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Karma's Jack O'nesia Test Grow


Karma Genetics

I suggest you repot these is a bigger pot fast.

They are looking good


Active member
Hi guys, glad you could stop in.

I'll be putting them in 1 gal pots and they will be placed in flower as soon as room opens up, which will be in about a week. The females will be moved to larger containers once they show, and the males will be moving into a specially designed flower room. It's going to be fun keeping track of all the clones from all the different mothers these are going to produce; I like to keep multiple backups of everything....

They should be in their new pots by next weeks update.


Hope the runt ends up being a queen,from my own expierance when they do go,the go fast.
Looking very healthy,how much do you expect them to stretch in bloom?
All the best!:joint:


Looking good, have you thrown them into flower yet? I am curious to see how they will do in 1 gallong pots.



Active member
HI everyone. Sorry for not being around, but I've been really busy with work and just haven't been able to take many pics. Hopefully my schedule will return to normal soon.

I placed the 3 largest in flower on the 12th and all 3 showed sex within 2 weeks. Two males and One fantastic looking female. I've just placed another 2 into flower. They're in one gallon containers; for size reference. As you can see they do like to stretch, then again these were the tallest ones. The newest ones going in to flower will all be topped to tey and control some of the stretch they put on in flower; two today and three more next week.

The female is on the left.


The female solo.


The largest male.


These will be entering the flower chamber today.



Active member
The two plants from the previous post have already sexed, and both are female.:woohoo:

The following two have been in flower for a little less than 14 days and one has already shown its sex(male). That makes 3 females and 3 males with one yet unknown out of the 7 that have been placed in flower, with two still waiting to go in.


The first female that showed is still stretching (I've got her in a bondage position)and has already started putting out some nice little buds with visible resin even at this early stage. She smells nice, you can smell the haze as well as few other things. I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow.


Active member
Of the seven placed in flower 4 are female (4/7).

Some quick pics of my Jack O'nesia (#1), just as the light went off. I'll try and take some better pics in a day or two...


As you can see it even has glands on the fan leaves, and it's only at day 33 of flower in a seed grown plant, not a clone; consider it didn't show sex until about day 14-17. It is very, very sticky to the touch. She has an incredibly intoxicating aroma that to me smells like a "mountain fresh" fabric softener and Haze with a little funk thrown in for good measure...

My original plan was to put them in a larger pot as soon as they showed female, but this one stretched so much that even tyeing her over I don't think she'd fit in my flower chamber. Her clones and sisters will all be going in topped as you may have noticed in the last few that have gone in to be sexed. This will allow me to put them in larger (9 lt) containers as soon as they show.


How's it going bro? That Jack looks dank, very good job. I am sure that they will turn out great for you!!



Active member
Thanks OG. My photography skills suck, and I definitely didn't do her justice. I'll try and take a better pic soon.


niceman i hope you get a lot of big fat nugs,,,but don't forget about us when the nesia sets in lol,,,peace


Active member
Don't worry Ido, I won't forget.


Day 43

This girl is coming along nicely, despite her small container (1 gal); I've already got cuts in my veg chamber preparing for another run with her in larger (9lt) containers. The smell is really nice with a definite haze component, and she is really sticky putting out a nice amount of resin already. I am surprised at how solid and firm the buds are. Given it's ancestry I would have imagined a much airier bud, these are downright chunky. I would imagine that in a decent growing container this one would produce pretty decently; next time around for sure.

Update #2, 3, and 4
Day 21


These are in 9 lt pots, in a soilless mix amended with oganics.


Active member
Hello everyone. Here's an update on the #1, she is at day 63 in this pic. She is starting to ripen a little and all of the fan leaves have started to die off so I figure another couple of weeks and she might be ready(day 77?). The nugs are rock hard and covered with resin, the smell has evolved into a complex set of layered aromas that is just delicious to smell. They include haze, pine, mountain scent fabric softener and a very spicy woody smell that is not unlike one of my favorite Sage's of all time. My photographic skills can't possibly do her justice, but here it goes anyway.


I'm pretty impressed with the growth and yield of this lady considering that she is only in a 1 gallon container. I can't wait to see how her clones do in 9 lts and topped.

Did I mention that the buds are very dense, absolutely covered in resin, smell dank as hell, and it's like touching fly paper it's so sticky... I can't wait to taste this lovely lady.

These are #2 (on the left) and #3.

They are at day 46 in the pic.

#2 (on the left) smells as good as any plant I have grown in nearly two decades of growing. She smells like a mixture of haze and sweet butterscotch and it's absolutely amazing how good it smells.

I have been having problems with all the plants that I planted in the same batch of soil as these(2,3,4); all varieties. I'm not sure what's wrong with it but an investigation of the soil from a recently harvested plant of another variety showed that Zero root growth had taken place in to the surrounding soil from the plants original smaller container that it had been kept in. The results from #2,3, and 4 may be delayed until a clone crop can be flowered for a proper evaluation.

Females 5 and 6 will be going in to flower in a few weeks.


nice man girls look good,,,hope u are able to get ur soil issue under control,,good vibes bro,,,peace