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Joe Biden Thread



The commie soy boys and butch bearded feminoids are only voting for Biden because they hate trump that much. It could be a bowl of wet noodles (essentially what bidens brain is) running against trump the the bowl of wet noodles would get all the lefty votes.

Lefties hate masculinity and a man that stands up for america. They are 100% ignoring bidens history of inadvertant racism, his history of inappropriately kissing, touching and groping women of all ages young and elderly as well as children. His history of being a hard on nazi against drug crimes and putting black men in jail at a higher rate for minor offenses 1994 crime bill watch his speech on that.

Biden really isn't a friend of the lefties, if you really look at it closely Biden is actually more conserative than most Republicans, he opposed drugs, abortion, marijuana legalization, is pro taxes, is pro control, is a flip flopper on things like guns, oil and fracking he is a self serving liar ass career politician that is a pro at saying what ever it takes to who ever for a vote this is how he's done next to nothing but remained in politics for 47 years, it's the age old case of it's not what you know but who you'll blow

Congrats you radical left you voted for one of the biggest conservative assholes to ever enter politics



White Beard

Active member
Trump didn't start it, US economy has been centrally controlled since 9-11 (and even before).

if you don't think so, shut down all US gov spending & see what happens.
It would be a disaster, as you know - but maybe not for the reasons you suspect: ever since Reagan, it’s become common business practice to charge absolutely as much money as possible for *everything*, from rent to utilities to medical care to education. Since Reagan, absolutely everything has become a “profit center” and ownership and control of profit centers is one of the big wins made by corporate America. This has driven the price of virtually every good and service through the roof.

Rents have tripled and more, the cost of medical care has left the hands of physicians and is determined by corporate accountants, farmers get paid dick while brands multiply, grocery chains expand, while prices continually rise and corporate food giants pay politicians to eliminate food safety regulations and inspectors. When I started driving, I paid an exorbitant fee, because of my high-risk-group age...but I pay the same now that I did then - and I haven’t had an accident or even a ticket in 40 years...they just don’t think of it as exorbitant. Teachers and nurses and doctors, EMTs, firefighters are servants now, their earnings pushed down relentlessly by “the market”, while wages, privileges, and immunities for police get pushed ever higher (in my major metro, it was recently revealed that police services received more than NINTEY PERCENT of the local budget, with parks, education, fire services, etc fighting over the scraps...and jails, trash, and ‘sanitation’ is outsourced to...corporations, who charge a ton for pickup - yet pay the garbage men the same as the city used to.

And I haven’t even gotten started....

Eliminate all government spending, and things will get exponentially worse because of what PRIVATE entities are already *entitled* to rake off the average worker, the average renter, the average homeowner, the average student, the average employee - because “turning business loose to do business” has been an absolute disaster at every level.

That $400/mo two-bedroom apartment is now 1600/mo, and it will never go down - because if a landlord can’t rent those apartments, they get to deduct that $1600 per unit per month from their taxes: that’s a government subsidy to LANDLORDS of all fucking people...and it’s not just housing: the next time you drive by a derelict strip center, empty store fronts, remind yourself that the owner IS GETTING PAID FULL PRICE to let it rot...while you and me sell stuff out of the trunk because we can’t afford to actually go into business.

The issue isn’t “government spending”. It’s political sellouts to private money, and “government’s” inability / refusal to rid itself of the worms that voters keep inflicting it with.


Biden is anti-legalization ?!

Could Trump throw the election down a different path, by legalizing Cannabis Nation-wide Monday Morning ?

That link is dated May 5 this year...and we have heard different from him since then. Even if it were still his position, which it could be, he’ll face far more pressure to move on descheduling than any previous administration, and if nothing else democrats are better listeners to popular pressure than the GOP (they’re more in the business of manufacturing political positions than listening to the populace at large).

T-Ball says vote for me and I’ll...X, but once he has the vote, he never said it, he won’t do it. He’s currently making empty promises on healthcare reform “once Obamacare is repealed”, but there’s still no plan; he’s making promises about senior payouts for Regeneron, but that won’t happen before the election & I guarantee you it won’t happen after; he’s talking about a big relief bill - but that’s not going to happen on his watch, the only people he’s relieved are the people with all the money.

It’s all transactional bullshit. By his fruits shall ye know him, and like any salesman, once he’s got the check in hand he doesn’t give a shit what he promised in order to get it. It’s true, he COULD deschedule cannabis all by himself, the president has that power by design, by virtue of holding the office...but to deliver without getting paid up front goes against his character, his nature, his entire life as a “business man: to deliver in advance, IN HOPES of getting votes in exchange, is simply not in his nature. It would make him look weak in his own eyes. A fool. Not a “smart guy”. A loser. Winners don’t *have* to deliver, that’s what winning *means* in his book.

And even if he did it, it’s too late. Too many people really voting every day: promises, name-calling, and bogus attacks are all we’ll see from him between now and 11/03.


