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Kalyx - CCG - Summer 14 Grow Log (Bodhi, Hazeman, G-13 Labs, TH Seed)


anybody buys medical marijuana in pharmacy? or best use only product, that will grow in home or own plant?:tiphat:


Joint Date: Today.

I would veg for a week more at least if i was you, id look for a lil more structure formation especially after the toppings..
Exept for that im looking forward to see your healthy plants bloom
I am very happy with my Goji OG mom B) its some very fine smoke

Keep it green



Active member
Hey thanks for the pics v7ej207 that looks awesome really hoping I have something looking like that here when finished. If so I will be very pleased.

WAMEN thanks I really appreciate it.
In all honesty I would like to give them a few extra days to veg. It is actually being staggered slowly down to 12 hours on the cycle and wont be fully to 12/12 till friday 7/11. Hopefully that will give them a little extra veg time to bush up. Working with a full garden though and not sure what the male/female ratio is going to be. I predict most of these strains to be at 200% minimum and more likely 300% stretch. Depending on ratios I could quickly be running out of room, that being said really need to keep them as small as possible. Each week longer they grow the more potential issues I run into with available floor space, height is not the issue.

Of course watch my luck I end up with horrible male ratio and plenty of open floor space. I would just be wishing then I gave them a longer veg.

Luckily most of them have had some really good growth on the branching and should bush up nicely. There are a few plants that are behind on that aspect mainly being the Elephant Stompers.
I can always leave the stompers and any others that haven't come along enough in veg for a little longer, while everything else goes in the tent.


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some quick updated photos from Day 37

Goji #1 looks like 4 tops for this one.


Goji #1 side shot


Goji #2


Fuzz #2


The Fuzz #2 side shot



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Day 42 Update - Official Day 3 of Flower

Well on the bright side plants have really exploded in growth throughout the week.

On 7/7 through 7/11 incrementally cut hours down from 18/6 to 12/12, Friday being the first official day of bloom.

During the week had noticed a couple of gnats and declared war. I want my grow space sterile no bugs or pest are welcome not even one. Have placed up sticky traps in the veg and flower rooms as well as putting a top dressing of diatomaceous earth on the soil. Lets see how they like that, maybe a little overboard for seeing maybe 5 gnats throughout the week. More than anything just an annoyance that should be fully exterminated in a couple of days.

Today was a rough day, doing inspections of the plants to see if any were showing signs of sex I found something I didn't want to see.
5x sets of balls is what I found, last thing I wanted was to chop down 5 of my plants today.

The males that showed nuts today and killed off were;

Goji Og #1 #2 #4 - Males RIP 7/13


The Fuzz #2 - Male RIP 7/13


Elephant Stomper #2 - Male RIP 7/13


Initially I was wanting to collect pollen and make some f2's of the Goji, Fuzz and Elephant Stomper. Have decided against it though with this run, will not be keeping any males this cycle. I just hope that those are the last of the plants on this grow to find the axe for being male.

On the bright side my Pineapple Express is a fem seed, so I know she is a she. The Bubblegum that apparently was an auto flower is coming along nicely. Would be shocked if she yields anything, 7 grams would make me happy with that runt lol. She does have a straight skunky bazooka joe bubble gum smell.

Pineapple Express - Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom


Bubblegum - Day 42



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Day 42 Update Continued.

It does appear that I may have 2 potential females after inspecting the plants.

I have single white hairs spotted at nodes of Goji Og #3 and Elephant Stomper #1. (2 hairs on the stomper)

Goji Og #3 - Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom


what appears to be a white hair.


Elephant Stomper #1 -Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom


what appears to be a white hair.


Both of these plants have growths on them that have me worried they might be growing balls and in fact not females. I'm probably just overly paranoid at this point after chopping 5 big beautiful bushy plants today.

Pics of example in the next post.


Active member
These are what have me a little on edge and unsure whether my last goji and stomper are females or not.

Goji Og #3


Elephant Stomper #1


If anyone has any opinions or knowledge please share.

