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Diary Koon's Outdoor adventures


Well-known member
We hit 38°C and they're still alive :)
These days are crazy hot so I had to go again to see the plants and give some water.
Some huge storms developed today but I think they were just a bit off target...seems the dancing is working somehow :)

BangiCongo x Panama pushing stigmas

Meanwhile on my window there is a tiny autoflowering plant, the NorthernLights x Malawi weirdo in full flower but with zero direct sunshine it's just a pet plant with little flowers


And the young GreenHaze x BangiHaze, seems quite delicate in this phase. She will probably go out in a week or two...

The forecasts are favorable for storms in the next days so just keep on dancing ;)



Well-known member
Same old story...
There were storms as predicted but that was it, after a few days the heat returned.
However in the stormy days it seems the green returned in the forests, trees benefited a lot but the undergrowth a bit less.
The soil also felt much better so I put the GreenHaze x Bangi outside, not far from the two main plants.
I don't expect much from this one, we'll see if she survives the first week :)

The situation with the BangiCongo x Panama plants is almost great, considering everything.
They are obviously a bit different phenos, even more apparent with stigmas colors, the smaller one is white and the taller one is purple/pink, I honestly didn't expect such nice coloring.

White pheno

Purple/pink pheno

One could argue the white is more "Congo" and the purple/pink more "Panama" pheno.
It will be interesting to see them next time, it seems they will be fairly quick to flower.

Meanwhile the NL x Malawi AF is almost done, it's funny to look at because she never had real sunshine and stayed bonsai sized. Smells pretty cool, a mix of earth, basil and wood.

Chop time soon!



Well-known member
So a few things happened from end of august,
I visited the plants in start of september as the rains started to be more frequent so the plants didn't really need more assistance. I went to see how the GreenHaze x Bangi was doing but I could not find the spot, so I guess I was too good at stealth :) Will visit in early november to see if I find anything...

Back to BangiCongo x Panama...
They had a pretty rainy time while flowering, there were longer periods of constant rains and storms with also very strong wind gusts. A total contrast to the summertime with extra drought and heat.
Yesterday was the end of a short period of sunny days, just before we get hit by another front and cyclone from the south west.
My reasoning - it's better to have healthy almost finished plants than ripe buds but compromised with bud rot.
So I decided to rather cut a bit early than wait another wave of rainy and cold days and nights.
It looks like I made the right decision because the plants were in very good conditions, one snapped branch and a bit leaning on the side, a bit of eaten fans but otherwise very healthy.

Bigger, more purple pheno



The shorter, more green pheno

The buds were surprisingly clean inside and out, probably strong rains helped, and there were almost zero insects, pollen or other plant matter on the resin. This surprised me, as I had a very wide range of weed quality from the outdoor grows, this seems to be the cleanest by far. Two ants and two micro spiders, three buds had some bud rot but overall less than 2% of the total.

The buds are now drying and they smell delicious, very sweet, fruity and floral with hints of pine.

This chapter of my 2024 OD grow is almost done, at least for the stressful part.
When harvesting them I was very well hidden in the bushes, then suddenly I heard thumping and after a few seconds some voices near me, like 10m away, two boys and a father looking for something in the ground. Probably mushrooms or just some interesting sticks. Anyway, I froze for two minutes until they went away so I could finish and get away asap.
Guerrilla is stressful but rewarding, I got more than anticipated from this grow, also I'm very pleased with how the plants performed.

Gotta smoke them and find out how much I like the outdoor weed, since smoked mostly indoor for 10 years... the hardest part is drying/curing...the wait... as you know :)
