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Kellogg's and Michael Phelps

OG savatage

Because of this:


I'll be giving the finger to Kellogg's from now on. No more Special K or any other products from them for me or my family.

You can tell them how you feel here:


Here is what I said...

"I am very annoyed by your announcement withdrawing support from Michael Phelps. Your knee-jerk reaction shows you don't care about the man, you just want to make money off of his fame. Marijuana has many medicinal uses and is a far safer recreational substance than the alcohol and cigarettes the government sponsors and pushes on the youth and public. Unfortunately, since you have decided to pull the rug out from under this man, I will no longer purchase Kelloggs products and will encourage everyone I know to join me in this boycott. I heartily encourage you to reconsider your decision."


mods feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum if you think it would be better...


Active member
Complete list of Kellogg's products:

* All-Bran® Products
* Apple Jacks® Cereal
* Austin® Cookies and Crackers
* Carr's® Products
* Cheez-It® Crackers
* Chips Deluxe® Cookies
* Club® Crackers
* Crunchmania™ Products
* Eggo® Products
* EL Fudge® Sandwich Cookies
* Famous Amos® Cookies
* Fruit Flavored Rolls
* Fudge Shoppe® Cookies
* Gripz®
* Hydrox® Cookies
* Jack's® Cookies
* Jackson's® Cookies
* Keebler® Cookies and Crackers
* Keebler® Grahams Crackers
* Kellogg's® Cereals and Snacks
* Kellogg's™ Cereal Straws
* Kellogg's™ Cocoa Krispies® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Corn Flake Crumbs
* Kellogg's® Corn Flakes Cereal
* Kellogg's® Corn Pops® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Cracklin' Oat Bran® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Crispix® Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Crunchy Nut™ Granola Bars
* Kellogg's® Froot Loops® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Frosted Flakes® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Honey Smacks® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Keebler Cookie Crunch™ Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Live Bright™ Brain Health Bars
* Kellogg's® Low Fat Granola
* Kellogg's® Mini-Wheats® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Mueslix® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Nutri-Grain® Products
* Kellogg's® Product 19® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Raisin Bran® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Raisin Bran Crunch® Cereal
* Kellogg's® Smart Start® Cereal
* Kellogg's™ Smorz™ Cereal
* Kellogg's® Special K® Products
* Kellogg's® Stuffing Mix
* Kellogg's® Yogos® Snacks
* Krispy® Saltine Crackers
* Morningstar Farms® Veggie Foods
* Morningstar Farms® Natural and Organic Veggie Foods
* Murray® Cookies
* Murray® Sugar Free Cookies
* Pop-Tarts® Toaster Pastries
* Ready Crust® Pie Crusts
* Rice Krispies® Cereal and Treats
* Sandies® Cookies
* Scooby-Doo!® Crackers
* Soft Batch® Cookies
* Themed Snacks
* Toasteds® Crackers
* Town House® Crackers
* Vienna Cremes® Sandwich Cookies
* Vienna Fingers® Cookies
* Wheatables® Crackers
* Worthington® Loma Linda® Veggie Foods
* Worthington® Veggie Foods
* Zesta® Crackers

~Abbie :joint:
I'm sorry, but I am not boycotting kellog's just because of Michael Phelps. They didn't drop him. They just decided not to renew his contract which ends this month. They chose not to renew the US olympic teams contract as well. Doesn't seem like to much of a big deal to me.


i was all about the boycott till i seen the raisin bran crunch on the list:yoinks:


so Kellogg's makes better swimmers than cannabis? fucking sugar narco drugs


Freedom from Choice.

Freedom from Choice.

Its what you want.
Its what you got.

I`ll say it again in the land of the free use your freedom of choice.

A ROoR or a ready rolled bunga.
$5 bucks a pack of cardboard sugar crisps.