Then I still have 2 beautiful bushy and 1 runt Fuzz that have yet to show signs. Not sure why no balls or signs yet but have a feeling that the Fuzz #1 will be a male. Maybe cause its the biggest, thickest and bushiest of all of them.

Time will tell, fingers crossed all 3 are females which will give me a nice selections of phenos. I think I will just be on edge a little until I know for sure which plants are females. Planted 12 seeds 2 of them were fem seeds, 10 of them regular. So far 5/10 males, I have never had worse than 50/50 male to female ratio praying that continues to hold true.

The Fuzz #1 - Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom


The Fuzz #3 - Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom


The Fuzz #4 - Day 42 - Day 3 Bloom (this plant was a runt and vegging slow so was never topped)


Its going to be a nervous week until all my plants have been sexed, got my fingers crossed.

Will be updating throughout the weeks as events unfold.


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DAY 49 Update Flower Day 9

All plants have been sexed now, of the remaining plants, was left with 6 Females, technically 7 counting the auto bubblegum in the veg room.

The sexy girls are;

3x The Fuzz
1x Goji Og
1x Elephant Stomper
1x Pineapple Express

Wish I had an extra Goji pheno or 2 but very happy with how the fuzz are coming along so far.

Plants have really started exploding with the stretch over the past week and I doubt they are done yet. The Pineapple Express is the one that has stretched next to nothing keeping a very squat indica structure.

Plants have been very healthy and happy, I am very relieved now that everything remaining has been sexed and is a female.

Elephant Stomper #1 - Flower Day 9



Pineapple Express - Flower Day 9




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The Fuzz #1 - Flower Day 9

This one has some odd shaped 3 finger leaves, not my favorite structure wise, quality of the flowers is all i'm interested in.


The Fuzz #3 - Flower Day 9

She is my favorite of the Fuzz so far getting a nice skunky smell just loving on her structure


The Fuzz #4 - Flower Day 9

The runt this one was the only plant that didn't get topped, she was just vegging to slow. Not thinking she will yield much, she sure has some fat leaves. Maybe she will surprise me, runts always seem to produce fire for me.


Goji Og #3 - Flower Day 9

Wish I had more than just one of these but man she is purty and quite the stinker.



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Bubblegum Day - 49

For a bit she smelled like straight bazooka joe bubblegum. That smell is still there but it has been over taken by a skunk. She is really starting to put on the frost the past week, just hope she really starts to fatten up for the finish.






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UPDATE - Day 56 - Flower Day 16

For the most part it seems like the stretch has finished with all plants. I would say all of them stretched close to 300% most standing near 3 ft tall right now.

The Pineapple Express has a very squat indica structure and stretched very little.

The Fuzz #4 was the runt plant might have stretched close to 300% but less so than the other fuzz phenos.

The Elephant Stomper by far stretched the most of any of the plants has had the most dominate sativa appearance and structure of all plants.

The Goji Og #3 is by far the stinkiest of all the plants giving off a straight og funk. All plants have good smells, no doubt the fuzz have chem in the genetics from the smell. Nothing else right now comes close to comparing in smell to the Goji.

All plants are doing really well hairs have really started exploding off of all the bud sites on plants. Things will start getting real interesting here in the coming weeks as the smells and buds start to develop.

Enjoy the show...

Elephant Stomper #1




Pineapple Express




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Update Continued - Day 56 - Flower Day 16

The Fuzz #1

This one is the craziest of the Fuzz structure wise kind of all over the place, looks like she should yield really well along with #3 lots of branching and bud sites. Smell wise she is the weakest smelling of the Fuzz plants but no doubt she has chem in her.



The Fuzz #3

This is my favorite of the 3 fuzz phenos this one has the strongest smell of the 3, has the best structure of all of them. Love the big fat leaves. Looks like she should yield very well also assuming the nugs fill in nicely.





