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The answer is, pictures 3 & 4. Great guesses everyone.

The answer is, pictures 3 & 4. Great guesses everyone.

A big thanks to Prof.S, Core, Quazi, T, Shitake, Zeus, Jim and of course Dave for the great compliments. It's nice to come back and have such positive remarks.

I see some new faces in the crowd. Quazi and Jim I'm glad to have you stop by. Don't be strangers and feel free to share. I like to think I have and open thread policy. I swear I won't think your hijacking my thread.

Prof. S--Ya I actually started to dig on it. Eventually I will have a fair collection of equipment including a nice umbrella set up for some nice portrait stuff. Down the road all that is though. For now I'm concentrating more on being broke. hehe. Well I thought it was funny.

T--Some plants are just more light sensitive under artificial light than others. That's my guess as to why your ss is more susceptable to bleaching. Other than that it's just being too close to the bulb that bleaches em.

Shitake--Ya I'm still behind on my regular drooling channels from last time I went on hieatus, so I know the feeling.


Good to have you back Dave. Any new interesting bean action come back with ya?
I got tired of looking at this sick ass plant in my box so I chopped it down, chopped it up and made some oil out of it. It wasn't producing so FUCK IT, I don't have time for that crap. Also I put in a half fucked up SQ into the coco coir mix with a huge increase in perlite and a more rounded base, that should be about a 10-25-15, if I did things right that is. I've worked myself outta the funk I've been in for the last few months and everything coming from my direction should start improving health wise to back to where it should be.
Anyway On with the show.

SQ in a 3 gallon. Hopefully her roots will be able to breathe now.

So this is from the fucked up looking plant that I was tired of looking at. See it didn't produce shit. Wasting precious space. So I vote oil.

Let's blaze

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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn dude, damn. That is some killer hash and shit you got there. You are the man. I cant wait to get a nice ass digital Slr, I currently have a 'film' SLR but, I cant really take pictures of my grow wit that then get it developed hahaa. Be eazy bro :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
bro the oil looks like some ear ringer fasho.
i still havnt tried to make any :( maybe this trip i will...
nice pics yo.
how long has the one you chopped up been in flower?and what was it?
well i gotta run yo.peace


Thanks for the welcome back :)
Unfortunately I hadn't budgeted properly and found myself running short of ready available cash, so me and the missus opted to get shit faced whilst there and get seeds when we go back in February.
Might seem a long time but I have no veg room running at the moment, everything is to be finished before xmas as we are going on a months vacation, so need to shut down a while. Then only a month before I go back to the dam so I will have to be patient.
I think I told you in the other thread...... I got trainwrecked good stylee :)


Prof.S--Ya tough to take them rolls to get developed.
T-I have deffinately been in a different world the last few day my bretheren off that oil. It was a SQ at 5 weeks give or take.
Dave--At least you can't knock a months vacation. Too bad the veggie cab is empty though, but patience is a virtue. Some good trainwreck will surely leave you crashed. Good deal my friend.
Not really anything new going on on my end. Everyone has their bandaids and the show is rolling along semi-smoothly. Throwing up some more shots of the single cola SQ and some macros of the AK today.

First had a boy come by and blaze the other day and I snagged this shot on the fly and it turned out pretty okay after checking it out.

This girl is scheduled to come down on the first, but I think the cooler night temps.(lights out) have added a few days to her cycle.

And some macros of the AK. I'll put up some plant shots of her tomorrow. She just started to go all red hair these last few days.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
this is my favort time of the grow...hehehe nice going Bill !!



