beam angle you want:
  • Short plants = wider beam angle
  • Tall plants = narrow beam angle and have the light up a little higher so that you're not light saturating the upper leaves

Practical examples​

A 3 watt LED does not necessarily have better penetration than a 1 watt LED. I've seen such discussions in multiple forums multiple times.
Let's say we have a single LED that is a (theoretical) point light source. It's light output will follow the square of distance law of light drop off in this case. At one foot we have one unit of light which covers one square feet, at two feet from the LED we have ¼ unit of light which is 4 square feet, at 3 feet from the LED we have ⅑ unit of light which covers 9 square feet etc.
But, what if we had a 1 watt LED with a 60 degree light beam output and the 3 watt LED with a 120 degree output. What LED penetrates the plant canopy better? The one watt LED is going to penetrate better since its light is 4 times more focused (simplifying here).
I have a 100 watt LED at 120 degrees and a typical 0.005 watt laser pointer (lasers are rated on their true optical power output unlike LEDs) at what ever degrees it is. The tiny laser has better penetration. I can focus it to put tiny burn holes on the bottom leaves of a typical indoor plant in a few seconds with better optics than a cheap laser pointer.


Beware that some LED grow light manufacturers/importers might make a comparison and have the ruler (or whatever) say 12 inches from their light (A) and a competitors light (B). So A with a light meter puts out at that 12 inches so much more light than B, maybe even twice as much as their competitor! No, check the beam angle of both the lights.
I've seen this trick so many times by people in the trade. In most forums it's not under standing beam angle and light drop off. You just need to put the light closer if using shorter plants or low stress training and a screen of green.
A lot of distributors are coming out with multi-beam angle LEDs. The ratio of wide angle to short angle would he a handy piece of information to know as well as their general spectrum (red, far red, blue, etc).


Well-known member
The following is an incomplete list of physical implementations of qubits,
and the choices of basis are by convention only.

Physical supportNameInformation support|0⟩
{\displaystyle |0\rangle }
{\displaystyle |1\rangle }
photonpolarization encodingpolarization of lighthorizontalvertical
number of photonsFock statevacuumsingle-photon state
time-bin encodingtime of arrivalearlylate
coherent state of lightsqueezed lightquadratureamplitude-squeezed statephase-squeezed state
electronselectronic spinspinupdown
electron numberchargeno electrontwo electron
nucleusnuclear spin addressed through NMRspinupdown
neutral atomatomic energy levelspinupdown
trapped ionatomic energy levelspinupdown
Josephson junctionsuperconducting charge qubitchargeuncharged superconducting island (Q = 0)charged superconducting island (Q = 2e, one extra Cooper pair)
superconducting flux qubitcurrentclockwise currentcounterclockwise current
superconducting phase qubitenergyground statefirst excited state
singly charged quantum dot pairelectron localizationchargeelectron on left dotelectron on right dot
quantum dotdot spinspindownup
gapped topological systemnon-abelian anyonsbraiding of excitationsdepends on specific topological systemdepends on specific topological system
vibrational qubit[21]vibrational statesphonon/vibron|01⟩
{\displaystyle |01\rangle }
{\displaystyle |10\rangle }
van der Waals heterostructure[22]electron localizationchargeelectron on bottom sheetelectron on top sheet

Applied Nanophotonics , pp. 9 - 51
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316535868.003




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Well-known member
Screenshot_20250103_213235_Govee Home.jpg
Screenshot_20250103_213219_Govee Home.jpg

These are the cheaper H5074 MODEL READINGS

Govee Thermo-Hygrometer​


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Well-known member
Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is considered to be one of the major environmental factors influencing stomatal functions and photosynthesis, as well as plant …Mar 31, 2021
https://www.frontiersin.org › full
Minimizing VPD Fluctuations Maintains ... - Frontiers

high VPD can result in an accelerated transpiration rate in plants and a slowing down or stopping of photosynthesis.

Chlorophylls and carotenoids are important in light-harvesting complexes present in plants. Chlorophyll b is almost identical to chlorophyll a, except it has a formyl group in place of a methyl group. This small difference makes chlorophyll b absorb light with wavelengths between 400 and 500 nm more efficiently. Carotenoids are long linear organic molecules that have alternating single and double bonds along their length. Such molecules are called polyenes. Two examples of carotenoids are lycopene and β-carotene. These molecules also absorb light most efficiently in the 400 – 500 nm range. Due to their absorption region, carotenoids appear red and yellow and provide most of the red and yellow colours present in fruits and flowers.

Purple and Green light harvesting :thinking:
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Well-known member

Red Light Spectrum (600–700 nm)​

Red light is known to be the most effective light spectrum to encourage photosynthesis as it’s highly absorbed by chlorophyll pigments. In other words, it sits in the peaks in chlorophyll absorption. Red light wavelengths (particularly around 660nm) encourage stem, leaf, and general vegetative growth – but most commonly, tall, stretching of leaves and flowers.

A balanced pairing with blue light is necessary to counteract any overstretching, like disfigured stem elongation. It’s important to consider that while red is the most responsive light spectrum for plants, its efficacy really steps in when in combination with other PAR wavelengths.

