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Diary Killing it with Urban Legends Cookies, Mandarine & Sour Cheese (auto) under MH FC3000


pure dynamite
Environment @ night time:



pure dynamite
no worries bro, I didn't hurt the bucket yet! I know you care about them a lot!

BTW: Today I started lowering EC, going to 1.4 slowly by adding more 1.4 to the current reservoir till it gets diluted/used. I did loweren N and Ca, raised P a bit. Gonna look at the plants in about 1 week and decide what I'll do about finishing EC for last weeks..


pure dynamite
Daytime environment:
(later.edit: when i opened the tent the sensor was put to the side so was not measuring real canopy humidity, I left it that way last time I took a picture, since it sits just in the middle of the door, at the side of the canopy. Anyway, real data is 24.5C, 67.9% 9.9 mBar VPD, not what you see in the picture. But both of them would be good environment conditions.)
Click image for larger version  Name:	noexif_5a4a07c7.jpg Views:	0 Size:	70.4 KB ID:	18113384
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pure dynamite
And just to show how a controller be smarter than a stoner, after I repositioned the sensor, nothing happened for 1 minute, but then a nice show of getring back on track was put by the controller:

So, by my stoner mistake I managed to put the controller through a situation that should never happen in real life where changes happened fast, the stoner in me forgot I already set it to a max of 65RH and vpd 10mbars, but the controller didn't forgot. It took minutes to go back under 65 rh.
Hope me telling you guys I am a stoner won't make you look at me diferently. I want to fit in! :joint:
So yeah, short story is.. This is the day I found out my controller is smarter than the stoner in me. :muahaha:


pure dynamite
Today I spent a good 5 minutes searching for "that bag of garbage" or whatever stinks my garage. My nose was telling me to find it and dispose of it. Just before hitting the 10 minutes mark, I got near the tent and it hit me.
It was the auto sour cheese. During the last 3 days it gone from fresh to dank, then next day it was frutty, now putrid garbage. Also, I've talked before of weed being similar to putrid garbage in smell in late flower, but i never really searched thr room for decomposing garbage because of a weed crop ever. Also, the filter seems to still be working. Smell so powerful it gets through the zippers or something!!!

Later.edit: In case this wasn't clear, I decided to not dispose of the plants. I can't lift them out of there anyway, and they would not fit my small garbage bin. Just making it clear before any smartass asks..

Tl;dr: The Cheese has gone putrid! I repeat, the Cheese has gone putrid!


pure dynamite
Another daytime environment reading:
Just about now controller should start controlling rh because it's going over 65%.
New pics of the plants will come in a day or 2, I just wanted to have some progress to show so I waited a bit more between pic updates.
See you guys and gals soon! :wave:


pure dynamite
I think i got it:
pic 1 = front-left

pic 2 = front-right

pic 3 = back-left

pic 4 = back-right

I tried to not capture parts of the canopy in more than one pic, but I was so high while taking the pics I have no ideea if I managed that.


pure dynamite
Things going well, water use is down, smell is getting more complex again, it's like old and wet wood cheese vat smell now. Sour indeed!
I am lowering input EC for over a week now, and I will soon reach EC 2 runoff. Fade is starting even in tops a bit. Based on how they look in a few days, they either go water only, or on a mild finishing nute. They are moving fast with late flowering so it shouldn't take long. More pics next week. :wave:

LJ farming

Well-known member
Sure looks great bro. 1 or 2 weeks to go? How high did your EC get and when did you start lowering it? One more question. Jacks told me to add calmag last and in every other nutrient line I have used it always has been first or second if Silica is being used. When are you adding calmag to your rez?

Cheers to a strong finish!


pure dynamite
Thank you LJ farming. About 2 weeks left to go, I would say. It got close to 4 EC runoff and I am not proud of that. IT happened around mid flower, for some reason they started using less nutes and I wan't checking runoff, turns out 24 waterings a day can add a lot of nutes to the grow media. Ofc my input EC was also very high, but I only feed up to around 2.5 EC this grow. Now my input EC been around 1 EC, and steadly dropping it since I said I started lowering it. Probably like 2-weeks ago. I add Ca and Mg first to my water, then the rest, mixing well in between and after. It should be always first from what I know, ones that using only R/O water should also use some of it as buffering even before they take the first PH of the water. Pure water is not so easy to get a good ph read on.
Since I got one plant in the middle that is more advanced than the others in flower, but I also seen they all cloudy trichs by now for some reason, I took a sample from that plant and tested it, stuff is fire as potency goes, and much smoother than my last grows were even after normal drying, and BEFORE curing. This was just a fast dried sample. But enaugh to know that when the other plants buds start to look swelled like the middle one, they will be ready.
Cheers man!
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pure dynamite
Some pics for you cool catz:
Click image for larger version  Name:	noexif_9f400efb.jpg Views:	0 Size:	319.9 KB ID:	18117857

Click image for larger version  Name:	noexif_5d3f8411.jpg Views:	0 Size:	332.1 KB ID:	18117858

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Click image for larger version  Name:	noexif_9f400efb.jpg Views:	0 Size:	319.9 KB ID:	18117857

See you guys and gals soon! Please don't forget to join in if you want to say hello or comment or whatever, I ain't keeping this thread going just for myself..
Later.edit: Forgot to mention, plants are 10.5 Weeks from seed now!

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