I've noticed that Kellogg's cereals have been stacked up 10 feet high at the ends of aisles and marked way down about every time I go to the grocery store lately. There was a display of Frosted Flakes, the big boxes even, going for $1.99. I almost broke down and bought a few boxes at that price, but one of the boxes I grabbed (the only one in the stack, no less) had Michael Phelps smiling back at me right there on the front. So I put it back and said "oh yeah, that's right, fuck Kellogg's".
No big, I'm a Post and Big G man anyway. Cinnamon Life and Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed 50/50 with whole milk and just a touch of cream - truly the stoner kibble of kings.
No big, I'm a Post and Big G man anyway. Cinnamon Life and Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed 50/50 with whole milk and just a touch of cream - truly the stoner kibble of kings.