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I used something to that effect Prof S. I know all kinds of little tricks when it comes to taking pics. Unfortunately though it seems that knowledge doesn't come to mind until I need it. Go figure. Anyway thanks for lookin out.

Hey CD no worries man. Life ain't all peaches and cream, trust me, I know. It's good to see you around on the boards though. And I'm glad to know your getting through it with your head up. Good luck with the 20oz bottles, I would use 2 liter bottles though, either way remember not to veg em for very long and keep them short and tight i.e. keep closer to just headbuds, with the reduced amount of root mass the less bud mass they will be able to produce. I'm sure you already know but just a friendly reminder. I too have reduced my pot size from 5 to 3 gallons for the same reasons. Some would fill it in but most wouldn't. Well I'm rambling now and can't even really keep track of what I'm talking about. Oh and stillll smokin! Treating me pretty well though is my answer.

I can't believe I have been neglecting to show the SQ would be mom plant in a 3 gallon. She has 6 tops, and they are mostly head buds. I did her this way because I was trying to get full sized head buds instead of lots of popcorn. She is about a week an a half behind her single cola sister and is scheduled to come down between the 10th to the 14th. Coincidentally this is the same time the AK should be coming down.

Well here she is

But look at this mess. ;)

Make a wish(sorry about the lame wishbone joke)

Looking just like her sisters head bud but there's six of em. The bush will produce a little more weight than the single cola and the buds will be nicer. I'll forever swear by the bush style plants. That's right, forever! ;)

Here they are side by side. Sorry the pics not that good but you get the jist. Which plant would you prefer?

And here's a sweet shot of the single cola girl from above. One of the last shots of her, if not the last before she comes down on Sat. Maybe today. I have to check the amber count before I decide. I'm busy on Halloween. There's drinking and smoking and good times scheduled tomorrow.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
shes a trick and a treat haaa i know that was lame huh...oh well blame it on the percs :laughing:

shes a bad chik yo,you did her slick with the zip ties like the stilo holmz;)
i have a couple hashberries im bringin down the 2nd they look pretty bad ass too bro.
mandalas a beast.

you a monster bro,i cant wait tosee the final result of ur quest.its gonna be a fun ride...and if ya need me to comeand see if utr gettin close by smokin all ur gear just holla :muahaha:

peace bro.


I told you that I'll swear by mandala's gear anyday. Very nice stuff. But I've had one or the other of mandala's gear in the box for a couple years straight now so I'm heading off to take a little break from em. Although I will be stopping at the mandala shop on the first. They re-open the doors to mandala land beginning the first of the year and the "buzz" is new gear is coming out. So you know I'm there. That and I need some more mandala#1 beans although the word on that is that they will be breeding out some of the NewZealandPurpleIndica from it. But I bet that with enough beans I can find that sweet, sweet purple pheno I had before...Damn I wish I kept that one. So good, So good. But yah it should be a fun ride indeed. And your welcome anytime to help kill my stash bro. As long as I can get the "front"! hehe. ;)

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Sweet plants man. I would def like to have the bushy style plant. Im slowly learning how to do stuff like that. It makes it mad easier when you show your stuff off and I see your primo examples. My one plants has 3 main colas goin an is a bushy mofo. Keep throwin those shots out so I can keep bitin your style. Take is easy for now :joint:


I'm glad you could take something from my stylings my bretheren. Take er easy yourself.

So Halloween is coming up and I hadn't even made the butter for the goodies yet. So got on that I did. And it's chillin in the fridge as I type this. Also I broke out my 9 month old grapefruit pollen. Some will say there's no way it's still good. But to the nay sayers I say I done it before and I'll probably do it again. It's all about how you store it. Anyway don't clown the plant I seeded, I know it's ugly.

It's like a science fair project. And I submit my weed volcano.

Yep this semi-out-of-focus shot is of some almost 10month old pollen bout to do it's job.

Now this girl I call ugly Betty. She was supposed to go to a friend but after a couple of months of waiting she began to be mistreated, couple of months after that she was on the verge of death. Instead of tossing her, I rejuvenated her and tossed her tiny ass into flower. Now that she has stopped stretching and begun to bud it is time to begin her pollination process today. She will be dusted three times before it's all said and done. Effectively using up the last of the Grapefruit pollen. Oh and the girl is a MS plant.