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
damn dude,thats beautiful...i coulda swore i posted in here already today..dee de dee de dee de dee de ...(in my best twilite zone impression).
shit looks lovely bro,how cold has it been gettin in there yo?maybe she will suprise ya and be done on time...you know once it starts to be ready it shifts gears and before you know it ,its ready so yea,never know.
i dont mean to be jackin ur thread but i wanted to tell you this,i called my growshop today cause like i told you its like a couple hrs away..anyways,they gonna order me a 4 11 x 4 11 x 6 7 secret jardin ;) imma put it down in there with a 600 and all the bells and whistles(you know how i do;) and get me a extra room goin hehehe my space aint big enough for me no more.see imma take all my elites and dial them in in the tent before movin them to the big show...plus i can have lil experiments goin in there without takin up floorspace in my main room...i see some pollen gettin thrown around real soon yo,gota learn somehow eh?
ok ontop of that they already have my 12 bucket ebb and flow system in stock! so imma run out there and hook up as soon as i find me a low key truck to use...i think like 15 hunnet will get the ebb and flow the tent and the bells and whistles..fans light filter timer wooot!!!!!!!!!!!!
aight man i just had to tell you cause im happy as hell and you my mutha fuckin homeboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know like when you finaly tap that new piece of honey and you just gotta tell ur homeboy...yea that!
peace yo


man o man that oil looks bomb as F.U.C.K.!
and as always those macros are of a professional quality. Better than any magazine shots I think..ta hell with HT! Im sub'd to Mr Bill Times! :laughing:
Now whats all this about up to 50% perlite? Does it seem to be working for you? I am actually downsizing my pots from 3 gallon to 2 liter bottles and Im thinkin that might be a good idea for me. But maybe not at quite 50%. With a smaller container I still need to keep enough substrate to nourish the rootball and sustain em. They arent ready for their 1st transplant yet, but we'll give it a go when ready!


T--Well the temps during lights out dips rather drastically so I have a space heater on a timer qued up for when the lights blink out keeping the box temp at a even 75. So now the temp swing is from 79(lights on) to 75(lights off). But for a couple of days it was more like 79(lights on) to about 60-55(lights off). 20degree drop... Not so good. That was only for a couple of days though and no real harm occurred. Right on with your jarden tent. That's gonna help you out so much to be able to play and dabble with the hydro scene and dial stuff in. I bet your super stoked on it. I would be. Wish I had an extra 1500 to toss around for a whole new setup just to play and dabble with. Shit I still can't get this 600 back from lumatek that I bought like 4 months ago that didn't work but I make do with my little 400. I still have plans to move in a hydro direction but... Maybe in Jan or early Feb. ;) And don't worry man as long as its a positive hijacking I'm totally good with it, that and your my boy so your allowed.

Prof. S--We meet again... Thanks for the kind words as always.

CD--Mr.Bills times. Awesome. Shit made me laugh so much. Great comment there, thank you. You know CD the huge jump in perlite has been working well so far. I feel much more confident with the blend that way(even just mixing the mix together it was lighter and more to my liking). The oxygen exchange is much much better. I do have to water more often, not much more often though and the cores of the root masses are drying much more evenly as well so no more huge waterlogged sections of coco coir. With the plants in smaller containers the waterlogging effect of the previous attempted mix wasn't really an issue but when I got the container size up to the 3 gallons I began running into the issues, I mean there were still problems in the smaller containers but just not as pronounced. And I'm not at quite 50% perlite. Maybe 30% on the mix. Good luck my friend. So why the downgrade in container size if you don't mind me asking?

So it's been a couple days past when I said I was gonna profile the AK. I'm a stoner, what do you want from me? Sorry. I'll try to make up for today with some more and hopefully better shots. This post is all about the six headed AK almost mom in the 2 1/2gallon container. She already got her power feeding(0-50-30) and four days after that she began her flush with which she's been doing for about 5 days now. She only has about 15 more days to go, she's already quite cloudy and I even spotted a few amber trichs. I got some good shots of her this time, well at least I think I did. Either way let's check em out.

The whole girl

You like my thick paperclip spreading her apart enough to get the light to the inside lower buds.

Should get a few little handfuls of bud from her.

A few random bud shots from her.

I used a secondary light source on these next couple of shots and I really like how they turned out, and will be taking some more shots like this in the future. I still need to perfect em a little bit though.

And of course a couple macros to finish off this post.

I have another post to put up but I'll wait until later to throw it up. ~SB~​


She looks admirable Shutterbug, I bet you will be able to taste the oils going down the throat after inhalation :)
Did I mention my experience of Super Silver Haze in the Dam ? well it was a totally enjoyable 3 hour session on it, left us both feeling really giggly and munched up :)

ps. How long does cannabutter last for ??


