Well this is a style that I haven't fully explored yet... I've worn piano ties, and last year at a biscuits concert some young spun girl blew a bunch glitter into my face and ran off. But combine the two?Furthur is probably the only place where someone would see that and not bat an eye LOL.....
Bill Maher is the man, when new episodes are on I always watch them. The most smug person on planet earth but it's hard for me to not to agree with most everything he says ... Funny stuff...
Hey , you'd look great in a Tux Tee, V ...(especially one with the little rose on it , cheap thrills !)
Bet there'll be some great looking , young , darkhaired , east coast sweeties to keep you company those early march nights at the Orpheum shows . Used to love meeting the eastcoast women that came out to the Dead shows out here on tour , they were always pretty solid women & knew what they were about .
Speaking of raven haired beauties ... surprised that no one has mentioned "Amy" on this thread ...if just for a little phenomenon comparison . We know Lady Gaga is a little over the top and that seems to be a trend in what many kids are demanding these days . After all even kids are totally bored with the "Pop" formula musac & most any kid will tell you quickly that the world is a pretty F_cked up place .
Amys actually quite a nice girl according to the papparazzii who cover & follow her, but would you take her home to mom is the question ?

Maybe we could cut Lady Gaga a little slack here ?? lol