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Karma trying duo fluors and Maphito.....


Active member
All the best for the backcross, buddy ! :D

My thought Leon has got something like Sensi Superskunk x HB that's really good.. ;)

Well, that problem of spiders is a real mess.. You know I know you know we've had spideys for years, both of us, uhh ? hehe... I've tried pyrethrin, rotenone, Neem, all alternated or specialized treatments... Leon even tried Dicofol, a product that's not recommended for human food, and that seemed to work..

BUT you know what ? 2 years later, we're stil hosting spideys and I guess they're even tougher to kill, finally... ;)

So... the only thing that I guess would solve the problem is STOP using poison, let it dissapear and invest in a long term Aphid or any predator treatment...
After dissapearance of all pests, some more predators to catch the few larvaes that will pop now and then for the folllowing months...and you may be done, healthily.


Karma Genetics

The plants are harvested. The Kushage did very bad. But the HB did good. Will post some dry pics when its ready.

I am getting ready for the next run. I will use normal Grodan slabs this round and put in less plants. Only Happy Brother next run.


sorry bout kushage my friend, its such a nice smoke i know now, hehe

but congratz on the happy brother anyway. that shit is future grail stuff for shure!

get some pix from my nice meeting with you and the guys soon. i enjoyed it so much


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about the spidee's. :frown: Smart move just running the HB's next run. Best wishes, HL

Karma Genetics

Just waiting for the clone's to root. Then i will grow them in the starterblocks until the roots come out, and then straight to flower.

Esben: I am happy you liked it. Always good to have you as company......... :rasta: :rasta:
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New member
very nice grow! im thinking of buying same type of lamps, could you plz tell me the dimensions in cm ?


East Coast Grower
your plants seem to be very happy. Those flouros are pretty sweet. I grow with cheap t12's but they seem to work ok. Certainly an interesting experiment. Keep up the good work
Hey Karma!
The Happy Brother looks really great!! Too bad about the spidermites (en zo leer ik elke keer weer wat nieuws, spint=spidermites, goed om te weten!)
Looking forward to the next round.
Would you recommend these types of light for people with minimal spaces?
:wave:, Low

Karma Genetics

These lamps work great for small space's hobby growers....


Nice system, i also want to use PL-L bulbs, but for vegetative. Bad enough, dont have $$ to buy them, im still a poor student :(

Any experience whit white/blue aquarium PL-L lamps?

Saludos desde el sur del mundo!

Karma Genetics


A few years ago i used daylight aquarium tl lights. They work great but are also pretty expensive. but in my eye's a very good for a small vegg area.


Karma Genetics said:

A few years ago i used daylight aquarium tl lights. They work great but are also pretty expensive. but in my eye's a very good for a small vegg area.

yeap, expensive... but seams plants love that extra blue of the 10.000 K blubs at vegetative. Im using some LEDs to add blue to my regular T5 fluos, but want some extra light, thats why i was asking ;)


I'm growing under 110W PLLs atm, and I second Karma's recommendation.

They spread out the light really well compaired to regular 100+ W CFLs.


New member
Sorry i'm writing this in dutch, my english ain't very good ...

beste KarmaGenetics

Voor de bouw van een nieuw microhok viel m'n oog op PL-L.

Ik had graag even geweten hoe het komt dat de opbrengst wat tegenviel. Kwam het door de mapito, of door de verlichting, of misschien nog wat anders ... ?

En nog wat, die 80W lampen, worden die erg warm of valt dat nog wel mee? Kun je ze nog vastnemen na zo'n 7 uur branden?

Bedankt in ieder geval...


Those aquarium lights will work. To buy the fluorescent fixture is very inexpensive at hardware stores or ebay. You can use the regular office lights and put them righton top of the plant and they grow real well. I started a great grow back in the 70's in Alaska. Got called to work in the oilfields and had to leave it. I knew nothing of light cyles. I could have gotten buds because I grew all damn winter and the winters are long there.


i love this man! SO nice dude!

GOod job man very skilled grower


Those lamps you're running are the 2700K ones right? I'm asking because i bought the 4000K bulbs myself, with the original intend being only to use them for vegging. So far I'm very happy with the results and after some considerations I have decided that I want to complete the grow with the duo flours, but perhaps switching to 2700K bulbs. How do you think the 4000K would do if I were to run them through to the end?

Karma Genetics

I think you would do good to get the 2700k bulbs and switch. It will be better yielding. The combination of the 2 works well also but then it should be more somthing like 3 to 1.

They are great for veg and they can produce very nice compact plants. For flowering i still prefer a HPS.


Thanks for the quick reply mate.
I'm only using 1 lamp for a small closet grow, so i guess I'll be switching to the 2700K about 2-3 weeks into flowering. Cheers, again, it's good to see that the lamp i bought can actually perform!.. :)

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