Chopped the tops of #1 at 9 weeks, she turned amber quick. Gonna see if letting the remaining bouquet of popcorn nugs ripen a bit more does anything. Trichs are a mix of clear to light amber on those
#2 has not been chopped. Her trichs are clear/cloudy, may need another week.
#1 popcorn nugs @week9 on the left:
#1 chopped:
Here u can see the various stages of leaf senescence on #2:
I chopped the tops of #2 on Sunday. Quick thoughts:
#1 appeared to stack better, but #2 tops is actually denser.
#1 has a little gap at the base of the buds, like most weed plants I've grown (its where I hook them to hang dry). #2 has no gap, its all buds
#1 = 11 tops (81 grams kind of moist), two rows of popcorn nugs
#2 = 7 tops, 1 row of popcorn nugs
Both are easy to trim. After a week or so, the popcorn nugs are clear/cloudy/amber so I chopped those today.
I let #1 hang dry in a box for 4-5 days, not sure, but I definitely stopped drying the day before it would've been too much. I snipped all the buds off and was able to completely fill a 1-gallon jar.
I don't know the moisture content as my meter ran out of batteries, but they felt around the 50-60% level and got 81 grams.
Took a couple of nugs out, let them dry in a small jar with the cap off, and were smokeable in a few hours, really good overnight.
Smoke quality: Good. Burns well. I fan feel a hint of fire in the background waiting to come out. Stoney but not too strong, which makes sense as it's fresh.
The buds will be in the freezer until I get batteries for my moisture meter.
Of the four Karma I popped, one dies, two are likely male, and one may be female (with a huge calmag appetite).
The Wedding cake x Black widow turned out to fine smoke. Have a clone of the pruple leaning pheno, and am have a tent full of them almost ready to harvest.
I hope the Karma turns out female, and my QCBW clones stay happy!
The Wedding cake x Black widow turned out to fine smoke. Have a clone of the pruple leaning pheno, and am have a tent full of them almost ready to harvest.
8/15,,,, praise the sun, we have a female Karma Rado Biker! Only took 8 seeds!
This one really doesn't like when you forget the calmag. Big lovely leaves, trained the main stem to be flat for about 1 foot. The other unknown/probable males on on the top left and middle left.
I did another round of tying down (low stress training, LST). Here's a view of the side, really liking the growth on the side shoots:
This plant gets irritated with plain water a couple of days in a row, showed a bit of leaf curl. Giving her full strength feed + 5 ml of cal mag in my oddly shaped container.
One branch is 8" from the lights, I hope I didn't over-veg her like I seem to always do. My excuse is that she took forever to show!
So we did a Mid November harvest. Final notes:
- not too impressed by the Karma Rado biker. It's unique with it's white colored pistils, and totally reminds me of a batch of bubba kush I grew a while back in terms of structure. I didn't like that bubba kush either
- The freebie wedding cake x black widow is the winner. Super super frosty, very dank with a fuel note late in flower. Reliably turns purple. Vigorous, easy to clone, does stretch a bit. Just took down my 2nd batch of her, and have round 3 ready to go.
I ended up having two phenos of the wcxbw, heavy yielder vs foxtail leaner. Went with the yielder.
I'll give the Karma another chance, have a batch of clones.
Alright final run of the year - recently flipped both of my tents. One rado biker and 3x WCxBW.
The Rado biker needs calmag every feeding. I've been putting in 8ml every feeding and I'm so far avoided the leaf yellowing issues I've had in past grows.
Still have a few gnats flying around, picked up some yellow sticky traps. I've kept them at bay using the soil raking technique, and I also bought a fresh bottle of Monterrey BT. Note: The BT has a very strong smell; my older bottle basically had zero smell after a few years, so it has a limited shelf life.
Haven't really thought of popping any other seeds - have a bunch in the freezer. Would love to try more people under the stairs gear.
Karma's rado biker turned out to be dud. Have a few clones of the wedding cake x black widow. I'm moving on to some new seeds, namely:
fem Gorilla haze
fem Frebee lemon something
fem Zskittzlezzzz
fem Purkle
In the past, I had problems with damping off in seedlings. I believe one of the causes is exposure to our friend the fungus gnat, and cold temps. Also, I tend to forget things if I haven't done them in while.
To combat, I do the following:
- locate the seed tray far from any contaminants, i.e. my bathroom. using a small rechargeable torch as the light source.
I use small rockwool cubes as a medium. 5/5 are awake, the purkle taking a bit longer to spurt out of the seed shell. Once I see a taproot, they get xferred to cups of coco.