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Lady Gaga: "I Smoke a Lot of Pot"

Let's see, explicit heroin use references, oedipal themes, not much in the way of sex tho..

Dunno if my kid would sit still long enough to listen to whole album. Not a huge fan myself, to be honest, might be cuz I gave up psychedelics a while ago.
are you talking about pink floyd? i've not heard the explicit heroin use songs. the only one close to that is cirrus minor off the more album/soundtrack, and that song was made for the movie.


stone fool
Girl likes to smoke weed when she writes music, talks empowerment of self, talks truth.

I dig Lady Gaga. But I don't listen to music, so I can't address that.



ICE Cream eater
Lets see who will be the first to name a strain Lady Gaga :D
I wonder what will the lineage be :chin:


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Active member
Yeah, she's talented. Many peeps here wouldn't know the difference between talent and their personal taste.

No doubt man. Before anyone gives an opinion on Lady Gaga.
Let me ask them a question? Do you like disco?
If the answer is no then their musical knowledge ended in 1974 and your opinion does not matter. Lady Gaga is modern electro-disco.
Not rock n' roll (remember the artform that died nearly forty years ago but people who think they like music hang onto.)
I have a strict rule that has served me well.
If I am at a place that someone decides it is a good idea to put on the "Eagles" I get the hell out of there! It means they are lame and have been listening to the same CRAP for forty years.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Let's see, explicit heroin use references, oedipal themes, not much in the way of sex tho..

Dunno if my kid would sit still long enough to listen to whole album. Not a huge fan myself, to be honest, might be cuz I gave up psychedelics a while ago.

I saw a bunch of teenagers actually wanting to listen to the older music thinking it sounded great. Me I prefer newer music as I love new music weekly lol peace out Headband707


Active member
Come on guys and gals surely you see real talent in Lady GaGa, ok maybe its not your cup of tea music wise but come on credit where credit is due, she can sing, play and write quality music. Needs to lip sync, i think not..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3R3KqrJAI4 fabulous accoustic artist.......in my opinion.....

lost in a sea

Yeah, she's talented. Many peeps here wouldn't know the difference between talent and their personal taste.

you cant be serious disco biscuit ??

the people that planned the nazi rallies were talented at what they did as well,,,,

alot of impressive pomp and ceremony,,

the amount of talented musicians that never make it anywhere in the music industry, because of tools that think people like her is what talented should be,,,

some similar scum would be jay z and beyonce,,, these people are freaks imo,,,


weed fiend
No doubt man. Before anyone gives an opinion on Lady Gaga.
Let me ask them a question? Do you like disco?
If the answer is no then their musical knowledge ended in 1974 and your opinion does not matter. Lady Gaga is modern electro-disco.
Not rock n' roll (remember the artform that died nearly forty years ago but people who think they like music hang onto.)

Like Sgt. Pepper's, Never Mind The Bullocks, Exile On Main Street... all dead.


gaga,Madona,beyonce and Britney all suck satans c--k:sasmokin:
and plenty more.instead of pushing boundries lets defend them.


weed fiend
you cant be serious disco biscuit ??

the people that planned the nazi rallies were talented at what they did as well,,,,

alot of impressive pomp and ceremony,,

LG and nazi rallies. Now that's real analogous, Lost. :chin:

the amount of talented musicians that never make it anywhere in the music industry, because of tools that think people like her is what talented should be,,,
should be listening to you?

some similar scum would be jay z and beyonce,,, these people are freaks imo,,,
whatever, it's your opinion

lost in a sea

sure is,,, and its very comforting to see some(most) people can perceive subversion when it is in front of them,,

im not telling people what to think,, im agreeing with the other people that blatantly think like i do,,


Active member
Look, some art is made for children and some is made for adults. It is a parent's responsibility to make decisions on how and when to expose their children to this sort of thing so that their children will have some sort of ability to catagorize what they are seeing when they do get exposed to it outside the home.

So i should lock them in the closet? Cause thats the ONLY WAY any of the above is a reality.I nor any other parent has say so in when they feel their kids should be exposed to all of todays crap.As soon as my kid goes to Wal-Mart she is exposed to the art for adults as you put it.When we go to Taco bell the crap thats on the radio is playin above our heads.When the oldest goes to school she has friend wit there mp3s and shit that contain things that their parents may not mind but i do.....no control no matter what we would like to think.I see what your sayin i just feel its a "easier said than done" situation.

Madonna was around when you were growing up. What did your parents do to keep you from becoming some kind of rampaging pervert because you happened to see most of her boob in the lucky star video as a kid?

I know *I* was titilated by that imagery... and that was long ago.

I don't feel that a video that showed a bit of skin from the 80s to be in any way shape or form as influential as the lyrics that are available at the flic of a switch today.Was a nice vid though.

Your parents hated when you listened to Nirvana and THEIR parents hated the beatles.

My mom hated nirvana cause it was LOUD and still is.

The key to not getting old is to stay in tune with new ideas and embrace the change that is going to keep on coming whether you like it or not.

50/50 on this one

You know you're too inflexible when the new music sounds like garbage and all you can remember is the good old days.

Love new music...90s80s70s60s and i'm sure a few from the 50s would make it to the playlist too.I just don't like what alot of todays music encourages.

There were plenty of bubble-gum bullshit in the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s... but what you remember are the artist that affected YOU.


Yeah. Bill Cosby had a bit in his standup routine 15 years ago about the same thing. His daughter was singing suggestive lyrics, too. This was in the late 70's or 80's.

Then i guess Bill learned he didn't quite have as much say so as a parent as he thought,even though it was his responsibility as a parent.

Your daughter will one day be a sexual being. You cannot protect her from this. What you can do is give her the tools and the wisdom to make good decisions when that time comes.

DingDingDing!!In compliance to the best of my abilities.

Did you take offense cause i used some thing you said as an example?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the amount of talented musicians that never make it anywhere in the music industry, because of tools that think people like her is what talented should be,,,


lots of talented people as you say. talented people like lady gaga who can write original songs with a commercial edge are much fewer and further between. its quite a rare thing.



weed fiend
gaga,Madona,beyonce and Britney all suck satans c--k:sasmokin:
and plenty more.instead of pushing boundries lets defend them.

Here's an artist who sells lots of records, wins awards and say's she smokes lots of pot on national TV. But she's eclectic so let's make sure we defend the boundaries. But since she's talking weed and not necessarily her career, which boundary do we defend, prohibition?

Who cares whether she's liked or disliked as a singer, musician, songwriter, producer, sound engineer... (I could go on.) The op is every bit as much or more about LG (the weed smoker) as anything else.

Instead of pushing boundaries on others, learn self respect whether you have followers or not. Your opinion is great but your boundaries aren't necessarily shared.

lost in a sea

but why blindly defend her db?

because she said she smokes weed ??


it also says it has another voice it its head,, a male voice that talks to higher spirits,, do you believe that ?
wow who cares she's a terrible influence on todays youth and even if she smokes weed she's still a freak. Why defend her cause i have one thing in common with her. Props for tellin people what you do without care of the consequences but doesnt take away from who she is or how she carries herself.

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