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Joe Biden Thread

Captain Red Eye

Active member
i'm not saying any of that. i'm saying if we, under this system, remove the leash off of big business... the wolves will have us for dinner

Not if we neuter the wolves :)

You are correct to be concerned about big business, but they are only half the problem.

Big business is constantly lobbying (bribing) their partners and brothers in crime, government, to create legal barriers to entry into markets to stifle competition. It's incestuous all the way thru. Name any significant industry and the fuckery runs right thru it. Military industrial complex is not the only example.. Big food, big "medicine", big insurance, big fake news, big banks, bailouts for them, debt for you... it's everywhere.

I agree with you...sort of
Big business will be wolves. They already are. That's not in spite of government, that's BECAUSE of government. Remember "essential businesses and non-essential businesses? That was done to ensure the "right people" could stay open.
None of this is the free market I talk about. It can't be free, since it forcibly stifles competition and government has it's back. Partners in crime are not "free markets". Those are crony markets.

A personal tale of thwarted fuckery
Almost 20 years ago big agriculture in partnership with oppressive government tried to make it so small farmers had to i.d. and register every fucking farm animal.
They tried to sell this horse shit plan to the public under safety". There were articles in farming type magazines about why it was needed etc. Lying sacks of shit. It was really to prevent homesteaders and small-time farmers from growing our own food and to drive out self-sufficiency and big food's competition. It was called National Animal I.D. system, NAIS for short, and was a total scam.

I went to hearings and told them, rather frankly, I would never comply and they could back the fuck off or get an ass kicking or a dog biting if they came to steal my unregistered livestock. Now maybe by ass kicking I was warning them about my donkey and maybe I meant something else. I'm old and can't quite remember just what I meant. ;)

Even printed up my own flyers to rally other small-time farmers and backyard homesteaders to protest with civil disobedience and non-compliance to push back. I am a peaceful person but I will not comply with incursions on my right to raise my own food.

I heard some small farmers greeted some of the bureaucrats tasked with pimping this "safety program" at "listening sessions" with some cow pies to the face at one of the meetings. I ain't saying I know people that might do that, but I ain't saying I don't either. Karma? Who knows?

One cool thing about Maine is we have magic government papers telling us it's our right to grow our own food. I appreciate the sentiment, but No shit government, we already knew that before you fuckers thought you needed to tell us.

Think of "legal weed" and how that operates versus what would happen if the government just got the fuck out of the way. People would grow weed or anything else as they pleased and if there was demand for it, people could sell or trade the fruit of their labor. Literally, the fruit.

Under most conditions actual small business free market competition benefits consumers and emboldens freedom and peaceful trade. Those things are our right to have if we are inclined to do so.
Think farmers markets anywhere people want them and watch how fast health and actual community improves.

Think Amish selling their produce to earn an honest living.
Maybe we all need to act like the Amish now as far as food security?
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That's not in spite of government, that's BECAUSE of government.
free market libertarianism hogwash.

neuter the wolves
again, you don't neuter the wolf by removing its leash.

you're telling the wolves they can put sawdust in our 'bread' again and dump their toxic waste in YOUR front yard (how u gonna grow food when you're a sheep and the wolf sees you as free market competition? anarchist volunteers are gonna stop the wolf?).

Maybe we all need to act like the Amish now
i'd rather not commit horrible abuse against animals and children, but to each their own...

Captain Red Eye

Active member
free market libertarianism hogwash.

again, you don't neuter the wolf by removing its leash.

you're telling the wolves they can put sawdust in our 'bread' again and dump their toxic waste in YOUR front yard (how u gonna grow food when you're a sheep and the wolf sees you as free market competition? anarchist volunteers are gonna stop the wolf?).

i'd rather not commit horrible abuse against animals and children, but to each their own...

No. I'm not telling you any of that is what I want. I'm telling you, if more people enter ACTUAL free markets, you can reward those who sell you food you like by purchasing from them.

If you don't like a given product or a business that operates via coercion, withdraw your support, watch them fall. If you keep supporting coercion, don't be surprised when somebody that is really good at using coercion uses it on you. That's what needs to change.

I grow food on a micro level now and don't intend to stop until I physically can't.

What would be the impact on big food if more and more people did that and traded freely and consensually amongst themselves? Why does big food NOT want us to do that? They control us by limiting our free choices. If you expand free choices, people regain power in their own lives and the thugs lose power to control YOUR life.

If you're worried about toxic waste, that's valid. There are ways to address that though.


There are ways to address that though
short of a society full of intelligent (goes hand in hand with being nonviolent) people, government regulation seems the only way.

If you don't like a given product or a business that operates via coercion, withdraw your support, watch them fall.
still waiting for wal mart to fall.

the whole 'if we remove regulations, the world will thrive' crapola is straight up elon musk, trump billionaire propaganada.

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