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Diary Killing it with Urban Legends Cookies, Mandarine & Sour Cheese (auto) under MH FC3000


pure dynamite
Urban_Legends Thank you! Nice genetics for sure. I will try again! :wave:

Creeperpark How could I fix that? I mean I did more watering for more runoff lately.. but it still floats above 600 when I check runoff. Any advice?
Thank you all for checking my thread! :wave:


Well-known member
The more watering runoff you do the more the hydroxyl content rises. It's all in the water you use because of 3 sources, tap, cal-mag, and pH down by-product. When you start with and only use pure water with a small amount of cal-mag at the beginning to the end you will have no leaf bronzing. The plant tries to push the hydroxyl out of its system, but there's nowhere for the molecule to go. The hydroxyl molecule starts in the roots travels to the top and stops, cause there's nowhere to go except in the leaf where it stays and collects. 😎
Take pure water and only add enough cal-mag for a 120 ppm mix for a buffer and let it set. After setting for about 8 hrs get a pH and EC reading before adding any nutrient. After the starting water is stable add just enough nutrients to set the pH in a good range. The addition of nutrients should put you spot on the pH 6.2. NO ph down needed! When the soil environment is balanced and clean from excess nutrient build-up the EC range can be kept much lower. 😎
I know I sound like a broken record but it's important to remember that the nutrient sequence is more important than nutrient quantity. As long as there is a complete nutrient ratio the plant will take what it wants and needs. Every time one mixes up a new batch of nutrients the starting sequence is reset to a complete source with everything it needs. This source is already known by the plant and there's no downtime. When one puts "impurities" in the root zone and they collect there, the plant nutrient selection has been CUT with impurities and gets cheated and doesn't get what it needs. 😎
Anytime one uses bottle nutrients with any media, it's best to start with RO water and stabilize it before adding fertilizer. Consistency is key by using the same pH type of water every time until the end of the grow. If I use only 90 or 120 ppm water I have plenty of room for a small amount of base nutrients. 😎
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pure dynamite
Will try to find a fix for that for next grows. My filter is not big or sturdy enaugh so I can use it for that much water quantity so maybe some kinds of rain catching system is needed for the future. Unless I could get away with using well water. Or some other easier to obtain source..
Honestly the bronzing is not a problem to me as plants look go, but for sure I want a better grow next time, so will try to do something about it.


pure dynamite
Thank you!
I was looking at the drying buds, picked a smaller side top or undercanopy bud to smoke (the bigger ones not dry yet, I am slow drying at 55 to 60 % RH), and then I seen how resin rich it is so I took a quick snap with the phone..


pure dynamite
Today was microscope day again in my tent and 2 plants were ready for harvest, but only had the time to do one. Took pics of them before but I am too high to post them now. They will come! Things look well. A plant I was estimating at 25+ gr yeld looks to be like 35+ now, after harvest. I also reduced light to 50%, since they don't seem to put anymore weight on.
Happy days! The auto cookie bud I puffed is great. Nice to have a balanced hybrid after all that sativa I was smoking all day. :joint:
Cheers, brothers and sisters! See you soon with more pictures and updates! :wave:


pure dynamite
They just had a watering of 300 ppm @ PH 6.3 / runoff 520 ppm @ PH 6.5. So whatever it is in the soil.. they are eating it. Today I harvested the 4th plant, looks like its gonna be a 30-35 gr plant. So I see an average of around 30 gr a plant coming, maybe a bit over if the bigger mandies are gonna raise it a bit.


pure dynamite
Pic dump of the 2 plants I harvested during the last 2 days. (pics from 2 days ago, Day 81)








pure dynamite
Thank you! You guys are really nice. The plants look great, buds look like proper buds, and I am very happy with that! Especially since we are less than 85 days from planting now, and I already have 2 of them dried to smoke on, and 2 of them hanging to dry, with all the rest to come down in about 2 to 4 days.
But, I am already thinkining further. This thread also shows that you can get a failed start grow mostly back on track, and that plants are quite resilient. I must say I am happy with Urban Legends auto, and the fact I never seen a pollen cluster or non-auto flowering plant from their packs is actually very nice. At same time, my thread also shows better results can be had. Cause i only managed to use light at 2/3 power, and my plants been deficient for at least a third of their life.
I will post some pics of the last 5 plants standing in a day or 2..
Peace and puffs, brothers and sisters! Thank you all for checking my thread! :wave:

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Thank you! You guys are really nice. The plants look great, buds look like proper buds, and I am very happy with that! Especially since we are less than 85 days from planting now, and I already have 2 of them dried to smoke on, and 2 of them hanging to dry, with all the rest to come down in about 2 to 4 days.
But, I am already thinkining further. This thread also shows that you can get a failed start grow mostly back on track, and that plants are quite resilient. I must say I am happy with Urban Legends auto, and the fact I never seen a pollen cluster or non-auto flowering plant from their packs is actually very nice. At same time, my thread also shows better results can be had. Cause i only managed to use light at 2/3 power, and my plants been deficient for at least a third of their life.
I will post some pics of the last 5 plants standing in a day or 2..
Peace and puffs, brothers and sisters! Thank you all for checking my thread! :wave:

It is really a great work to save these plants. :good::tiphat: