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Lady Gaga: "I Smoke a Lot of Pot"

Madrus Rose

post 69
Well this is a style that I haven't fully explored yet... I've worn piano ties, and last year at a biscuits concert some young spun girl blew a bunch glitter into my face and ran off. But combine the two? :peacock: Furthur is probably the only place where someone would see that and not bat an eye LOL.....

Bill Maher is the man, when new episodes are on I always watch them. The most smug person on planet earth but it's hard for me to not to agree with most everything he says ... Funny stuff...

Hey , you'd look great in a Tux Tee, V ...(especially one with the little rose on it , cheap thrills !)

Bet there'll be some great looking , young , darkhaired , east coast sweeties to keep you company those early march nights at the Orpheum shows . Used to love meeting the eastcoast women that came out to the Dead shows out here on tour , they were always pretty solid women & knew what they were about .

Speaking of raven haired beauties ... surprised that no one has mentioned "Amy" on this thread ...if just for a little phenomenon comparison . We know Lady Gaga is a little over the top and that seems to be a trend in what many kids are demanding these days . After all even kids are totally bored with the "Pop" formula musac & most any kid will tell you quickly that the world is a pretty F_cked up place .

Amys actually quite a nice girl according to the papparazzii who cover & follow her, but would you take her home to mom is the question ? :biggrin:


Maybe we could cut Lady Gaga a little slack here ?? lol

Madrus Rose

post 69
weinhouse is very talented as well. seems like all the really talented people are a bit on the wild side to put it nicely.

Amy Jade Winehouse (spelled this way?)

Just seeing she just got back from being booed off the stage in Dubai while making a euro tour come back and spain . Something about the size of her dressing room .
Then see she's been tapped & scheduled to do a duet with the great Tony Bennet....

Amy Winehouse booed by fans at Dubai gig (5 days ago)

Tho there's not much range to her voice there's some attraction to me of her elclectic mix of R&B & blues cabaret songs . Since the days of that Great "Lady Day Holiday" seems we all long for some type of female singing this kind of love spurned , love gone bad, laDY sINGS THE BLUES --> "torch songs".

Been rooting for Amy but fame & celeb comes on so fast in a rising stars carreer . Just wished there would be more fascination with focussing & developing her own work & dedication to cleaning up her act personally so that your being entertained without that sense of foreboding your witnessing also someone completely self destructing ...which kind of takes the entertainment value out of it . Some people thrive on that though ...

* Whether one likes LadyG or Amy there should be more civil exchanges here without the personal attacks & sparring ? Certainly there's some huge need alot of younger people have out there that want to see this kind of different or unique performer that doesn't personify the usual formula "pop" phenom which should be a subject of interest to discuss (civilly) .


Amy was so talented and hopefully the gelatinous goop that has become of her brain get's back to normal (sober).
She used to punch tuns of fans and spit on the pap's when her "Frank" album soared. Don't think many people asked her for autographs for awhile after those mishaps.
GaGa is a great ghost writer and parrot. Still so many talents and devils.
george w .......you called it dude.

Madrus I agree, while she (amy) dosent have the range as say GaGa she has alot of heart and soul in her tunes and to those like me that it apeals too hear it loud and clear.

I didnt see the video yet Im assuming she was booed off for being completly wasted and preforming a terrible set. Ill check it out.


weed fiend
Try a life of living on the road, motel rooms, dingy back stage dressing rooms, etc. Performing is a pretty lonely life, save working relationships. But even Keith and Mick ain't so much buddies as they are successful collaborators.

The life would drive us to drink alone if it weren't for the assortment of drugs to sample.

Elvis was a big example. Pills to sleep, pills to wake. All that dope in his system locked up his chute and the king died on the throne. What a way to go. Sh!t and went at the same time.
Amy was so talented and hopefully the gelatinous goop that has become of her brain get's back to normal (sober).
She used to punch tuns of fans and spit on the pap's when her "Frank" album soared. Don't think many people asked her for autographs for awhile after those mishaps.
GaGa is a great ghost writer and parrot. Still so many talents and devils.

not sure what you mean by ghost writer and parrot ? sounds interesting though . by ghost writer maybe meaning shes best when writing hits for other pop stars behind the scenes.

by parrot maybe just regergatating in her own stuff the melodys she has heard from her own insperations If this makes any sense.


weed fiend
I take "parrot" to mean visual prop. Maybe I'm wrong. Some of you guys would get a blast from theater, (not the movie theater...) Extravagant costumes go back thousands of years.


She wrote many hits for other artists. Many of her songs sound like other bands could of sung them. By her own admission her current song born this way was written with Whitney Houston's voice for whitney to record. Some of her songs sound like Gwen Stefani could have written them.
As far as range. Listen to Amy's Frank album and you will be surprised at how broad a range she had.


weed fiend
...By her own admission her current song born this way was written with Whitney Houston's voice for whitney to record.

I took it that gaga doesn't see herself as a superstar and merely thought of Whitney as inspiration to get away with singing the song as a superstar. :chin:


"The Fame" singer said that she wrote her new single "Born This Way" with Houston in mind, "because I wasn't secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar."

"So Whitney, I imagined you were singing 'Born This Way' when I wrote it. Thank you."

But her lengthy resume as a pop songwriter is as impressive as her own Fame(monster) :tongue: Gotta love little Stephanie Germanotta !
I follow now TT, I took that thank you speech as a way to offer sincere props to Whitney while at the same time bringing herself down to earth a little bit to endear herself to the masses, proclaiming insecuritys with in herself revealing that somehow she dosent feel as though she deserves all this fame.I found it to be poinent and sincere.And that made me respect her more.Showed us a a glimps of her humanity.Good to finally have a civil discussion in this thread as well.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I was on a road trip last May in NY & heard my very first & thankfully last Lady Gaga song, I knew it had to be her because it was truly unrecognizable shit/gibberish. living in northern MN does have its advantages as her music is on no playlist FM radio stations we have here, NONE!


lost in a sea

i had never heard that before,, selling someone a bridge,, my apologies,,

im jealous of you S4L,, the lizards all over uk media,,,,


weed fiend
I remember a peep posting The Sex Pistols had no talent. Something about them being the creation of record execs. But closer to the truth is their manager, Malcolm McLaren indeed suggested controversial subject matter for the Never Mind The Bullocks album. But McLaren wasn't a punk and the rebellious, up your chute lyrics weren't his forte.

I read a Rolling Stone article that inferred the songwriters Lydon and Cook were in it to humiliate McLaren for taking them on as his ticket to wide acceptance and pop culture fame. IMO, their attitude was the force behind the talent, they lived the life and didn't unduly bow down to others' influences.

lost in a sea


all they did was swear a bit and say fuck the queen,,

i agree they had no talent,,,, but what they said, were guided to say, made some people question the "fascist regime"

lg is pro the regime imo,, and has sold her soul so cant bow much lower,,

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