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Kellogg's and Michael Phelps

i like the two sides to every story angle of this, i gotta agree i wish he'd have said fk you kelloggs and also told the Team USA take me or i'll swim for canada,(or whereever) and see what happens


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OK, I'm eating General Mills cereals & have switched to Toaster Strudels.
The Toaster Strudels are great btw, way way better than Pop Farts

screw Kelloggs



i like the two sides to every story angle of this, i gotta agree i wish he'd have said fk you kelloggs and also told the Team USA take me or i'll swim for canada,(or whereever) and see what happens

I think he should have said fuck off to both Kellogg and the US Olympic folks (as well as the hypocrites that now boo him over a lousy tabloid photo) and apply for the Jamaican bobsled team. :dueling:

Never ate the shit, damn sure won't be trying it now...just like you'll never get me inside a Ford vehicle alive. The problem with America is the corporations that try to run it while producing fucked up products and blaming defects on the consumer, focusing on out dated morals over personal responsibility.:rant:


I just cant understand how he gets a DUI and thats ok but smoking pot in a house, not endangering anyone is grounds for canceling his contract.

Fn sad really. how many people a year DIE from DUI's? hoow many people a year die from smoking cannabis?

I havent bought any kellogs for a while anyway, who the hell wants to pay extra for a box of cereal because it has an athlete that you gave millions to on the box. stupid



Active member
I don't eat any Kelloggs products anyway. Local supermarket provides their own brands of every food Kellogg makes. Why shell out more money for the name when the product inside is the exact same (or in my case, usually better since it's also organic)


Active member
Kellogs just donated all the cereal in box's w/his pic. on them to a food banck in SanFransisco,Ca.

Good For Kellogs!!As far as Tommy's letter,well written,cept it wasnt from phellps,it was from tommy.If Tommy ever gets busted for hittin the bong he's covered,Mikey tho,still a whore for the money!!


Active member
Kellogs just donated all the cereal in box's w/his pic. on them to a food banck in SanFransisco,Ca.


Did you also check out that the food bank or someone associated with the food transfer is trying to make some money by selling those boxes of cereal on EBay?


Lammen Gorthaur
I gotta' give up Pop Tarts? Man, you can't be serious. We're talking the greatest munchy in the history of munchies... Okay, we need a poll thread on that question...


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
I gotta' give up Pop Tarts? Man, you can't be serious. We're talking the greatest munchy in the history of munchies... Okay, we need a poll thread on that question...

You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything.


half cat half man half baked
I loved Pop Tarts, but never again!



I gotta' give up Pop Tarts? Man, you can't be serious. We're talking the greatest munchy in the history of munchies... Okay, we need a poll thread on that question...

Dude where you been? Cap'n Crunch has been the number one munchie blaster for as long as I can recall (typically measured in minutes, but some ties in years, lol.)

Amstel Light

Because of this:


I'll be giving the finger to Kellogg's from now on. No more Special K or any other products from them for me or my family.

You can tell them how you feel here:


Here is what I said...

"I am very annoyed by your announcement withdrawing support from Michael Phelps. Your knee-jerk reaction shows you don't care about the man, you just want to make money off of his fame. Marijuana has many medicinal uses and is a far safer recreational substance than the alcohol and cigarettes the government sponsors and pushes on the youth and public. Unfortunately, since you have decided to pull the rug out from under this man, I will no longer purchase Kelloggs products and will encourage everyone I know to join me in this boycott. I heartily encourage you to reconsider your decision."


mods feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum if you think it would be better...

funny first time ever sending message to company.. mine was less eloquent "you drop Phelps we drop you" wish i read yours first...


i copied this:
I am very annoyed by your announcement withdrawing support from Michael Phelps. Your knee-jerk reaction shows you don't care about the man, you just want to make money off of his fame. Marijuana has many medicinal uses and is a far safer recreational substance than the alcohol and cigarettes the government sponsors and pushes on the youth and public. Unfortunately, since you have decided to pull the rug out from under this man, I will no longer purchase Kelloggs products and will encourage everyone I know to join me in this boycott. I heartily encourage you to reconsider your decision.

and sent it.
you summed it up great.


Supposedly the original Kellogg had a sanitarium where "herbal" enemas were part of the healthcraze cures 100yrs ago. The sanitariums a fact, the Mj douches are anecdotal.
They made a pretty funny movie about the place with Matthew Broderick. (Not so funny if youre a seventh day aventist I guess)

Therefore I believe that Kellogg's should say; "We support Mike Phelps. It's OK to smoke MJ and we promise not to stick it in his ass ...or yours anymore."

'Bout all I can say bout that.


Parents of cereal eating kids spend more money with Kellogg than stoners with munchies. Hard to believe, I admit, but true. Guess who wins. Come to think of it, when do we ever win one? Damn, a bowl of cereal sounds good about now.......


Parents of cereal eating kids spend more money with Kellogg than stoners with munchies. Hard to believe, I admit, but true. Guess who wins. Come to think of it, when do we ever win one? Damn, a bowl of cereal sounds good about now.......

The funny part is the number of those kid rearing cereal buying parents who occasionally toke but choose to be hypocrites. You know at least a third of them secretly light up every now and then. Hard to win with an army of one in this situation.