Active member
... It could be a bowl of wet noodles (essentially what bidens brain is) running against trump the the bowl of wet noodles would get all the lefty votes.....

Hello all,

Winner winner chicken dinner.....you are correct it is nto a vote between tRump and biden...it is a referendum on tRump.

So, to say the lefties hate tRump so much look at what they are voting to replace him with.

The majority of voters would prefer a bowl of wet noodles to tRump.

If not for the EC, ay?


phuque tRump bloody 2020


this literally hit on so many freaking points!

preach, brotha


It would be a disaster, as you know - but maybe not for the reasons you suspect: ever since Reagan, it’s become common business practice to charge absolutely as much money as possible for *everything*, from rent to utilities to medical care to education. Since Reagan, absolutely everything has become a “profit center” and ownership and control of profit centers is one of the big wins made by corporate America. This has driven the price of virtually every good and service through the roof.

Rents have tripled and more, the cost of medical care has left the hands of physicians and is determined by corporate accountants, farmers get paid dick while brands multiply, grocery chains expand, while prices continually rise and corporate food giants pay politicians to eliminate food safety regulations and inspectors. When I started driving, I paid an exorbitant fee, because of my high-risk-group age...but I pay the same now that I did then - and I haven’t had an accident or even a ticket in 40 years...they just don’t think of it as exorbitant. Teachers and nurses and doctors, EMTs, firefighters are servants now, their earnings pushed down relentlessly by “the market”, while wages, privileges, and immunities for police get pushed ever higher (in my major metro, it was recently revealed that police services received more than NINTEY PERCENT of the local budget, with parks, education, fire services, etc fighting over the scraps...and jails, trash, and ‘sanitation’ is outsourced to...corporations, who charge a ton for pickup - yet pay the garbage men the same as the city used to.

And I haven’t even gotten started....

Eliminate all government spending, and things will get exponentially worse because of what PRIVATE entities are already *entitled* to rake off the average worker, the average renter, the average homeowner, the average student, the average employee - because “turning business loose to do business” has been an absolute disaster at every level.

That $400/mo two-bedroom apartment is now 1600/mo, and it will never go down - because if a landlord can’t rent those apartments, they get to deduct that $1600 per unit per month from their taxes: that’s a government subsidy to LANDLORDS of all fucking people...and it’s not just housing: the next time you drive by a derelict strip center, empty store fronts, remind yourself that the owner IS GETTING PAID FULL PRICE to let it rot...while you and me sell stuff out of the trunk because we can’t afford to actually go into business.

The issue isn’t “government spending”. It’s political sellouts to private money, and “government’s” inability / refusal to rid itself of the worms that voters keep inflicting it with.

That link is dated May 5 this year...and we have heard different from him since then. Even if it were still his position, which it could be, he’ll face far more pressure to move on descheduling than any previous administration, and if nothing else democrats are better listeners to popular pressure than the GOP (they’re more in the business of manufacturing political positions than listening to the populace at large).

T-Ball says vote for me and I’ll...X, but once he has the vote, he never said it, he won’t do it. He’s currently making empty promises on healthcare reform “once Obamacare is repealed”, but there’s still no plan; he’s making promises about senior payouts for Regeneron, but that won’t happen before the election & I guarantee you it won’t happen after; he’s talking about a big relief bill - but that’s not going to happen on his watch, the only people he’s relieved are the people with all the money.

It’s all transactional bullshit. By his fruits shall ye know him, and like any salesman, once he’s got the check in hand he doesn’t give a shit what he promised in order to get it. It’s true, he COULD deschedule cannabis all by himself, the president has power by virtue of holding the office...but to deliver without getting paid up front goes against his character, his nature, his entire life as a “business man: to deliver in advance, IN HOPES of getting votes in exchange, is simply not in his nature. It would make him look weak in his own eyes. A fool. Not a “smart guy”. A loser. Winners don’t *have* to deliver, that’s what winning *means* in his book.

And even if he did it, it’s too late. Too many people really voting every day: promises, name-calling, and bogus attacks are all we’ll see from him between now and 11/03.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
The commie soy boys and butch bearded feminoids are only voting for Biden because they hate trump that much. It could be a bowl of wet noodles (essentially what bidens brain is) running against trump the the bowl of wet noodles would get all the lefty votes.

Lefties hate masculinity and a man that stands up for america. They are 100% ignoring bidens history of inadvertant racism, his history of inappropriately kissing, touching and groping women of all ages young and elderly as well as children. His history of being a hard on nazi against drug crimes and putting black men in jail at a higher rate for minor offenses 1994 crime bill watch his speech on that.

Biden really isn't a friend of the lefties, if you really look at it closely Biden is actually more conserative than most Republicans, he opposed drugs, abortion, marijuana legalization, is pro taxes, is pro control, is a flip flopper on things like guns, oil and fracking he is a self serving liar ass career politician that is a pro at saying what ever it takes to who ever for a vote this is how he's done next to nothing but remained in politics for 47 years, it's the age old case of it's not what you know but who you'll blow

Congrats you radical left you voted for one of the biggest conservative assholes to ever enter politics

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no,we hate macho bullshit rarely ever backed up by genuine courage...


