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I Care

Well-known member
Any evidence that LED is better than HPS or HPS is better than LED? Has anyone actually had bud tested for THC and terpenes???.
Thc and terp's are decided by the genectics of the plant not led or hps.
THC and terps, even that doesn’t determine quality. Plants are like pets after all, any pet is a good pet with a good person. Even low THC/terp buds can be of variable quality.

Trust the spoon, it’s all about the puff and not about the numbers. If it’s not as good of quality that it has to go in a paper to make it more palatable, it’s not that’s it’s not quality, it’s not top quality.

I Care

Well-known member
Hahaha however still is a led
Maybe I’ll ask him for it. It would be perfect for my sig thread. Put it in the free tent with the 15,000 lumens of 5700k Oudoor Flood Lighting. Would be like a 40 dollar rig for growing some fluffy.

Check this guy out. He does an amazing amount of reviews on products and the like. Also puts to bed a lot of 'bro science ' in this field we all play in.

I have watched that. And a few other videos of his. I was intrigued by the most recent one with Dr. Bugbee. I watched once and listed to two more times. That one is something really worth watching. He really gets a good talk going with Bugbee.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I know
Studies have reported that the various environmental factors, including light govern the synthesis of terpenoids.
From experience and growing GG4 for so long that the exact same plant can vary a lot depending on how grown. Swear my best was 2 600 watt HPS cooltubes, which kept room around 70ish, but never did side by side, and LED grows have always been hotter.


Active member
Does this look like light burn from LED? It's only on the top leaves of the plant.



Autistic Diplomat in Training
Chatted with someone here, a few years ago who swore grow and drying/cure need to be under 70F for best results, since some terpenes evaporate over that.
While many will argue LED's require higher temps...

My experience, and the overwhelming number of "my winter (cold/dry) grows are superior to any other" posts, definitely agree with lower temps being the most desirable for producing superior quality. ;)


500 - 550 PPFD is what I have been doing with 16/8 for light I was going to do 20/4 or 18/6

they appear to be growing fine

nor will I did it for these as I had planned for them to go outside but I can only do six :(

without the law jacking my plants

hated to bin them

all the best and grow well

I just know when mine hit a foot or so they started taking off


Well-known member
Any evidence that LED is better than HPS or HPS is better than LED? Has anyone actually had bud tested for THC and terpenes???
Yes, I have tested for thc and terpenes in all the environments now, over this summer season, with clean genetics...Nothing beats the sun. results were in descending order...Good Sun>Sun with HPS>Led>HPS. LED and HPS were in sealed climate controlled rooms with over 1100ppfd at canopy. Good sun was in low tech greenhouses, Sun with HPS in high tech houses that get less sun than the low tech houses. Our summer sun is over 3000ppfd at midday, so even through diffused plastic its over 1600ppfd of diffused lighting with no inverse square drop off..Can't compete with that shit..LOL.
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Well-known member
In some greenhouses, to fill up space as we were planting out, I planted some blocks of cuttings straight into flowering, in the good light of latter part of summer as stuff was naturally flowering outside, they went into hot days with bright light and I had to control climate for the majority which had had a 7-14 day veg already in another area and was moved across to flower. Those plants transplanted straight into flower hit high light (over 1500ppfd) and mid 30 degrees celcius on their first days in the ground. The first day I had the boss giving me lip as they were all flopped over and laying on the ground looking fucked...The next day most were standing up and by the next day they were all perky. 8 weeks later they were harvested at 5ft tall bushes.

So personally I think there's many ways to skin the cat regarding environment. LEDs run cool, so once you account for that and have bright light and a higher feed EC than HPS, you will start to see good results. But nothing drives that plant like the sun and a natural cycle. The optimal indoor sealed room parameters are actually just moving closer to mimicing what the plant would go through in a sub-tropical/temperate interface area where one would get the best outdoor crops, in terms of temperatures and humidities, vpd etc.. But as much as the light out there would get far higher than an indoor room, I see guys at the leading edge of growing, only using approx 1200ppfd at canopy for production, and they absolutely kill it, where as in summer greenhouse crops on can get far more light.. So I'm still figuring it out. Another thing I see is at the high light of indoor, compared to the extreme light of greenhouse in summer, different genetics react completelly differently, some in that extreme light need to be on generative watering almost throughout, as they just explode and bud and bud and bud and dont want to stop, making huge buds that sometimes not too marketable or botritus prone, but in the "lower" light of 1200 ppfd indoor they make amazing form picture perfect bud and finish up as per usual, whereas others won't give a damn and just make better bigger denser bud in the higher light and finish up earlier even with the extreme light driving their cycle faster. But for example in a sealed room with good light 1100-1200ppfd both would look similar centerfold bud. Anyway..rambling...

I Care

Well-known member
I didn’t drop these lights down at the 6” mark yet. Can’t monitor temps cause I gave away my ventilation/controller with my old 5x5z.

18in/45cm at 80% seems to be the very minimum amount of light I can offer these plants I flower.
I found the XS2500 on sale for $152.99 on eBay, so all in about $30 cheaper than my first purchase. Nice!

Interesting that the brand has been around for a couple of years
@woolybear You are running two of thes? What are you running them at?

I’m finally getting similar growth with both plants after using the light as two different fixtures at different hanging heights. Even getting some green back in them. I’m solving some suspected food and PH issues along with the lighting too. It’s a mix of things.

This is day 32 at a higher height

24in/60cm Old Soul


18” for both, it’s more visible improvement head in the tent vs. pictures


Rocket Soul

Well-known member
We were using nanolux LED bars, the LEDs were the best from the indoors, but the summer sun killed it...a few % higher THC and higher terps...and a way more extreme environment too..so just shows you, shows me, theres more to it all..
I dont have tests but seen (and smellt) enough to be convinced: direct high summer sun beats the shit out of every other growlight. And even further if you have a bit of elevation. And obviously proper summer, like in Spain.

Favorite weed ever was Blue Haze grown by my buddy at 800m height, i got some bud (maybe 100g) of the bottom buds that he just left for an extra two weeks after main harvest. That shit blew my mind, i gave some to friends and they were jonesing like a meth-head afterwards asking for more.
Strongest stuff was also outdoor, elite cut of Glue trap, full face melt and silence for two hours over about 10 peeps, nobody said a word, so stoney.

Though if i buy outdoor weed at the club its never the same; my guess is lower uv due to greenhouse glass/plastic. Not sure. But if you made your tests in greenhouses i urge you to take a crack direct sun.