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~[Kief Junkie & Q.K.] 250w Organic Soil NGB style MediCab (perpetual, var. strains)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
cheesebuds: Thanks for the compliments. I'll pass em' on to the girls.

ozeek: The top dressing stopped any progression of the deficiency the one plant was showing. I cut the one leaf off, so there was only one other leaf that was showing deficient, and it's hard to see in most of the pictures. Thanks for hanging around!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good news...our space heater finally got set up. It's been running non-stop, unfortunately, but we've managed to get the temps in the flower room to stay around 74 in the day, and we presume about 70 at night (going to reset the temp gauge memory tonight to find out for sure what the high and low is).

More good news: the tallest of the 3 plants is FINALLY showing pistils! Woohoo! We knew it was a girl, but it was taking so long to develop. I think the warmer temps have something to do with the sudden progress (it was hovering around 67 most of the day, up to 70 towards the end of the day...probably around 60 at night...brrr).

I looked back through some pictures of our previous grows, and it looks like these ones are way behind developmentally compared to our last two grows around this time (day 16 now?). The pics I was studying were from day 17 on our first grow of Pure's...they flowers/pistil's were much more apparent in those pictures compared to the last shots of our current Pure's. My guess is that the lower temps stunted them some (the pictures from the first grow were taken in March, when the general temps are a bit higher). Hopefully the heater helps!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good news on the temps. It seems like they're hanging around 75-76 most of the day, and dropping down to about 67 at night. Woohoo! They were about 8-10 degrees lower than that before we put the space heater into action. Sucks that we have to run this thing so often, but it sure shows in the plants. They've really amped up production of pistils since we plugged it in. The tall girl that wasn't showing for so long, is now blooming all over the place and has caught up with the other 2.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Just wanted to let you all know that things are looking REAL good right now. The 3 Pure girls are taking off and flowering like mad, and the new clone (Kali Mist) has been in the flower chamber for about 3 days now and is looking real good.

On another note: we took clones yesterday...2 from the tallest of our girls, and 2 from the most indica structured girl (didn't take any from the former runt). They've been in the veg room, under the clone dome, for almost 24 hours now.

I'm about to take pictures of the whole lot. I'll post them up tomorrow!


looking forward to a good oogling on those pure ladies.
KJ, i'm wondering how long those clones are gona take to root up, i had 2 pure clones that took almost two weeks to root properly.. i think it was my method tho (which has vastly improved) so i'm just curious


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
u got any new pix.

Not yet, soon! I took some last night, but when I looked at them this morning, they just weren't all that great (too blurry). So I'm going to retake them later this afternoon. I'll post the good ones up soon.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
looking forward to a good oogling on those pure ladies.
KJ, i'm wondering how long those clones are gona take to root up, i had 2 pure clones that took almost two weeks to root properly.. i think it was my method tho (which has vastly improved) so i'm just curious

Glad yours finally turned around. I'll keep the journal posted on how they do. They'd better not take 2 weeks...then again, 10 days is about what I expected, so what's another 4?


:wave: Looking good KJ. I see you have worked everything out.

K+ man



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 23 (Pure) and Day 3 (Kali) of flower...pic update!

Day 23 (Pure) and Day 3 (Kali) of flower...pic update!

So today is day 23 in flower for the Pure girls, and day 3 in flower for the Kali Mist girl (sorry, forgot to tell you guys that we moved her to the flower room this past Sunday). Things, as you can see, are going SWELL at the moment. :joint:

Not much to report really, just the pictures. Temps are staying between 66 (lights off) and 78 (lights on) fairly consistently, with a little help from our space heater. We continue to water about every 2 days, which is up from the 3 days we were doing. I removed a few fans yeterday that were out of line...blocking some important bits of flower/leaves. I also LST'd just a bit (you can see the hemp twine in the pictures), pulling some branches over into less crowded environs to make more room for each flower branch to get some direct sunlight (at least, as much as possible).

Excited about the progress!

On to the pics!

Kali mist is in the front left, the tallest Pure is in the front right, the runt is in the back right, and the indica looking Pure bush is in the back left.

Day 23 (Pure) and Day 3 (Kali Mist) of flower; (3 2 10)




Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Lookin good.

What is your cloning method?

Method? lol....wish it were that sophisticated. I basically chopped off the limbs that were least likely to have the best end result. Cut them at a 45 degree angle, then split the stem up the middle about 1/2 inch or so, and placed them in wet rockwool cubes. Under the dome they went, on top of a seedling heater mat, and that's where they've been since. Truthfully, I half expect they'll die....but I'm hoping for the best. If they do die, I'm sure I'll come up with a better method!


New member
Hey KJ things are looking really good from over here. Cant wait to see how this one goes for you. Im really looking forward to the Kali Mist, I had the pleasure of smoking some a couple years ago, I couldnt get the taste of it off my tongue for hours afterwards.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ things are looking really good from over here. Cant wait to see how this one goes for you. Im really looking forward to the Kali Mist, I had the pleasure of smoking some a couple years ago, I couldnt get the taste of it off my tongue for hours afterwards.

I'm really looking forward to the Kali too! I've had the opportunity to try it out a few times and it was good medicine indeed. Hopefully ours comes out nice and sweet. I have a feeling it's going to go long.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
still running the pures? fantastic stuff... looks great in here mate... all those hours spent glued to the pages here at IC are certainly paying off :D (for both of us ;) )


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
still running the pures? fantastic stuff... looks great in here mate... all those hours spent glued to the pages here at IC are certainly paying off :D (for both of us ;) )

Hey JS! Great to have to stopping by!

Yep, decided to run the Pure's again this time (last run we did 3 Royal Hawaiian's, 2 Bubblicious, and 1 White Rhino). I LOVE these plants! I can't wait for harvest day (though I am having a blast tending to them and watching the mature).


New member
Hey KJ,
I know that you're running one of the LC mixes I was just wondering which one exactly and if its been working well for you. Do your plants seem to be well flushed by the time you harvest. As soon as I get out of the Army this is almost the exact setup I want to start running. Thanks.

p.s. updates?