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Bloody Hell KC..
That is one excellent smoke report form.
Where did you get it...?

I think it would be Very handy for me with the Medical side of things.
It is brilliant m8. :yes:

Thank for showing us that.

Kudos on the Growing m8..

Have a great weekend...:joint:


Active member
'allo all. Yes, these were ICC gear beans and yes, it is killer bud. This smoke report form originated on cannbisworld I think, can't be sure though, might have been OG. I fill one out everytime I grow a strain for the first time. I'll be posting a report on pure jems shortly.


Active member
Pure Jem Smoke Report

Pure Jem Smoke Report

============================== ============================== ==========
Jems All Purple Pheno - 70 days
============================== ============================== ==========

Judge: [krazycure]
Date: [10/16/2009]
Strain: [Jem]
Grower: [krazycure]

============================== ============================== ==========
============================== ============================== ==========

1. __[8]__ Visual Appeal

Rate the visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing-excellent.

2. __[7]__ Visible Trichomes

Rate the visible trichome content from 1-10 none-totally covered.

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome
heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for
a more precise report. Leave these fields blank if you do not have
a powerful magnifier.

Clear [10%]
Cloudy [80%]
Amber [10%]
Dark []

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more
detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.

Brown []
Green [x]
Gold []
Blue []
Grey []
White []
Red []
Rust [x ]
Orange []
Purple [x]
Black []

5. __[4]__ Bud density

Rate the bud density from 1-10 airy-dense. For samples that are
not in their natural state leave this field blank.

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly
broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates
a pronounced presence. Delete the existing space when marking a
descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach []
Berry [ ] Floral [ 1 ] Mango [ 2 ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ 3 ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ 2 ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ 4 ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [ ] Hash [ 3 ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ 6 ] Spice [ ]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ 2 ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ 1]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

7. __[7]__ Aroma

Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled
bud for best results.

8. __[0]__ Seed content

Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.

9. __[1]__ Weeks cured


============================== ============================== ==========
============================== ============================== ==========

Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information
below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Water pipe (enter bong, hooka, bubbler etc)
Vaporizer (enter the brand name)
Pipe (size-type, ie medium-glass)
Joint (enter brand of papers)
Other (specify)

Water pipe [ bong ]
Vaporizer []
Pipe []
Joint []
Other []

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one
indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced
presence. Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in
order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ x ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ]
Berry [ ] Floral [ 2 ] Mango [ ] Pepper [ 1 ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [ 2 ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [ ] Hash [ x ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ 4 ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice []
Coconut [ ] Leather [ 2 ] Nutmeg [ 2 ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

If appropriate return to this question after 5-10 minutes and mark
with X any unmarked descriptors for lingering aftertaste.

3. __[5]__ Taste

Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.

4. __[5]__ State of dryness

Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. __[6]__ Smoke ability

Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.

6. __[2]__ Smoke expansion

Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.


============================== ============================== ==========
============================== ============================== ==========

Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

1. __[3]__ Dosage

Enter the number of hits taken to reach desired effects.

2. __[3]__ Effect onset

Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper.

3. __[5]__ Sativa influence

Rate the sativa influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Sativa
influence is best described as a clear and energetic mental effect.

4. __[5]__ Indica influence

Rate the indica influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Indica
influence is best described as a sedative, lethargic or numbing
effect that affects the body.

5. __[8]__ Potency

Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating.

6. __[3]__ Duration

Indicate the number of hours the effects lasted.

7. __[]__ Tolerance build up

Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this
field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.

8. Usability

Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates the worst time of day
to consume this strain and a nine represents the ideal time of day.
Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.

Morning - wake up [3]
Day - work [5]
Evening - relax [6]
Night - sleep [6]

9. __[7]__ Overall satisfaction

Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.

10. __[6]__ Ability and conditions

. Rate your overall ability to judge from 1-10 low-high. Consider
experience, strain familiarity, atmosphere, current tolerance and
most importantly the condition and preparation of the sample.