Hey did you get a mild hangover like effect the next day after smoking a fair amount of the SSH? Sometimes with some super sativa type strains I get an almost hangover effect when I smoke too much the day before. I was just wondering. Also there should be a pm shooting your way here in the next few minutes. Cannabutter will last a good few months if stored right. I think about the longest I've had butter last me before molding out on me was about 6 months.
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Not that I can remember :) I just woke up stoned every morning :)
I have my butter in a plastic container, lid on and in the fridge, not the freezer.
Am waiting to find a good cookie recipe ( missus doesn't like cakes ) and will then make loads. I have 1.75lbs of cannabutter :)


You can make a fair amount of cookies with that amount of butter Dave. I'd just google or search for the type of cookie you would like and I'm sure you can find a nice recipe or maybe take a stroll to the cooking with cannabis forum here on IC. Best of luck on that front.

Not much for words today but here's them shots of the SQ single cola and it will probably be coming down on the first after all.

The bottom satellite buds on the plant have gotten heavy enough so as the branch can't keep it lifted. Nice

And it's about this big

Traveling up the plant

A top shot

And of course a few macros


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn your shots always are looking better. Your shots definetly look really good where you used the slave flash. Keep the good work coming I admire your skills man. Be eazy.:joint:


Hello Shutterbug :)
I made some shortbread cookies and wow I went to bed really really stoned, almost spinning out lol and woke up the same :)

ps. don't ya just love satellite buds :)
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
man yo,idk if its these meds they got me on or what,but i swear i posted in here thismorning yo...:fsu: i hate fuckin pills yo.

anyways i like the new pics bro,the one of the leaf is super clean.peace brother.


I wish I still had that slave flash prof S but I gave it back. I think that if I had kept it much longer than I would have gotten too attached to it and "found" a way to keep it. The shots in the last post were done using just a secondary light source to get that effect.

Dave man shortbread cookies sounds delicious. I have to make some butter tomorrow so I can make some goodies for a halloween party I'm going to this weekend. And I might give a try at some shortbread. Ahh and a many a morning I've woken stoned to a degree of drunkeness. So nice, so nice. And I do love them satellites when they look like that.

Tell me about thinking you posted and didn't. I finally got around to posting in Karma's thread and then couldn't find the post. And I'm not even taking any pills. I was hurting pretty bad the other day though and almost popped one of my true pain pills. I really try to not take any of them unless I absolutely have to. They make me even more retarded and absent minded then I find myself day to day as is. Anyway thanks for the kind words as always.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I use a desk lamp with a flexable head to take my shots. My camera has no flash at all.. I just use a 5400k bulb in it. I can put the light where ever I choose. It works good just food for thought brotha.


Mr.Bill said:
CD--Mr.Bills times. Awesome. Shit made me laugh so much. Great comment there, thank you. You know CD the huge jump in perlite has been working well so far. I feel much more confident with the blend that way(even just mixing the mix together it was lighter and more to my liking). The oxygen exchange is much much better. I do have to water more often, not much more often though and the cores of the root masses are drying much more evenly as well so no more huge waterlogged sections of coco coir. With the plants in smaller containers the waterlogging effect of the previous attempted mix wasn't really an issue but when I got the container size up to the 3 gallons I began running into the issues, I mean there were still problems in the smaller containers but just not as pronounced. And I'm not at quite 50% perlite. Maybe 30% on the mix. Good luck my friend. So why the downgrade in container size if you don't mind me asking?

Sorry I havent been around too much Mr Bill. I've had a few setbacks in life which led to a few setbacks in my grow.
Just transplanted this am with around 30% perlite to my usual soil mix with the addition of guano.
I downgraded the container size because after two grows, I noticed that my roots were not fully growinig out and I was wasting space and soil. And I have been watching some grows around here that are getting great results from 20 oz soda bottles, but Im not doin the micro grow. Thinkin along those lines though..
Great pics as always and btw, how did that oil smoke for ya?