Active member
Biden voters are fools for not seeing he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but Trump voters are just as dumb for voting for a democratic infiltrator. Don't you know that Trump "identifies as a Democrat" for the most part? Did you know Hillary Clinton used to stay in Trump tower whenever she would visit New York before she got an apartment there so she could run for office? Did you know that the Clinton campaign was secretly promoting Trump and ordering their media lackeys to take him more seriously? Did you know that Trump got over 5 billion dollars in free air time while they literally ignored Bernie in order to broadcast Trump's empty podium? You're every bit as much of a sucker as any Biden voter if you vote for Trump. You're literally being a tool for the exact same oligarchy.

The commie soy boys and butch bearded feminoids are only voting for Biden because they hate trump that much. It could be a bowl of wet noodles (essentially what bidens brain is) running against trump the the bowl of wet noodles would get all the lefty votes.

Lefties hate masculinity and a man that stands up for america. They are 100% ignoring bidens history of inadvertant racism, his history of inappropriately kissing, touching and groping women of all ages young and elderly as well as children. His history of being a hard on nazi against drug crimes and putting black men in jail at a higher rate for minor offenses 1994 crime bill watch his speech on that.

Biden really isn't a friend of the lefties, if you really look at it closely Biden is actually more conserative than most Republicans, he opposed drugs, abortion, marijuana legalization, is pro taxes, is pro control, is a flip flopper on things like guns, oil and fracking he is a self serving liar ass career politician that is a pro at saying what ever it takes to who ever for a vote this is how he's done next to nothing but remained in politics for 47 years, it's the age old case of it's not what you know but who you'll blow

Congrats you radical left you voted for one of the biggest conservative assholes to ever enter politics

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Active member
ICMag Donor
It doesn't make sense to place someone in a negative light in the way you're describing. The vice president of a Hawaiian or African American president or a woman candidate are progressive in nature. I don't know what definitions of conservative and liberal you are using but a business tycoon or tv show actor, real estate capitalist, does not compare to a career politician and attorney. Whether you favor one candidate or the other one epitomizes wealthy or a desire to be wealthy or a rich upper class without question even if both candidates live in bigger houses or attended nicer schools. Women running for president is progressive or liberal. Insulting athletes and making any or all attempts to remove environmental protection organizations is oppressive or conservative poor character and antiquated.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trump would have had courage, but he had an ankle issue....

Yep,alot of the entitled got deferments,Bill Clinton,Russian Rudy,Mitt Rowney,Dick Cheney.
The one that I find hysterical is Ted Nugent,loves his guns as long as one's not pointed at him.I remember Dee Snyder trashing him for being a big pu$$y.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That link is dated May 5 this year...and we have heard different from him since then. Even if it were still his position, which it could be, he’ll face far more pressure to move on descheduling than any previous administration, and if nothing else democrats are better listeners to popular pressure than the GOP (they’re more in the business of manufacturing political positions than listening to the populace at large).

T-Ball says vote for me and I’ll...X, but once he has the vote, he never said it, he won’t do it. He’s currently making empty promises on healthcare reform “once Obamacare is repealed”, but there’s still no plan; he’s making promises about senior payouts for Regeneron, but that won’t happen before the election & I guarantee you it won’t happen after; he’s talking about a big relief bill - but that’s not going to happen on his watch, the only people he’s relieved are the people with all the money.

It’s all transactional bullshit. By his fruits shall ye know him, and like any salesman, once he’s got the check in hand he doesn’t give a shit what he promised in order to get it. It’s true, he COULD deschedule cannabis all by himself, the president has that power by design, by virtue of holding the office...but to deliver without getting paid up front goes against his character, his nature, his entire life as a “business man: to deliver in advance, IN HOPES of getting votes in exchange, is simply not in his nature. It would make him look weak in his own eyes. A fool. Not a “smart guy”. A loser. Winners don’t *have* to deliver, that’s what winning *means* in his book.

And even if he did it, it’s too late. Too many people really voting every day: promises, name-calling, and bogus attacks are all we’ll see from him between now and 11/03.

I wrote the WH website again and asked them to get the feds out of cannabis entirely, by taking THC off the schedule.

IMO that WA bust where they were sending a bunch east via the mail doesn't help, unless it shows Trump the domestic demand. Buying American dope keeps the money in American hands.


ICMag Donor
Ten days to go.
No doubt the Chief Liar will dispute the vote and hope that his court stacking will cover him.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hahaha Someone told me Trump said he identified as a woman today....so it's a win win!
Not only is he allowed to whine,but now 'Donna' is the FIRST female POTUS....WINNING......hahaha :dance013:

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