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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


Well-known member
My yearly hay fever is back which happens brutally ever May and June.... I'm just writing this for myself like a self therapy, now I know that if I smoke weed that it'll go away for another few days up to a week... But I don't want to alter the once in a month or two smoke plan, due to my small yeild that I have until the future grows.... I'm tempted into buying some of the legal CBD with minimal THC oils our country has but I fear that it won't help as much as my Killer a5 Haze will.... Last year it was worse though.... The medications obviously don't help that much but mainly make a person exhausted more than helping.... Unless taken at greater doses.... Than I wouldn't even be able to work though....


Well-known member
Also how can I make a weed infused alcohol drink using this strong pure hard alcohol that I have and would I need to oven heat the grinded nugs before putting them into the alcohol or can I boil them inside the alcohol? Do I need to freeze it in the freezer afterwards and for how long?
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Well-known member
Update: This time I rolled a big joint that I smoked for 4-5 days as it was far more potent this time, these were about 8-9 smoking sessions all of them extremely psychedelic, cartoony magical time and space wonderland, I have a lot more left, I can't believe that even by getting so little yeild from speed growing it still turns out to be alot....
Also I don't agree that this strain is unsuitable for socializing/cognitive or functional thinking or even work however I still highly believe that in the beginning of the high it must be done in a comfortable setting, because anything dramatic worrisome ect. could be overwhelming however also in the long run could also improve the mentallity. Mine isn't exactly lazy nor does it have any dumb effects, it does however have some narcotic effects mixed with energy, clarity, functionallity, and hightened trippy intuition that goes into the more deeper dreamy wonderlands which I'm sure will become greater over time.
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Well-known member
Took out my seeds to take a picture of them and then put them back, it's not issue that I took em out for several minutes right? The fridge inside is 2 degrees celcius they're also stored in a bag with other herb bags...
I took em out again a month ago for a few seconds but I wanted to take a picture this time.
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Well-known member
I just realized that I forgot to put up the picture of the two joints I was talking about and the comment was about using a part of a cigerette to fix one tiny rip, I had to delete it because there was no picture and it's been recycled...
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Well-known member
Wow, after six months in cure it's far more trippy, dreamy and hallucinagetic when it comes to visual auditory and time and space unity, unfortunatley sometimes I need a few extra hits to really get there now as I've been smoking several days, one hit and its mostly just like a normal Cannabis high with a bit of trippiness, two three hits it's heavenly magic, but when I take 6-12 hits I delve so deep into that fairytale matrix animated trip that parallel dimension where the oneness of everything becomes overwhelming kindof scary at times, that geometric land where time and space doesn't exist or becomes one with everything, it keeps getting better everytime, still though I'm guessing that if I had been able to bloom it for another few weeks it would've been like an LSD shroom trip... This would be a great plant to grow without lowering the light schedule too early and let it bloom with extra yeild and until it's fully mature, I need a season where I have four five months for that though...
Maybe the bud does have some extra moisture if it's still aging in development and becoming better in the curing papers and jar which has this button on it which sucks out all the air on closing....
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Well-known member
Had a few joints this week
Visually = Animated colorful scenery
Sounds = Like most Cannabis strains but with much more added depth and several songs come up even when not listening to them, though some sound unfamiliar
Onesness unity with time/space and surroundings is there after most tokes it seems, although some of the buds are more potent and psychoactive than others since some were more matured than others before harvest and others not as much apperantly but the right ones actually lead to a different realm if enough is consumed
Munchies this time actually set in after every two hours since smoking, but high lack of appetite at first, drinking actually seems to bring even more fun into it, although I would'nt recommend too much so that the high isn't forgotten :D
The need to experience this plant with a more matured ripened harvest though seems to be becoming essential to me, since I can't grow yet, I wonder how much better/deeper the high can actually be when not harvested earlier and done with a true vaccume cure....
The only stupid part is looking out for people on anyone of the balconies who are or might be walking by who may be potential snitches, but that's a much longer story....
Introprespectivness and imagination come in handy during these trips, again the only time I don't mind doing chores it seems :D Even they become adventurous and fun, but I still believe that socialising and watching or listening to favorite movies and or songs is still the best and also creative work like the kind I'm working on....
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Well-known member
@buteo @regentag @FeelHaze @Creeperpark @Old Fogey @shiva82
@Sativa1978 @X15 @smilley @Mate Dave
@dogzter @JAHNODUB
@Cactus Squatter
@Tangwena Hey there mates, Does anyone suppose a 2000 mg CBN and 250 mg CBD bottle of oil/tinture could mess with a high THC strain smoked afterwards, cause I finished up the bottle for three days to get the psychoactive high from the CBN which I did but on the third day of using the CBN tinture the KA5H which was only a tiny to medium sized joint this time seemed not as psychoactive also I didn't smoke it all at once but in sessions every 30 minutes, and the calmness and mellowness of the Killer a5 Haze high was unbelievably pronounced this time but I feel like I wasted a good joint because most of the animated time and space oneness effects were sortof non present this time but almost as if trying to come up :(
I hope I can grow soon, otherwise I have to smoke once every three months, next time no more oil prior to joint intake especially if it has CBD in it, it has to be the reason though right? Cause I even did excersizes and activities specially meany to get the tinture into the bloodstream harder which worked but then decided to smoke some of the killer strain which lacked in complexity....
No more CBD from this day forth...
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Well-known member
Heres a KA5hz in a 3 gallon pot. Ive been bending it over, to get more light to the lowers. Its a bit, unruly, and Im sure I will eventually have to support it. I also may top it.
I had a bit of Cat Damage to some of the leaves a bit ago, but its pretty much recovered.
Plant is under 1000w Halide-6500k at 18-20 inches. I normally use 1-2 20 gallon containers, Promix BX, Gaia Green 4-4-4-Azomite, Fulvic Acid, every now and then. Under 1000w HID and grow 1-2 plants, but am going to grow a few more, smaller plants.
Will also be flowered under 1000w Halide-6500k.
I do have 2 of these, this is the biggest one, though, the other isnt far behind. The cat, did more damage to the other plant.
Id like to see what one of these would do under 1000w HID, and a 20 gallon container, bent over, and vegged, to the max. I could have done better on these, but was forced to wait an extra week, while my bulb traveled the USA.



This is both of the KA5Hz, while still in 18oz Solo Cups.

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