Active member
Imma repeat myself cuz your old farts.
His contract with Kelloggs was up at the end of the month anyway(already been paid by K)the 3 month suspension is useless(no match till july) and he is worth well over 100 million as we type.
This weasly ass chickenshit of a slug,who had the chance to say damn right,thats me with the bong and look at my gold medals......DIDNT!!!
Instead it was a shameful mistake,and I regret ever trying the evil weed.....he is only worried about his pocket,and did nothing but a dis service to any mj movement!!!!
HE'S the prick I'M boycotting,not Kelloggs.....I wouldnt want a chickenshit like that for a spokesperson anyway,cuz he is nothing but a liar!!
Prop's to Kellogg's,who will continue to recieve my dough for there's!!


A Letter I’d Like To See (But Won’t)
Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Dear America,

I take it back. I don’t apologize.

Because you know what? It’s none of your goddamned business. I work my ass off 10 months per year. It’s that hard work that gave you all those gooey feelings of patriotism last summer. If during my brief window of down time I want to relax, enjoy myself, and partake of a substance that’s a hell of a lot less bad for me than alcohol, tobacco, or, frankly, most of the prescription drugs most of you are taking, well, you can spare me the lecture.

I put myself through hell. I make my body do things nature never really intended us to endure. All world-class athletes do. We do it because you love to watch us push ourselves as far as we can possibly go. Some of us get hurt. Sometimes permanently. You’re watching the Super Bowl tonight. You’re watching 300 pound men smash each while running at full speed, in full pads. You know what the average life expectancy of an NFL player is? Fifty-five. That’s about 20 years shorter than your average non-NFL player. Yet you watch. And cheer. And you jump up spill your beer when a linebacker lays out a wide receiver on a crossing route across the middle. The harder he gets hit, the louder and more enthusiastically you scream.

Yet you all get bent out of shape when Ricky Williams, or I, or Josh Howard smoke a little dope to relax. Why? Because the idiots you’ve elected to make your laws have have without a shred of evidence beat it into your head that smoking marijuana is something akin to drinking antifreeze, and done only by dirty hippies and sex offenders.

You’ll have to pardon my cynicism. But I call bullshit. You don’t give a damn about my health. You just get a voyeuristic thrill from watching an elite athlete fall from grace–all the better if you get to exercise a little moral righteousness in the process. And it’s hypocritical righteousness at that, given that 40 percent of you have tried pot at least once in your lives.

Here’s a crazy thought: If I can smoke a little dope and go on to win 14 Olympic gold medals, maybe pot smokers aren’t doomed to lives of couch surfing and video games, as our moronic government would have us believe. In fact, the list of successful pot smokers includes not just world class athletes like me, Howard, Williams, and others, it includes Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, the last three U.S. presidents, several Supreme Court justices, and luminaries and success stories from all sectors of business and the arts, sciences, and humanities.

So go ahead. Ban me from the next Olympics. Yank my endorsement deals. Stick your collective noses in the air and get all indignant on me. While you’re at it, keep arresting cancer and AIDS patients who dare to smoke the stuff because it deadens their pain, or enables them to eat. Keep sending in goon squads to kick down doors and shoot little old ladies, maim innocent toddlers, handcuff elderly post-polio patients to their beds at gunpoint, and slaughter the family pet.

Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll apologize for smoking pot when every politician who ever did drugs and then voted to uphold or strengthen the drug laws marches his ass off to the nearest federal prison to serve out the sentence he wants to impose on everyone else for committing the same crimes he committed. I’ll apologize when the sons, daughters, and nephews of powerful politicians who get caught possessing or dealing drugs in the frat house or prep school get the same treatment as the no-name, probably black kid caught on the corner or the front stoop doing the same thing.

Until then, I for one will have none of it. I smoked pot. I liked it. I’ll probably do it again. I refuse to apologize for it, because by apologizing I help perpetuate this stupid lie, this idea that what someone puts into his own body on his own time is any of the government’s damned business. Or any of yours. I’m not going to bend over and allow myself to be propaganda for this wasteful, ridiculous, immoral war.

