i'm not saying any of that. i'm saying if we, under this system, remove the leash off of big business... the wolves will have us for dinnerare you saying we need more things that use coercion and use force to get what they want?
i'm not saying any of that. i'm saying if we, under this system, remove the leash off of big business... the wolves will have us for dinnerare you saying we need more things that use coercion and use force to get what they want?
i'm not saying any of that. i'm saying if we, under this system, remove the leash off of big business... the wolves will have us for dinner
I stand corrected.incorrect ,,, the locale i live in new york outlawed self service...
That's how I found out about the law in Oregon.I think NJ and Oregon have (had?) a silly law only the gas station attendants could put gas in your car.
I was a little astonished many years ago, driving thru NJ when a guy stopped me, like I didn't know how to put gas in my own vehicle.
LlenaloDown this way all there is, is full serve
500 pesos por favorLlenalo
Tiene cambio?500 pesos por favor
free market libertarianism hogwash.That's not in spite of government, that's BECAUSE of government.
again, you don't neuter the wolf by removing its leash.neuter the wolves
i'd rather not commit horrible abuse against animals and children, but to each their own...Maybe we all need to act like the Amish now
free market libertarianism hogwash.
again, you don't neuter the wolf by removing its leash.
you're telling the wolves they can put sawdust in our 'bread' again and dump their toxic waste in YOUR front yard (how u gonna grow food when you're a sheep and the wolf sees you as free market competition? anarchist volunteers are gonna stop the wolf?).
i'd rather not commit horrible abuse against animals and children, but to each their own...
short of a society full of intelligent (goes hand in hand with being nonviolent) people, government regulation seems the only way.There are ways to address that though
still waiting for wal mart to fall.If you don't like a given product or a business that operates via coercion, withdraw your support, watch them fall.
the whole 'if we remove regulations, the world will thrive' crapola is straight up elon musk, trump billionaire propaganada.
short of a society full of intelligent (goes hand in hand with being nonviolent) people, government regulation seems the only way.
still waiting for wal mart to fall.
the whole 'if we remove regulations, the world will thrive' crapola is straight up elon musk, trump billionaire propaganada.
And youre going to see that first hand if and when this country finally legalizes itIf you remove regulations preventing people from engaging in free trade, what do you think would happen to the price of weed? Serious question.
And youre going to see that first hand if and when this country finally legalizes it
Monsanto, Phillip Morris, they'll all have control of the industry just like tobacco
I can promise you they'll put a full ban on home growing
First thing they'll probably do is target the sale of grow equipment, headshops and online sourcesIt's what they always do, use legislation to kill off their competition, both figuratively and literally.
I'm too old to go back to growing in the woods, BUT I'd drag my sorry ass out there if it came to that just to spite the m-f'ers.
First thing they'll probably do is target the sale of grow equipment, headshops and online sources
Best do what i do and stock up. A have an extra grow tent, 2 unused 600watt systems and about a dozen bulbs
Like prohibition it wouldnt hold up so long but dont think they wouldnt try. Greedy corrupt government we have
i'm more worried about what i would be smoking
you make a great case for greater gubment oversight/ transparency.
remember the whole "we the people" thing? popular sovereignty?
accountability would be out the window with the straight corporate fascism (just like what makes mussolini's heart sing) and toxic wasteland we'd get if we have a market with no regulation.