11.Judging from the sample alone do you personally consider this
strain a keeper for long term use?

Yes [x]
No []

12.Rate the noticable effects on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe. Take
care to use the appropriate column for your response. Delete the
existing space when recording your entry to maintain the columns
in alignment. In all cases these casual observations should not
be construed as medical advice.

Negative Positive
Effect Effect

__[ ]__ __[ 1]__ Appetite
__[ ]__ __[ 5]__ Anxiety relief
__[ ]__ __[ 5]__ Paranoia relief
__[ ]__ __[ 3]__ Sex drive
__[ ]__ __[ 5]__ Sleep
__[ ]__ __[ 7]__ Pain relief
__[ ]__ __[ 1 ]__ Ability to rest or sit still
__[ ]__ __[ 5]__ Thought process
__[ ]__ __[ 2 ]__ Speech process
__[ ]__ __[ 8 ]__ Imagination/creativity
__[ ]__ __[ 6]__ Humor perception
__[ ]__ __[ 3]__ Visual perception
__[ ]__ __[ 7 ]__ Audio perception
__[ ]__ __[ 2]__ Taste perception

Well, I might been dissapointed in how airy these buds were, or how I lost the big, fat top bud off my biggest JEM girl to white mold in a matter of days (it still made good iso hash, but still a sad day), or how the smaller girl never bulked up after the transplant, or how they weren't quite as frosty as the lowasis x jems, or that the taste is really nothing to write home about (not really good or bad), but I love the high. The mix of distracting your head AND your body makes for superb pain management. Out of mind, out of reality. It really is good pain relief: inflammation and soreness just kind of gets subdued by a gentle tingling. I would say it's alot like when a minor burn than gets a cold pack applied to it, just a calm, soothing numbness. 'Pacified' would also fit the feeling. Definitely worth exploring different phenotypes and colors for additional relief. You have to love the color also, I mean, god it's purdy. So, that's my two cents about this strain. I probably don't know it well enough yet to REALLY judge it, as I probably could have grown it better. So take this all with a grain of salt.

Btw, from the two purple jems, I yielded about 28 grams, but like I said, lost about 7 grams to mold. The big one yeilded about 70% of the final combined weight at 19 grams, the little one making up the difference.


Hey Krazy,
great work man. Great information, and very helpful. I see that I must add some Jems to the collection. How are they working for your joint pain, and have you found any effective mens for cleaning out your synovial fluid? I got piles of spirochete fragments in the fluid of my hips and knees that drives me batshit with the pain. Your post really stirred my thinking, and would love to know if you found any helpful remedies (aside from that beautiful herb!) :joint:

I missed your posts,man. Getttin time to start that AF med thread, no? Got some Bluestreaks 8 days in...:woohoo: The leather strap is out, and I am starting to gnaw on it. Boy I hope these babies fill the bill.:joint:


Active member
Besides the herb (which does help but is most assuredly temporary), the other things, well... the jury is still out. I am trying to drink the tonic water with the quinine, but it tastes like ass. I'm trying to get a little unfiltered apple cider vinegar down a day, but I haven't noticed any improvement yet. And the Wobenzym N... well I don't know. Some days it feels like it's helped a bit, other times, I take it and flare up worse. It's hard to know what, if anything, is doing any good.


Hey KC m8..
your Da Man with those smoke reports..I take my hat off to Ya...:bis:

Not only will they bring the medical selection right down..it is just So interesting to compare the JEM pure to Lo-J's and see what the addition brings or doesn't bring.
From my point of view..they are Superb.
I THINK they will enhance the breeding Selection enormously.

I AM REAL EXCITED ABOUT THEM...:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Can we use them for our med thread please..the blanks..
and can I nick your completed ones for that too...?
They are the most comprehensive I have seen...it will give us a start point.

