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JUNKYARD 2 the stuggle continues

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DimeBag65 said:
heyyyy mon Cheers, hit chat maybe? im just up drinkin a few brews smokin a few bowls o hash. ill be round this year im pretty damn sure. Seasons greeting, Dime
id love to bro, but the lady and i are getting ready for the farmers market=) all the hapy people are always up early and out having fun w fruits and veggies,pups and kids,,,good times,,,enjoy your sat Dime. lime


You will not be forgotten
Well enjoy all the fresh produce man! already hit the local farmers market earlier in the week so im good to go :D i always love the greenhouse tomatoes and dry farm watermelons. always something nice and organically grown there. You have youself a good saturday as well.


KittyCageKiller said:
lime....you wanna get down with a couple 404# pumpkin seeds????...start them now to be ready by oct...
definitely definitely,,,,,,,,have you heard from spreadin?i know he changed names, but that name has been mia?
No bro I havent now that you mention it...I hope all is well with him...Thinking of you SS if you see this...I have 4 total seeds..gave a couple away to another buddy..i''ll give ya 2...was going to try and run them this year but I think I have my hands full as it is...got to save the seeds from the harvest for next go round k!! catch ya tonight.peace


Bakin in da Sun
Yah SS just packed up and went. He had me convinced in chat to make a pumpkin garden this year... hope all is well with him...

ll- shit!!!! ive been meanin to go to the farmers market for a couple weeks now, never can rememebr to wake up on saturdays, thanks for the reminder :wave:


it will be come this evening,,,,,,,dirty dirt! hows it goin propa, bartender, dime!?
kitten, the lines on the street and the leaves on the trees=)


KCK, Im sorry to hear about the little one, he's in a better place, no more pain and lots of carrots :D I feel fort the little guy though, I wasd hoping to follow the road to recovery, but it must of been his time to go.

Lime - you know I got you brother, xanzabar all damn day unfortunately, cant live without em, specially with what the sabres are doin to me ;)

Take care and stay safe everyone, Happy cinco :joint:



nice H&L=) happy sunday.
my sinco de mayo was THE BEST. with friends like these,,,who needs a job;)
to the folks responsible for these fine gifts.....youre the best, and reciprocation knows no limits=)
some pics....of my buddy Kitty's LUI and Mindboggle.......the LUI had me silent as fuck walking with the old lady, she thought i was mad at her=) and the mindboggle, it gets a fat 2 old school thumbs up.....very intoxicating, calmingly good smelling(hospitally).awesome, thanks brother.



much more to come;) limey limerson esquire
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cant forget these, thanks girl,,so much!!!!!!!

^^^some of those monster pumpkin beans from Spreading Seeds monster babies,,,,,lets see how they do on the other side of the lake.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Some serious nugs there Lime. Sorry about the bunny... I'd hate to loose mine.

JJ+TK=sleep till next day

JJ+TK=sleep till next day

Broseph I had a great time.your a good man limey...oh and the tunes were perfect for jackin position on the road...

A lil of Limerson's work...I need a new camera...



I could get use to TK and JJ winning every sunday....Thanks again..peace
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