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Alas! This place is all about sharing both the good and the bad and lessons learnt. Done in by hubris, I thought I could grow the Panama Haze from seed in a 5 x 7' room with three other plants. Mebbe I could but I went away for about six days to find that the Pan Haze totally OVERGREW its place and was basically untenable - SO, i drew a sharp intake of breath and chopped her. It was hard - she was at about 33 days of flowering and was showing no signs of slowing down her voracious stretch. I did take three clones. She was about a week into showing wheat stalk haze flowers so I have NO idea as to whether the clones will take or not. I coulda taken her further but it would have served as disadvantage to the plants she was sharing the space with and I would have been fighting, trussing, tucking, tieing, bending for the next four months and life is too short...so, adieu, Pan Haze - I wish you could have made it to 2016 but sometimes we have to have addition by subtraction. Chop! Chop! She is in my sights now, however, and one way or the other we are gonna meet again, I do not admit defeat...in the meantime, I learn my lesson (again)...grow the deep sats from clone unless one wants to try to control a tiger by the tail.

At any rate...Happy New Year!!! May 100,000 Aces bloom in 2016!!!!!

Baron Greenback

It sucks you had to take down such a beast mayan - I'm glad it's not just me who puts growing errors down to hubris, just when I think I am some sort of growing don, I make a series of horrible errors and lose everything :)
The clones should take, there's a thing called "monstercropping" which is taking from a flowering plant - I'm not sure what the benefits( if any) are, but it seems to work, the leaves may be an odd shape for a while. growweedeasy has a good section on it.
You mention the sativa from cutting thing - this might be my problem, I tend to go from seed with an epic veg (I seem to go about 14 weeks from germination) with many, many training and then hope for the best - on the plus side, I get lovely big plants, on the negative side, control is an issue :)
More Ace weed all round in 2016.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Dont worry mayan :)

These things happen ... as you said Panama Haze stretching is voracious hehehehe :D

I'm sure the clones will root correctly (this kind of genetics are super easy to clone and reveg, even when the clones are taken in flowering), and you will have the chance to make a successful Panama Haze grow ;)

Thanks for all your good wishes friend. Wish you and yours also have a great 2016! :huggg:


Hey, dubi...Thanks!! The Pan Haze clones are looking great -so far. And Panama Haze's temporary stumble has given Haze x Kali China her opportunity to break into the big time. She's a clone and was waiting in the wings, biding her time, for one of the flowering plants to finish or falter...so, she went in yesterday. She's starting out about 5 inches - let's see where that leaves us in a few weeks of flower.

In the meantime, I also put up two New Years seeds...Malawi x Kali China (sounds amazing) and Purple Haze x Malawi - both females. The Purple Haze/Mal will be cloned before 12/12, however...so they may both be long-term projects. With a Golden Tiger already in 12/12 for about 20 days I am looking forward with excitement to the next five or six months. Big time!


Haze x Kali China

Haze x Kali China

Hey all...
Here's a quick pic of Haze x Kali China...grown from a clone (the top of the mom's meristem) she's a vociferous stretcher. Straight up...14th Floor...She was put under 12/12 on 1/1/16...beginning to form some nice bud sites. To be continued...



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Hey all...been a while. A brief report from the front-lines. Been a while but it's a battle in the flower room...a battle worth waging to be sure. Unforuntately, I am not in a position to post pictures but here's the story - I'm trying to grow four plants in my humble 5' x7' slice o' paradise, including a Golden Tiger and a Haze x Kali China (or vice verse, don't remember). The Golden Tiger is about 7x12, so it's already a struggle (without much head room) - She's at 85 days, grew too close to the articifial sun (1K HPS) but she's magnificent. It took a LONG stretch (pun intended) but she's finally packing it on. She's gone from having me scratch my head about why I was growing her -maybe at day 60- to being very impressed with her flowering. I have to say that if she comes in for a gentle landing in three or four weeks, there's gonna be a shitload - and I mean a SHITLOAD of GT. Wild!!

