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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


Well-known member
My yearly hay fever is back which happens brutally ever May and June.... I'm just writing this for myself like a self therapy, now I know that if I smoke weed that it'll go away for another few days up to a week... But I don't want to alter the once in a month or two smoke plan, due to my small yeild that I have until the future grows.... I'm tempted into buying some of the legal CBD with minimal THC oils our country has but I fear that it won't help as much as my Killer a5 Haze will.... Last year it was worse though.... The medications obviously don't help that much but mainly make a person exhausted more than helping.... Unless taken at greater doses.... Than I wouldn't even be able to work though....


Well-known member
Also how can I make a weed infused alcohol drink using this strong pure hard alcohol that I have and would I need to oven heat the grinded nugs before putting them into the alcohol or can I boil them inside the alcohol? Do I need to freeze it in the freezer afterwards and for how long?
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