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Update Continued - Day 56 - Flower Day 16

The Fuzz #4

She is the runt, slow vegging, wasn't sure for awhile if she would even make it. She wasn't topped because she was just lacking vigor. She sure did stretch a lot. She has a great chemmy smell like the other phenos not as strong as #3 but stronger than #1. She has the biggest fattest leaves of any of the plants not just the fuzz plants. I know it probably means nothing other than I find it amusing to see the smallest plant in the garden having the biggest leaves. I don't think she will put out much yield with her structure but I hopes its straight chem fire.



Goji Og #3

Love everything about this girl, love the way she is built, love the shape of her leaves. By far the strongest and my favorite smelling plant right now. In love with her aromas hitting my nostrils every time I open the tent, you just get blasted with skunky lemon funk.





Hello there Kalyx :tiphat: I have some Elephant Stomper and Goji OG seeds as well. I can't wait to see how your's turns out.

Plants look great by the way:D


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Update Continued - Day 56


She has been packing on the frost and starting to dense up a little bit. She isn't ready yet but getting closer in thinking maybe another 2 weeks perhaps 3, the trichs will tell. She wont produce much but hope she continues to fill in more. She does have a great aroma you can smell the sweet bubblegum but that is subdued to a skunky funk.



She is very happy so much so her leaves all pointing up was making it a bit difficult to get some good pictures of her. The quality this week of the lighting isn't helping her show off the frost.


More updates coming next week.


Active member
Hello there Kalyx :tiphat: I have some Elephant Stomper and Goji OG seeds as well. I can't wait to see how your's turns out.

Plants look great by the way:D

Thanks Duck I would love to see how yours coming out as well.

Both of mine have been so vigorous and have smelled so great.

Really excited to see how both of them turn out.

Hope yours come out great would love to see them if you have pictures or a log up?

-Kalyx :tiphat:


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Update 8/3 - Day 63 - Flower Day 23

Overall the garden is going great, all of the plants are looking healthy and happy.

All stretching has really seemed to have come to a complete stop, all of the plants really seem to be focusing on their bud development right now.

All of the plants were given a thick top layer of earthworm castings, then topped off with a layer of diatomaceous earth. With the hot summer weather and the amount of moisture in recent weeks, has really increased the insects outside. Some gnats have made there way in the house and I don't want them getting in the soil. Also put up so new sticky traps to kill off the ones that made their way inside.

Well enough talk lets get the show started......

Elephant Stomper #1

She is lanky and beautiful by far the most sativa in her structure. The tallest plant in the garden also, her tops are a couple inches taller than the next closest plants. She doesn't have nearly as much side branching as the Fuzz or Goji plants though. She looks like she is still going yield nicely if she continues to keep filling in.


Like all the other plants this is the first week you can easily see the frost starting to form on the plants. This week has really altered the smells of all the plants as their terp profiles are starting to develop. She smells of straight sweet grapey funk, absolutely in love with it, she is just intoxicating. She smells like grape stomper no doubt about it, never grown the GS before but have smoked plenty of it. I was crossing my fingers I would get a GS pheno and I think she is. Hope she packs on the frost and flavor.


Pineapple Express


The opposite of the Elephant Stomper this one is the most (only) indica in appearance and structure. Just squat bushy, barely any stretch, therefore she is propped up on a crate so her canopy is near even with the rest of the plants. I really love the way she is built very bushy and very tight node spacing. She may be small but she is built to pack on the weight and her bud development is larger and further along than all the other plants. She looks like she will produce just fine in the yield department, just hope she hits with flavor and potency.


The buds have really begun to explode with her and by the looks of the way she started looks like she will make some monster nugs. The crystals have started with her and smell wise getting much stronger. She has a very sweet smell with a hint of pineapple, the smell is way more sweet than fruity and not very exciting. Im sure the terps will develop and get a lot more complex, at the moment a very generic sweet, its not bad just nothing unique.


update will continue on the next post....