The GT would would be entirely manageable but for the Haze x KC (taken from clone - not more than 3-5" when stuck under 12/12 just never stopped growing upward, so I had to goose-neck her while flowering. She's very VERY formidable in stature and production. Since the clone was the meristem, I guess, she looks like a Gigantic cola. Up - thankfully not so much out. Unfortunately, she's also way too close to the 1K light but it is what it is. Waddaya gonna do? Grit teeth and push on! Perhaps because of stress or perhaps because of genetics, she's also beginning to push out nanners. There's so much beef on the hoof that it's hard to spot 'em all. It's a female seed and I have no idea as to whether the nanners are fertile. The thing is, she's at about 65 days of 12/12 so there's more than a month left. OTOH, she's too big to fail - taller than me- and a veritable cascade of bud. I just sampled a few buds taken several days ago and she's already packing a wallop. If she does come down prematurely, she will still be savored for an amazing experience.

I've had my own uncharacteristic health issues (cellulitis in leg) so I've been ordered to stay off my leg. These two plants are literally too big to move without fear of damage - to me or them - until harvest. I figure the GT is beginning to reach the end of her string in the next 20-30 days and I'd like to let Haze x KC run a bit more, if possible. I have a Caribe coming down tomorrow (so she'll be out of pollination danger) and the fourth plant (Hawaiian Spice from Chimera) is probably getting harvested in the next two weeks.

Over and out!

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
mayan, sorry to hear about your leg.
When you can hobble in there, can we get a pic of the
Haze x KC. sounds like a beast.
Best of luck with your overgrown problems, hopefully you can tame them till finish.

Peace GG


Ordered some Haze x KaliChina.Should be interesting to grow. If she's gone be a tree.....well she can go under birch and grow with trees ;)
But...I was on my way to search Punto Rojo, when you interrupted with all this interesting stuff ;)


scai....gotta love diversions and tangents! Kurt Vonnegut (American author) once said that bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God. This plant is a freaking monster both in terms of size and production. Still going back and forth about nanner situation but I have trimmed a couple of lower sites already. Don't know how much longer I can keep her going unfortunately. Would ABSOLUTELY try her again.

Gorilla Ganja -> I hear you! I enjoy a stroll on the wild side with deep Sats...kinda fun to face their many challenges and adventures. And oh so worthwhile if you survive.


Heh...dancing lesson. Yeah, you dive to unknown always head first.
Have Punto Rojo coming too..
Now I'm starting to wonder what I have put myself into....

Good health to you Mayan, "allways look at the bright side" ( been watching Monty Python ;)


Banana Republic

Banana Republic

Well, friends...the great experiment came to a conclusion today as I -with great reluctance- made the executive decision to take down the Haze x Kali China...I think she's been 12/12 for about 74 or so days but the nanners are coming on strong and she free's up a lot of space.

She had a hard life. I put her in as an after-thought at 3 1/2 inches...She grew taller than me (and the light...and the ceiling) so I had to crook her neck - even then she continued to grow. But she was yo way to close to the artificial sun...Just not a good situation. I don't know what I was thinking and why I didn't LST her but she grew so fast it was too late, too quick.

Still...Not complaining...She was incredibly productive AND she is very -almost overpoweringly - strong. And this is me talking! Whew...blew right past any tolerance I have developed through the last several years. I may have to blend her with other strains. We will see. One way or the other she will make great medicine. Perhaps a good source of THCa I can't wait to try growing her again.



I note that the pictures were taken after my having snipped several lower branches. She was solid bud all the way down.

Her harvest freed up space for the mammoth Golden Tiger which is coming into her victory lap...she's at about 94 days of 12/12. It also will allow these PurpHaze x Malawi and Kali China x Malawi clones to strut their stuff.



