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Kellogg's and Michael Phelps


I've noticed that Kellogg's cereals have been stacked up 10 feet high at the ends of aisles and marked way down about every time I go to the grocery store lately. There was a display of Frosted Flakes, the big boxes even, going for $1.99. I almost broke down and bought a few boxes at that price, but one of the boxes I grabbed (the only one in the stack, no less) had Michael Phelps smiling back at me right there on the front. So I put it back and said "oh yeah, that's right, fuck Kellogg's".

No big, I'm a Post and Big G man anyway. Cinnamon Life and Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed 50/50 with whole milk and just a touch of cream - truly the stoner kibble of kings.


What do you tell your kids when the greatest olympic swimmer of all time and the guy who caught the game winning touchdown in the Super Bowl are both pot smokers? It will ruin your health, you wont get into college, you'll be a loser. And don't forget to always tell the truth.
Enough about that, I think I'll smoke some pot and eat some more cereal.
The funny part is the number of those kid rearing cereal buying parents who occasionally toke but choose to be hypocrites.

I think calling folks like this hypocrites is a little strong..you have your belief, others have their own beliefs and ways to deal with this..