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Update 8/3 Continued - Day 63 - Flower Day 23

The Fuzz - #1, #3, #4

Really liking the way the Fuzz plants are coming along, there are 3 distinct phenos. #1 and #3 are pretty similar in their structure, stretch wise, their side branching and the way they are bushing up is very similar. Both of them look like they should be the largest yielders in the garden. They probably should be judging by the size of them and the bud sites, they are the bushiest of all the plants. #4 is just a runt, she wasn't topped, she really isn't seeming to fill in that great. She has really large spacing between her nodes and not doing a whole lot with her branches. She does have massive leaves and with the development of smells this week has the strongest chem funk to her.

The Fuzz #1


She is bushy, lots of branching and bud sites, seems to have a bit of a chaotic structure to hear shape. She looks like she will produce a large amount of flower, looks like #3 might out yield her right now but time will tell.


The bud development with her is really coming along nicely, not as much frost as some of the other plants but its getting there. Smell wise its a sweet skunky funk, starting to get pretty strong but not the strongest. Im guessing the sweet is coming from the appy more so the green crack side of the equation. This one has the sweetest smell with the least amount of chemmy funk right now.


The Fuzz #4


The runt, she was a slow vegging and was not topped because of it. She stretched the least of all the other plants except for the Pineapple express. She has not filled in as much as I would have like, does seem a little hollow or empty in the middle. Her branching doesn't have a whole lot of growth or development outside the tops. I really love her leaves, she by far has the biggest leaves of any of the plants. Her buds are developing very nicely, she has the least amount of sweet to her smell and the most chemmy funk of all the Fuzz plants. I have high hopes the runt will yield me some chemmy fire. I seem to have luck with runts making up in their size and slow growth with top shelf flowers.


update will continued on the next post....


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Update Continued 8/3 - Day 63 - Flower Day 23

The Fuzz #3

I saved #3 for last of the Fuzz on the update because she is my favorite of the 3 and right now a close second to the Goji Og #3 overall.


She isn't quite as tall as #1, is probably a little bushier though. I prefer her structure over the #1 she just seems more sturdy and more organized in the way she is built. She is a little more spread out than #1, should allow light to penetrate deeper and hopefully give even a higher yield.


She is just a beauty isn't the tallest plant in the garden but she is the bushiest, should produce the most. Her branching is no joke and some of them seem to have just as much bud development as the two main tops.


Just love the spacing of nodes with her, those tops should be nice thick wands of chemmy goodness. I just hope she keeps fattening up, this girl has me really excited.


She by far has the most frost of any of the fuzz plants, probably the most in the garden. I hope she just keeps packing it on. Smell wise she is a winner right now and the strongest smelling of the Fuzz. She might have over taken the Goji #3 in the funk department, its very close they are both stinkers. While #4 has the most chem smell, this one stinks more, she isn't as sweet as #1 but has a skunky funk the others don't have. The chem is coming through on her but a lot more going on in her terp profiles right now. She is sweet like the others but has a really skunky funk with chem undertones is the best I can describe.


update continues on the next post...


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Update 8/3 - Day 63 - Flower Day 23

Goji Og #3


She has stopped stretching don't see her growing any taller.
The buds are really starting to fill in and develop nicely over the past week.


Just really love her structure, smell and the shape of her leaves.
She is my favorite plant in the garden with Fuzz #3 in a close second.
I don't think she will be the largest yielder of the group but time will tell.
She looks like she will be able to put on some good weight, I doubt she will disappoint in that department.
Yield isn't a concern though, I want her tasty and potent thats what matters, a decent yield would just be a bonus


She has lost a lot of her skunky og funk she had been flaunting the previous few weeks.
It is still there on the back end but mainly dominated by an almost milky or creamy smell with hints of berries.
Still the biggest stinker in the garden its a very unique smell that is just lovely.


As the buds keep growing and developing her smell has obviously gotten a lot stronger.
This is also the first week where crystals have begun popping up.
She is really starting to get a nice frosting, getting antsy to see the frost and bud development continue.


update continues on the next post...