Lest we forget!!!
Wow I'm shocked!! Simply shocked!! swat did no wrong!!! I for one feel so much better.
71 shots fired 21 hits. Piss poor shootin you fuckin cowards.. Fine War it is
rest in peace.stories like this that make me appreciate my own countries laws surrounding gun control.wiki just told me you guys have 88.8 guns per 100 people, THATS INSANE.
It's not the guns that decide to abuse the justice system. The POLICE killed this man, not America's lots of guns.
Personally, I think everyone in this country should have an AR-15. Maybe law enforcement would be more likely to knock, instead of kicking the door in, if they thought one of these was at the end of every hallway.
Sry if this is a bit off-topic.
Just quoting this statement, but there are so many more here that make me sick....
You guys really think, that guns do not kill people????
Can't you see the correlation, of over armed citizens and
police-brutality? No? look into the statistics. the number of guns per civillian is directly linked to the number of people killed by the police. Coincidence?
If you have to expect everyone to carry a gun, the way
law-enforcement has to encounter civilians changes. Especially if body-armour and automated guns are likely.
Not all coppers are blood thirsty assholes (of course some are) but each one of them is in fear of their life, just keep that in mind.
Don't get me wrong what happend to this family is horrible and the guys accountable for this tragedy should be brought to court.
Best wishes to the wife and child!
first of all I love your signature dude.It's not the guns that decide to abuse the justice system. The POLICE killed this man, not America's lots of guns.
Personally, I think everyone in this country should have an AR-15. Maybe law enforcement would be more likely to knock, instead of kicking the door in, if they thought one of these was at the end of every hallway.
If the situation were reversed, and a cop was killed by this marine, the story would be instant and worldwide. There would be calls from our representitives demanding more strict gun control, and longer minimum sentences for drug offenders. Instead, the story is white washed, twisted, and primed to be forgotten by the news media.
first of all I love your signature dude.
if your country had stricter gun control ie he wasn't aloud an assault rifle.this incident would not have occurred.yes i admit this case has many factors but in isolation if he wasn't aloud the assault rifle this wouldn't have occurred.the police wouldn't have to be so gun ho if every 88.8 in 100 citizens didn't have a gun.I just cant comprehend why someone should be aloud an assault rifle no good can come from it.