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Kerala Landrace info


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BTW: She is only 20 inches tall including the pot, 23 inches one way
and 27 inches the other way from above. She ain't alone either. It will
be very interesting finding out how much seeds a single plant like this
will produce.



Well-known member
It would assume not less than 500 seeds and probably closer to 1000. I can get 500 seeds off of much smaller plants than this. I'm sure you'll have plenty to spare indeed.


Active member
It would assume not less than 500 seeds and probably closer to 1000. I can get 500 seeds off of much smaller plants than this. I'm sure you'll have plenty to spare indeed.

Especially, when there's 4 like her and possibly another one or two that have yet to be sexed.

Not to mention the 100+ originals still under refrigeration.

The Kerala plant won't go extinct. I'm too far attached to this type of plant.


Active member
What is it about the Kerala that you like?
Maybe the actual description from the The Real Seed Company will convince you of something. :tiphat:

The Real Seed Company - Kerala

Region: Tropical India
Genetics: Pure South Indian Ganja Cultivar
Latitude: 9°N
Harvest: late December to mid February
Flowering: 14 to 18 weeks
Height: 2m
Yield: 1 - 2kg of dried flowers in natural environment
Characteristics: minty flavored golden buds with a euphoric, energising high; small dark seeds
Grow Type: Greenhouse or Outdoors

This is a classic Keralan strain from the highland growing regions of the Western Ghats, reputed
to produce the finest ganja in South India. Cultivated at altitudes of around 1700m-2100m this
Keralan line is a fine representative of one of the world's oldest and deepest ganja cultures.
Keralan strains are also reputed to have played a key role in the creation of the famous
Californian Haze lines.

Kerala is a classic sativa strain with distinctive bamboo-like narrow leaves, heavy side branching
and multiple bud sites. Plants typically reach heights of around 2 meters and not much more.
Buds are harvested as late as mid February, by which time they cure to a golden brown color
and have a tangy minty aroma.

The aroma when smoked is heavy, sweet and pungent. The effect from this Keralan strain is up
and creative, racy and energizing, but without an edge of panic or paranoia. It is a refined high
quality strain with great breeding potential.


Dr. Narrowleaf
Looking good! 2 meters is not a lot for a pure tropical, they must put most of their energy in growing branches. I remember my Keralas starting to form branches at less than a week old which is crazy :D Are you planning on running the Highland Thai next? Cuz if you are I'm anxious to see how they behave with similar pruning techniques!


Active member
I'm not sure if the Highland Thai would get bushy at all.
They do tend to produce really long internodes. I am not
sure when I'll run the Highland Thai as I have other things planned.

I will have to try them sooner than later though.


Active member
Blast off

I figured it's been 24 days since I flipped to 12/12 and need to get some pollination going on.
I only have one male dropping pollen now and don't want him to blow his total load and not
get anything done. Saving pollen scares me. What if I mess it up and the other males
never produce on time, etc.?

The other males are really set back. Probably because they:

A) Were smaller pots and under antique T-12 fluorescents.for far too long.

B) While the advanced plants were under the T-5 and in bigger pots from the start.

For example: If you plant two plants outdoors and one plant is in some
heavy shade it can be as much as 2 or 3 weeks behind the one in full
sun. I think this is what has happened because of the antique T-12's.

So what I did is pull out of my cabinet 1 good Kerala female with
1 NL/Haze female and placed them where the pollination won't
occur. The late male(s) will pollinate these two females in a week
or so and by then they will have even more pistils to pollinate.
Hence more seeds will be produced and they won't be all from
the same male. The NL/Haze males were culled so as to not
contaminate the Kerala bloodlines.

I will be keeping the male Kerala clones and be ready to rock the next time I need
them. I think saving male clones for a future grow is very wise. That way you can
easily up the amount of males you have to pollinate with and have them more ready
to pollinate on demand. I bet this is what professional breeders do.