Well Done m8..:yes:

I am trying to drink the tonic water with the quinine
The best way to test if something IS working is to Stop taking it.
Sometimes effects are subtle and you tend to overlook the improvements and just register a general mood lift.
Take it out..and look for any signs of flare up..particulally any flare in joint swelling.

Have you heard of/or tried CANDITOX..?

ChynaRyder..cheers m8..
Getttin time to start that AF med thread, no?
Yup m8..
You starting it or do you want me to set it up...?
Which ever you decide make sure we name it something that makes it absolutely clear that it is a MEDICAL thread so no-one comes in and moans at us.


Yup m8..
You starting it or do you want me to set it up...?
Which ever you decide make sure we name it something that makes it absolutely clear that it is a MEDICAL thread so no-one comes in and moans at us.

I can get her going later, although I would have little to add that would be relevant to this forum. I am just begining my adventure with AF's and my condition, and have utterly no idea of the medical value of them. Hence, my fear of the next few months...I got everything riding on these bluestreaks being able to fill my needs temporarily until I am back in high gear with multiple strains. All if my prior medication was 12/12 strains.

keep searching man, there has got to be a way of cleaning out the fluid. I am finding relief with far IR treatments to my joints. the deep penetration seems to help, if only temprarily. My wife jost got me a fa-red sauna:woohoo:great gal that she is. I have not set it up yet, but the deep detoxifying effects are supposed to be significant.


I can get her going later, although I would have little to add that would be relevant to this forum.

No probs my m8..I'll do it..

Hence, my fear of the next few months...I got everything riding on these bluestreaks being able to fill my needs temporarily until I am back in high gear with multiple strains

That is Hopefully what we can stop...the uncertainty.
(I was exactly the same when I came looking...)
IMO..EVERY canna is a med canna..it comes down to..is it Right for you or your condition.

keep searching man, there has got to be a way of cleaning out the fluid.
Not sure if this is any use to either of you..BUT..
My work has been done on arthritis sufferers and the kind of joint swelling they get..
after cancer surgery odemas..
and a lot of That is down to WHEAT.

It is very simple to test...(but absolute hell to stick to IF that is the cause.)

Eliminate ALL wheat and yeast from your diet for 4 days.
Just knock all Processed foods on the head..gravies..sauces..pastries..Bread..
Stick to the meat/fish and veg/salad/fruit gear.
Steak..chips and all the trimmings is well acceptable..as long as you have the onion rings without batter...:yeahthats

At the end of 4 days..make yourself a sandwich..or two slices of toast..
wait an hour..then re-check your swelling.

IF it is a problem for you....You will See a visible difference in the swellings.

You will also be hit by full body Flu symptoms..so be prepared by getting some high dose (1000mg) vitamin C tablets
obviously..make sure the vits are wheat/yeast/dairy free..or you will compound the problem. :yes:

It really IS that simple.


indeed I noticed a significant difference in pain levels when I eat wheat, but it is really just varying levels of agony. Unfortunately it is not that simple for me. Lyme arthritis is caused by active infection in the synovial tissue, as well as the deposition of spirochete fragments in the synovial fluid after killing by what little antibiotic the body delivers to this area. the real issue for me is delivering antimicrobial compounds into the areas in which the little beasty hides. The pathogen in lyme secrets itself into areas that do not recieve large amounts of blood, hence the difficulty in delivering a killing dose of antimicrobials to that site.:wallbash: I have tried to take massive doses of THC, in hopes that the antimicrobial proerties in it may do the job. No luck yet, and I think all I did was consume my stash rapidly.:noway: Believe me my friend, this is year 9 of this shit, and researching and trying new avenues for treatment have consumed me for most of that time once I realized that modern medicine had no answers.

Yes, every canna is medical, and I think the Bluestreak will be a winner. Blueberry has almost magical properties for me, and master kush has been very helpful as well. this is what has driven my thinking and selection of bluestreak: The lineage are all winners, so I suspect the podgeny will be as well.

thanks for the hijack of your thread man.

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