Far-red Light Spectrum (700–850 nm)​

There are a few ways far-red can affect plant growth – one is to initiate a shade-avoidance response. At around 660nm (deep red) a plant senses bright sunlight exposure. From 730nm and beyond – i.e. a higher ratio of far-red to red light, a plant will detect light “shade” from another plant or leaves higher up the canopy, so stretching of stems and leaves occurs.

Far-red can be very useful to promote flowering, and in certain plants, increase fruit yield (6). In short-day plants like Cannabis, which rely on longer periods of darkness, 730nm can be used at the end of a light cycle to promote flowering. Many growers are experimenting with interrupting the dark cycle with bursts of red light to boost growth and flowering.


Well-known member

PLoS One
. 2021 Mar 23;16(3):e0248988. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248988

Cannabis lighting: Decreasing blue photon fraction increases yield but efficacy is more important for cost effective production of cannabinoids​




Best >>> :huggg:
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Currently I'm running Lumatek. Id like to see an option for Phillips in the list. Most of the companies selling complete units and such, optimised for indoor growing instead of supplementation I think should not be put into the category's that commercial horticultural lighting companies are in.

Some lighting is used as the complete source of photosynthesis other is supplementations.

Phillips would be my choice for inter-row under-canopy top and vertical. I just finished writing a paper for my master on the Benefits of Led lightning in commercial horticulture. Consistency is the one thing above all else that stands out to me. If you grow basil at any time of the year it should be the same phytochemical compounds in the same levels in every batch. We can't run 3* kitchens and maintain consistency without it. If the recipe calls for 15g of basil it wants to be the same every day or the recipe must change, and growers ain't doing their job properly period..

Choosing fixtures depends on the structure you're growing in.. Glass/n plastic or bricks, the location, plant spacings and the predetermined crop height as LED isn't that as adaptable between crops in commercial applications..

You build from the bottom up, you've options of growing in rows in the ground or above with various crop support systems. Tables that move around, different fertigation delivery systems and environmental controls.

I only use the LED for Supplementation in flower and for 12 hours of the vegetative photoperiod..

It's good but HPS makes it better..
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Well-known member
Currently I'm running Lumatek. Id like to see an option for Phillips in the list. Most of the companies selling complete units and such, optimised for indoor growing instead of supplementation I think should not be put into the category's that commercial horticultural lighting companies are in.

Some lighting is used as the complete source of photosynthesis other is supplementations.

Phillips would be my choice for inter-row under-canopy top and vertical. I just finished writing a paper for my master on the Benefits of Led lightning in commercial horticulture. Consistency is the one thing above all else that stands out to me. If you grow basil at any time of the year it should be the same phytochemical compounds in the same levels in every batch. We can't run 3* kitchens and maintain consistency without it. If the recipe calls for 15g of basil it wants to be the same every day or the recipe must change, and growers ain't doing their job properly period..

Choosing fixtures depends on the structure you're growing in.. Glass/n plastic or bricks, the location, plant spacings and the predetermined crop height as LED isn't that as adaptable between crops in commercial applications..

You build from the bottom up, you've options of growing in rows in the ground or above with various crop support systems. Tables that move around, different fertigation delivery systems and environmental controls.

I only use the LED for Supplementation in flower and for 12 hours of the vegetative photoperiod..

It's good but HPS makes it better..
I really like pesto sauce, if I could id brush my teeth with it. Thats some good 💩 :ROFLMAO:
Added to the list hope you get a moment to vote, Phillips ;)

Best >>> :huggg:


Well-known member
I just finished writing a paper for my master on the Benefits of Led lightning in commercial horticulture
For anonymity reasons I wont request a copy of your thesis, im sure im missing a good read.
Will rest easier knowing you are here in this thread now to give us a proper educated review of the data here
:huggg: Thanks for sharing, the posts are in depth you make and im starting to get a feel for your style.

There are posts we make some are statements and others are questions
Many are just fragments of thoughts as place holders for details and continuing the conversation later
The board "sounding board" of the community posts are a great place to reflect on how our thoughts are viewed by others with their expertise knowledge and reflections. Then the sum of the community becomes even better than the individual thoughts of one person.

Thats where the greatness of the community shines thru.
Will take some time to read thru some comments in the next few days
Would like to ask your exact field of study if its not too intrusive, feel free to DM me
A reply to the question is not required so please dont feel obligated
Good day, @Mate Dave
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor

Basil is one of those crops that shares a lot of similarities with Cannabis.

I think the first paper I read was the NASA one.

The best oregano is catkins not leaf. I've had oregano that was so pungent you couldn't smell Haze or Afghan over the aroma the wild mountain oregano throws out.. Unsure if that can be replicated under glass and with supplementation..

I'll send you a Dm and pop into chat and I'll chat with you there.
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Well-known member

Basil is one of those crops that shares a lot of similarities with Cannabis.

I think the first paper I read was the NASA one. The best oregano is catkins not leaf.

I've had oregano that was so pungent you couldn't smell Haze or Afghan over the aroma the wild mountain oregano throws out.. Unsure if that can be replicated under glass and with supplementation..

I'll send you a Dm and pop into chat and I'll chat with you there.

za'atar alone most properly applies to Origanum syriacum
Amazin herb if you never grew it id highly recommended it