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~[Kief Junkie & Q.K.] 250w Organic Soil NGB style MediCab (perpetual, var. strains)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Sorry that it's been so long since we had an update for ya. Things are coming along nicely for the most part. We do have an issue that's currently vexing us, but I think it might just be a case of overwatering (they appear to be UNDER watered, but I know that's not the case, so I can only imagine they're sensitive to too much water and that's what's going on). I'll take pictures and provide a more proper update later today.


Nice thread you got going here buddy. What kind of pots are those that you are using in the second picture, the spiky looking ones. I am assuming those are holes for air, and I was wondering what brand they are?

While I've never used Superthrive, I just revived some droopy sprouts, and I used a compost of peeled oranges, bananas, kiwi, and a few extras. Its got a lot of nutrients and now my babies were transplanted into bigger pots, and look awesome.

Just a thought... I would use Superthrive, but its hard to find around here.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Nice thread you got going here buddy. What kind of pots are those that you are using in the second picture, the spiky looking ones. I am assuming those are holes for air, and I was wondering what brand they are?

Thanks for the compliments LN! Welcome.

The spiky pots are AirPots, and yes those are holes for air. The cloth pots used in this and my last grow are SmartPots...same concept as the AP's, different method.


Sorry that it's been so long since we had an update for ya. Things are coming along nicely for the most part. We do have an issue that's currently vexing us, but I think it might just be a case of overwatering (they appear to be UNDER watered, but I know that's not the case, so I can only imagine they're sensitive to too much water and that's what's going on). I'll take pictures and provide a more proper update later today.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case...often times in my garden center history, most people that killed plants thought that because the plants appeared wilted, they needed water. So they watered them more, yet they appeared more wilted, so they watered them more...and so on and so on, until they brought back a dead plant and said, "What happened?"

Pulling the plant out of it's pot, you could just smell the rot beginning to take effect. The same holds true for most seedlings (again, I'm not a cannabis expert).

Let them dry out a bit, you don't want those little suckers damping off. With a little time and no water for a couple days, they should come back just fine!


Any ideas for a good airpot supplier online? I think I'm going to get some!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case...often times in my garden center history, most people that killed plants thought that because the plants appeared wilted, they needed water. So they watered them more, yet they appeared more wilted, so they watered them more...and so on and so on, until they brought back a dead plant and said, "What happened?"

Pulling the plant out of it's pot, you could just smell the rot beginning to take effect. The same holds true for most seedlings (again, I'm not a cannabis expert).

Let them dry out a bit, you don't want those little suckers damping off. With a little time and no water for a couple days, they should come back just fine!

I think this ended up being the case...too much water for their growth stage. I stopped watering and they've mostly perked back up (only one appears to be drooping still). But the most perplexing thing is that they'll perk up and then droop again hours later, and then perk up again. So I think light intensity might be a problem (we had dropped the light down within about 14" from the tops), so I moved the light back up a good foot or more. We'll see how they recover.

On the Airpots...not sure who carries them now, it's been a while and I know my old supplier stopped carrying the larger 5 gallon ones. Do a quick Google.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Update and new pics; start of week 3 in Veg

Update and new pics; start of week 3 in Veg

Sorry for the long delay in finally getting some new pics up here, but better late than never I always say. :)

So we've had this strange problem over the past week. It started with the leaves drooping, which appeared to me to be underwatering. So I watered them and about 4 hours later they perked up a bit. But the next evening they were drooping again. So yet again, we watered (the soil did seem pretty dry, despite the watering the day before). And again, they perked up. But alas, the next morning they were drooping again. So it was obvious that it wasn't underwatering.

So we got to thinking maybe it's overwatering, and we haven't watered them since Tuesday evening. Yet even though we are letting them dry out, they STILL droop from time to time. Strangely, it seems to primarily be only 2 of them that do it. Earlier this morning all but one was perky. Yet a moment ago I checked and 3 are droopy (see the pics below for evidence).

Ugh! I'm hoping that it's just a cycle they have to shake off after being overwatered, but I don't know for sure. They look fairly healthy (not counting the runt in the middle, who's only staying in the mix because I don't have anything better to put in her place) and they're putting out healthy new growth. So what's the deal? Anyone out there have any thoughts on the matter?

Feeling that maybe lowering the light as low as we did might have contributed (lowered it to within 14" of the canopy), we decided to put it back up as far as it would go (a good 24-30" from the canopy now). I think that helped some, but it wasn't the main culprit. The cold temps could also be a factor (only getting up to about 70 with lights on, approx. 10 degrees lower with them off). We did chop some new vent holes in each room this time around, so the airflow is much improved throughout the cab...maybe it's too much for them? We just don't know!


