On Main at second was the Windmill. Remember the extra tall doorman that looked like Lerch the butler on Adam's family?
What part of Lexington did you hang out in back in the day? We may know each other...an old fat man from ky checkin in with my peeps. brought back memories of 70's and 80's in lexington where i was a painter/contractor/drunk/pothead...anybody else visted lagrange?..was in that shithole for 6 months and about same in blackburn(only time in my life i ever turned down weed. was afraid of piss test and gettin sent back to "the big house" hehehe)..that was in 1982 and last fkn time i've been locked up..they taught me one thing .how to noT get caught and here it is. DONT EVER TELL A WOMAN SHIT!........if i had a penny i'd throw it in the sea, to see if it would float or grow a penny tree.
gramma watt,i lived all over lex..alexandria drive,richmond rd,versailes rd,american avenue,south broadway....i painted the fayette mall when it 1st opened in 1977..most of the downtown bars i hung out At are gone now..What part of Lexington did you hang out in back in the day? We may know each other...
I still have my Falls City Beer 'churchkey'...(I did have two, gave one to my boss; who collects FC memorabilia...go figure?..I thought he was a wimp?