Go ahead and tear me down if you like. But let’s see you rationalize in your next lame ONDCP commercial how the greatest motherfucking swimmer the world has ever seen . . . is also a proud pot smoker.


Michael Phelps

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
A Letter I’d Like To See (But Won’t)
Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Dear America,

I take it back. I don’t apologize.

Because you know what? It’s none of your goddamned business. I work my ass off 10 months per year. It’s that hard work that gave you all those gooey feelings of patriotism last summer. If during my brief window of down time I want to relax, enjoy myself, and partake of a substance that’s a hell of a lot less bad for me than alcohol, tobacco, or, frankly, most of the prescription drugs most of you are taking, well, you can spare me the lecture.

I put myself through hell. I make my body do things nature never really intended us to endure. All world-class athletes do. We do it because you love to watch us push ourselves as far as we can possibly go. Some of us get hurt. Sometimes permanently. You’re watching the Super Bowl tonight. You’re watching 300 pound men smash each while running at full speed, in full pads. You know what the average life expectancy of an NFL player is? Fifty-five. That’s about 20 years shorter than your average non-NFL player. Yet you watch. And cheer. And you jump up spill your beer when a linebacker lays out a wide receiver on a crossing route across the middle. The harder he gets hit, the louder and more enthusiastically you scream.

Yet you all get bent out of shape when Ricky Williams, or I, or Josh Howard smoke a little dope to relax. Why? Because the idiots you’ve elected to make your laws have have without a shred of evidence beat it into your head that smoking marijuana is something akin to drinking antifreeze, and done only by dirty hippies and sex offenders.

You’ll have to pardon my cynicism. But I call bullshit. You don’t give a damn about my health. You just get a voyeuristic thrill from watching an elite athlete fall from grace–all the better if you get to exercise a little moral righteousness in the process. And it’s hypocritical righteousness at that, given that 40 percent of you have tried pot at least once in your lives.

Here’s a crazy thought: If I can smoke a little dope and go on to win 14 Olympic gold medals, maybe pot smokers aren’t doomed to lives of couch surfing and video games, as our moronic government would have us believe. In fact, the list of successful pot smokers includes not just world class athletes like me, Howard, Williams, and others, it includes Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, the last three U.S. presidents, several Supreme Court justices, and luminaries and success stories from all sectors of business and the arts, sciences, and humanities.

So go ahead. Ban me from the next Olympics. Yank my endorsement deals. Stick your collective noses in the air and get all indignant on me. While you’re at it, keep arresting cancer and AIDS patients who dare to smoke the stuff because it deadens their pain, or enables them to eat. Keep sending in goon squads to kick down doors and shoot little old ladies, maim innocent toddlers, handcuff elderly post-polio patients to their beds at gunpoint, and slaughter the family pet.

Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll apologize for smoking pot when every politician who ever did drugs and then voted to uphold or strengthen the drug laws marches his ass off to the nearest federal prison to serve out the sentence he wants to impose on everyone else for committing the same crimes he committed. I’ll apologize when the sons, daughters, and nephews of powerful politicians who get caught possessing or dealing drugs in the frat house or prep school get the same treatment as the no-name, probably black kid caught on the corner or the front stoop doing the same thing.

Until then, I for one will have none of it. I smoked pot. I liked it. I’ll probably do it again. I refuse to apologize for it, because by apologizing I help perpetuate this stupid lie, this idea that what someone puts into his own body on his own time is any of the government’s damned business. Or any of yours. I’m not going to bend over and allow myself to be propaganda for this wasteful, ridiculous, immoral war.

Go ahead and tear me down if you like. But let’s see you rationalize in your next lame ONDCP commercial how the greatest motherfucking swimmer the world has ever seen . . . is also a proud pot smoker.


Michael Phelps



Kelleggos you suck just another corporation holding down MJ.
You overpriced Garbage cereals full of sugar.