Sorry about the pics...they're not the best because the HPS is on, so I'll snap some more tomorrow when I take them out to water.

Start of Week 3 in Veg (Pure); (2 4 10)


Start of Week 3 in Veg (Pure); (2 4 10) #2

Last edited:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Well in addition to the problems mentioned in my last update, it now seems that we might be having another issue with one of the plants. It's starting to show some purplish dark blotches on two of the lower fans (and some slight tip yellowing on the set just below them). After a bit of research, it seems that it might be a phosphorous deficiency, possibly caused by our low temps.

So I'm going to put a seedling heat mat under these bitches and see if that doesn't warm them up a few degrees. I'm also going to turn the light on in the veg room, which should warm the flower room a degree or two as the fans pull the air from the veg into the flower chamber.

Hopefully a few days of more warm temps will be enough to jump start her again. It's not endemic or anything, so I think she'll make it. If this doesn't work, we'll try a high phosphorous bat guano tea on her.

If any of you have any other thoughts on the matter, let me know. I can take better close-up pictures of the problem if needed.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Picture of possible phosphorous deficiency

Picture of possible phosphorous deficiency

A few updates to report.

The first is that all of the plants seem to have gotten over the drooping stuff. So it looks like it was overwatering after all (or poor drainage due to a mistake I made in creating the soil, but that amounts to the same thing).

Next up is the poor plant suffering from what appears to be a phosphorous deficiency. Two of her fan leaves are splotched and mottled (see photo). I removed one because it was not only blotchy, but also necrotic. The other is blotchy, but not necrotic, so I left it on for now. There's also a few spots showing on one of the fan leaves an internode above these two, but it's not so bad yet. Last watering I made sure to add about a 1/2 tablespoon of high P bat guano to the water can for this one plant (not added to the others). I hope this is enough to help, but I'll add it again next watering if it appears to be spreading still. Any thoughts? In the picture below, is that what it looks like to you guys?

Possible phosphorous deficiency (Pure); (2 7 10)


As for the temps, we did manage to get them up a few degrees by turning on the CFL in the veg room, and placing the seedling heater mat under the girls in the flower room. Temps with the lights on hover around 73 degrees, which is a few better than before. Hopefully as we move into March the temps will get higher in there (and as the girls grow larger).

And last but not least, we switched them to 12/12 last night. They're all between 4-5 internodes and about 4-6" tall, which is about right in our setup. I'd have liked to let them go a bit longer, but I can't afford the dispensary pricing and I'm all out of our last harvest, so I have to rush this one a bit. But I hope as we move into a more perpetual situation, we won't have to make these kinds of calls...the plants can go as long as is appropriate for them.

I'll update later with a group picture of all the ladies (lights don't come on for a few hours still).


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Pics of first day in flower

Pics of first day in flower

So here's the pic as promised. The first day in flower. Can't wait to see these ladies take off. Already I can tell they really like the switch; they went through a little spurt last night. All of them are reaching for the sky and really happy looking. The little runt even caught up some; can't wait to see what she does...I have a feeling about her.

I forgot a few things last post. First is that I did a neem spray last night; soaked them good just as a precaution. No bugs yet that I know of, and we're planning to keep it that way (plan to wash the walls and floors of the cab with a dilute bleach solution in a few days). Second is that we moved the light back down about 6", to give them more intensity since I think they can handle it now.

On to the pics (what ya'll are here for anyway!):

First day in flower (Pure); (2 8 10)



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Y r u flowering them so small.

Hey Cheese! Thanks for stopping in.

We're flowering them so small because we're out of medicine from our last harvest and I just can't afford the hundreds of dollars a month at a dispensary. That and our cab only allows for so much height. Our next girls will be grown out a little longer in veg as long as I have a full medicine cabinet and can afford to wait.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Just a quick update to say that things are looking real good right now. Did another watering last night, this time I top dressed with some EWC and about 1/2 tablespoon of high P guano for the one girl with the presumed phosphorous deficiency (she seems to be improving in the sense that the deficiency isn't spreading). All of the girls went through a little spurt last night and looked real good this morning. Nice!


Eugene Oregon
Sweet, glad they pulled through.. knew they would.
I can't wait to see some pictures of these girls in full bloom.
Dispensaries are so expensive.. I feel you bro!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Sweet, glad they pulled through.. knew they would.
I can't wait to see some pictures of these girls in full bloom.
Dispensaries are so expensive.. I feel you bro!

Thanks for dropping in HerbG! I too can't wait to see these girls in full bloom.

Guest 88950

K.J., i feel ya on flowering early b/c your out of meds. good luck and im rollin up my chair for the show.
KJ, good to see you back in action brother!

Glad you made it through the struggles, good luck on keeping the nasties away this run!

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