Anybody who has grown pure Sativas knows how males are hard to come by.

If all goes well I should have pollination signs in 3 to 5 days.

Seeds from the earlier pollination will get evenly mixed with the later ones. To balance it all out.


Active member
LOLZ, change of plans and time to back up the bus.

Seeing what's going on this morning I yanked that early male out of my grow room and placed him back into quarantine.


The late male is almost ready to start dropping pollen and should be ready soon.
He's so much better in odor and structure than the early male. This male smells
much stronger and likable.

I've never before had a male Sativa with such bud structure.

He has pollen sacs on tiny stems like solid buds. :woohoo:

I'm very glad I took 2 clones from him and will now be putting them on Top Priority #1.



The females are also looking better and really packing those pistils now.




Active member
The early male has now been trimmed to all cuttings being placed in water in a tiny vase.
The water will be changed daily. I placed a clean sheet of aluminum foil under the vase to
collect all of his pollen that he will drop. His pollen sacs are well developed. Don't do this
with immature males or you may not get much pollen.

I did this the last time I grew Highland Thai and know this works great and saves on space.

Having all the pollen collect on aluminum foil will make it easier to save it as well.

I'm going to use an empty plastic pill bottle to store it.

This is kind of what will now happen with my cuttings.

Collecting Pollen For Breeding


Active member
My last two plants have just been sexed after watering them today.
One is a male and one female. Phenotypic variation with Landraces
is half the fun of growing them. They are truly a breeder's delight.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Corky

A loupe is a very handy accessory for sexing plants .
I find I can sex the plants at least a week if not 2 before I can see preflowers with my naked eye .

30 x Mag is sufficient for me .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
The pollination orgy is on and there's no turning back now,

I woke up this morning and my last male was slowly releasing pollen. So I took out the female
that I want to keep seedless out of the flowering area and replaced her with this last male.
It has been placed in front of a tiny fan with the females. Some pistils have already showed
signs of pollination because the early male did release a few pollen sacs worth of pollen. If I
was a guessing person I would say maybe 5% of the pistils on all the females show signs
of pollination. But now that I'm intentionally going full blast ahead. I bet a lot more
pollination signs will really show up by next week.

The slowest female will remain away for at least 10 days to let these males pollinate everything.
I want to keep one seedless for testing purposes.

Testing purposes = Smoke Time :canabis: :smoke:


Active member
Here's an update pic of the late male swelling up for action and a few of his lower pollen sacs opened today.



Active member
Here's 3 random shots of bud with seeds forming. I will be crazy counting the seeds off even one of these girls. :woohoo:
Yet the pollination will continue until the males are all dead. With an even crazier amount of seed being formed.

I'm gonna need a bigger seed container than a little glass vial. LOLZ





Active member
Some of the branches are getting too heavy and going below horizontal now because of the seeds.
I've used metal S hooks for some branches but ran out. So I improvised with the largest treble fishing
hooks I have. Which are large Mustad size 3/0. I'm going to have to make sure not to walk into those
too often since they are new and fresh out of the pack (aka. very sharp). Ouch.



Active member
I like it! In future maybe have another fan circulating air in veg? A little breeze makes trees:tiphat:

I will have more air circulation soon enough.

The problem is that they didn't get enough exercise early on.
The next crop will be more sturdy like barbarians.


Well-known member
I'm growing 4 Kerala females just now, sending them auto with a cross from crappy shortstuff autos, it will need several attempts, I used short stuff as its so opposite
to our kerala

one of the best sats ever


This may need some improvement ....lol



Active member
I'm growing 4 Kerala females just now, sending them auto with a cross from crappy shortstuff autos, it will need several attempts, I used short stuff as its so opposite
to our kerala

one of the best sats ever

View Image

This may need some improvement ....lol


Where do you fish to catch one of those?


this is the kerala male keeper i got.. drops pollen at week 4-5


got some females in flower too.. pics comin soon:)