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Golten Tiger On the Loose

Golten Tiger On the Loose

Hey, all...So, it was time to free the Golden Tiger from her mortal bonds. She was just starting her 17th week of 12/12 and -well- it was time. She probably coulda gone another week or two...most of the plant's pistils had withered -except for the tips of some of the highest "peaks." But she truly was the biggest plant I have grown out, thus far...and I needed the room. Plus, she was a wreck...her structure was one of long sphere's of buds and they were falling down all over the place. Totally out of control! (I was unable (or unwilling, I guess) to take photos of her earlier as getting her out of the 5 X 7' room would have been an onerous and difficult process. She was just too big...too close to the light and the surrounding walls. But, boy! What an incredibly, magnificent plant!! Cascades of long spherical buds after long spherical buds. Three or four massive multi-bud tops. Whew! My cup runneth over. I used to just go into the room and look at her for long lengths of time. How will I fill those golden hours now?





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Never tried GT, maybe I should, looks awesome.
Have those Haze x Kc coming, and now I'm baffled, what if they grow that big?Have 3-4 of them...
I do have room but....still.
Good work Mayan, anyways.


The Future!

The Future!

Thanks, scai!

Here's the coming wave...Kali China x Mal...Right before I transplanted her into a 5 gallon container. She was placed under 12/12 on 3/10/16. She shares a space with a Purple Haze x Mal - and some others. Fun times!


Soon come!


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Baron Greenback

Got my eye on those Purple Haze x Malawi myself. Be interesting to see your results mayan - based on the others there, should be fantastic!
On another note, does the NepalJam really only come in at around 15% thc? It's getting me absolutely hammered :)


The NepJam that I had tested was quite old...it was an after-thought on the way to the lab. At any rate, I'm rethinking my take on THC/CBD. The lab I deal with is straight up and the owner is painfully honest - I'm beginning to realize that the "potency" and "quality" of the effect is tied to the entire entourage. I had a hybrid (Warlock and Zamal) that tested the "weakest" of all the strains - and it obliterates me - low THC and CBD (comparatively) and yet the stuff dreams are made of...Stronger than other strains that tested higher for THC. Haven't come up with a general field theory yet but in sum I think that the THC/CBD benchmarks are just signposts and there's much more at play...Kinda like lots of trichomes. Certainly, a good sign but all those sugar-sparkling trichs does not mean that a strain's effects will be stellar or anything more than generic - it's the mix of chemical soup that is in the trich that does it. I'm interested in your's and others' thoughts on this topic.

Baron Greenback

That's kind of the thought avenue I'm going down too mayan. I firmly believe there's a holistic effect, removing parts of it must change the effect. That's mainly why I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in concentrates - I was given a gram of honey oil, the first joint absolutely wiped me out but after that, nothing. I know of lots of well respected people on here (Sam Skunkman is the obvious example) who only smoke dry sift but I am absolutely certain they are missing the majority of the effects.
And now, the controversial bit (don't hate me, it's only my opinion :)) - I don't bother with a cure. I get mine dried with a dehumidifier, takes about 8 days to completely dry (stems snap cleanly and it powders when crushed). This, I believe, captures the most volatile aromatic hydrocarbons and doesn't require months of curing where (as far as I can tell) nothing happens other than the degradation of the thc. It seems to me that curing is simply the absence of moisture.
I think you're absolutely right with the blathered in thc crystal thing - it's no guarantee of quality. Too often, the poly-hybrids all have the same effect - smashed round the back of the head with a lump of 2x4, glued to the sofa unable to function. Boring.
The best weed I ever had looked like absolute rubbish, no-one would have bought it, zero bag appeal, no glistening trichomes, stringy old sativa - lean for hours :)


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
There's also the terpene argument chaps. There's a few sources saying that terpenes have significant influence on effect. 15% THC is actually pretty strong. With the right terpene combination and a receptive individual constitution, perceived 'lower' THC cannabis can become the strongest stuff you ever smoked. So many variables to consider..

Looking good brother mayan... You'll have to give us a run down soon of the best flowers you've tried over the past couple of years. :)

Baron Greenback

On the curing front - I am definitely going to have a go at Tangwena's cob cure next time. I will probably find it's amazing and will completely change my mind about the whole curing thing and prove I'm a know nothing fuckwit :)

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