So as how I pollinate I first mist all the branches that are not to be pollinated. I then take a q-tip and dip it in the pollen and very carefully "brush" the pollen on the available pistils. Then cover the pollinated branch with a zip close baggie. Then re-mist the un-pollinated branches, soil and container to ensure that magically my entire flowering room doesn't become pollinated. I will leave the bag on the branch for 24 hrs at which time the branch will be misted to kill any viable pollen still lingering around. Then in a little under a week I will repeat the process until I feel enough pistils are pollinated or I run out of pollen. Most likely the latter of the two.

Well that's it for now. If I don't make it back before the holiday, I wish you all a very safe and fun Halloween. ~ShutterBug~​


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey bill ur the man with the camera now mate :respect: buds look pukka

might do the same as you for my little pollenation project with the misting , not quite at ur stage yet , but great example with pics

nice to see u nice and busy , have a good 1 mate
and a great harvest on sat


Hello Shutterbug :)
I hope you have a great Halloween and that the cake making went well :)
I am showing you my speedqueen as I know you are interested in them :)
This one towers above the rest of the plants by about 14 inches, what you see is the main cola :)
I have copied down your pollinating method, hopefully I will get the chance to do a bit if breeding myself in the near future.
I would love a cross between my Kush and this speedqueen, and I still have 8 speedqueen beans to germ when I get back from hols :)

Looks like I am in for a treat with this one :) She is real sparkly.
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
bro,you always bring the info! thanks for the walk thru there it make more sense to visual mofos like me when ya have a few pics to go from.
i know ive picked up more then a couple nice hand pieces of knowledge in ur threads bro.
peace yo


Heya Senor Guillermo bro. Been :lurk: a bit. Hope that polleenator project you got going takes hold. I've heard nothing but good things aboot the GF.

Take care and have a spooktacularly dank Halloween!

:joint: :joint: :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Sweet volcano project you got there haha. And happy breeding Ill be looking forward to seein some very nice macros of seeds growing. you already know :joint:


Hey everyone thanks for the kind words towards the pollination dealio I've been doing this last couple of weeks. It took hold just like I thought it would. Never a doubt in my mind that it would. Well the SQ single cola came down without a hitch. The bush has about another week n a half. The AK has a hair under a week. Uhhh ya once that's all done that should just about wrap this thread up. I'll put a couple shots of the beans of course but for all intensive purposes the thread should be wrapped up by then.

First the SQ single cola conclusion.

Here's that coloration on her

Whole plant shot

Main cola

This is most of the harvest. I accidentally threw the right picture away so this is what I'm left with.

Main bud a little closer up

And a few final macros

And the Mystery pollination bud ready to be pollinated again now that sufficient new hairs have shown to re-pollinate. It has been re-pollinated of course and all the pollen is now gone. I'm thinking maybe 50-100 seeds from this rounds pollination excapades.

A dried shot of some of the mystery I'm smokin on.

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Six head AK harvest shots.

I was asked to give the buds some scale so I threw a cd up against it. And bam, you got scale, that and a trippy almost photoshopped look.

Some more closer looks at her

Her base

Trimmed and hanging

Another scale shot ;)

A shot of the Mystery seeded bud the day the bag came off for the last time.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
real nice bro.looks like hella buds off just one plant.excellent work as always yo.them shots are super frosty pimp.gonna look even better in a few,after they dry up a lil and start to explode on that ace ;)
peace dawgcatcha.-T-


Velly Nice, senor! That leaf color looks like it's been through a photoshop gradient process. Sweet. Frosty manicured buds are pretty fookin swell too!

Take 'er easy!



Dr.Dog-I love the colors as well Doc. I'm fairly certain the colors are due to low lights off temps. It's the first time that she's shown such vibrant colors towards the finish line.
T-oh man, talk about blowing up, my lungs were all kinds a blown up. This has already dried and essentially been smoked. I still got a piece or two left but she been smoked already.
Shitake-I know crazy colors. I assure you though that photoshop is not responsible for the colors
Prof S-I'mma try
LuckGreenHand-Thanks for the kind words. The pollination took to a degree. But to a degree is all you can hope for with such old pollen. Most likely I'll be looking at 20-50 seeds altogether.

So finally the upload isn't acting all retarded on me and got some photo's uploaded.

The SQ bush, coming down by wed.

The last sq. It's already in need of some cal mag earlier than previous flowering generations.

Seeded MS dwarf plant. It's beginning to look like one big bud. Remember it's only about 6 inches tall.
