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Active member
Yea they really are great, can cram a bunch in an just use a second one to catch run-off water. Very strong plastic, doesn't bend. Best dollar store item ever.


Active member
Day 22

Day 22

Looking good, really starting to take off. They were treated with aquashield. Still no nutes yet, looks like they are fine with the earthworm castings for now. They are also being folair fed with TerraCycle, extremely low nute profile spray.



Hey krazycure

I don't normally veg fert the AF's if I am growing in soil based compo
I've just changed to soil-less..
(probably as neutral as growing in pure vermiculite.)

I followed the clues from your DWC thread..
feed 4 days from germ
only 50% strength..alternate days..
and guess what..they loved it..:woohoo:

Cheers from the Girls M8..keep up the Good work


LowAsis x JEM 2 pots on the front left.


Active member
Day 28, and.... like 40?

Day 28, and.... like 40?

So, the two DWC girls and the 5 soil girls were combined. I took out the larger res. Don't ask what happened to the seedlings. I'm just going to see what happens.



Active member
Whew... long time no see!

Whew... long time no see!

Day 44 for the soil.. Day 56 for the dro girls.

My preggo LOxJEM mom... probably pollinated a little to early but should still get tons of seeds. Matched with a super fast male with almost identical traits. Very short internodal length. Highly tolerant to under/overfeeding. Should be great.

The cream of the crop, a GORGEOUS LOxJEM, EXTREMELY vigourous, great color, also highly tolerant of various nute schedules, thick as hell. I wish I had pollinated her, but you can see there are some INCREDIBLE phenos in the LOxJEM line.

So the jems I've had mixed results. I transplanted my two purples to a big 10 gallon tub. One seemed to love it. The other cringed and just reacted badly. Overall they look ok, but the smaller one doesn't seem to be doing jack squat since the transplant, kinda sucks. Also, one pure jem shows NO color at all.

The hydro girls are going to be chopped soon... somehow they got pollinated so i'll get a few seeds from them, but they are super brittle and ready to come down. They didn't bulk up much, but they got pretty frosty.


HEY buddy! where you been?? GREAT work on the LowAsis x JEMS, nice pheno, shitty to hear you didnt pollenate her. Ya i will be working on this one for sure, I want to make it hot pink buds, with the LowAsis super sweet flavor, will be an excellent plant for sure.

I see you got a green JEMS!! That is rare indeed, but the only reason you got it is you recieved early breeder stock,, you got these so you could breed them pure from the plants you wanted, gave you more variation to play with. You did breed them didnt you?


Active member
No, I didn't breed the pure jems: I wanted to, but since I didn't have a colored pure male jem, it just didn't happen. I bred the no-color male & female LOxJEMS because they seemed like a perfect match, but didn't have any purple pollen to use on the jems, so I figured screw it, still got 6 more seeds, try again next time. Plus I'm only just now starting to understand feeding requirements for the JEMs, and I didn't want to mess up a seedrun.

Jems seem to start out wanting nutes fast, then taper off and only want about 50% strength from day 30 on...


krazycure..first off..Excellent growing M8..
I have scrutinised them all..closely.
Still drooling..:woohoo:

Fantastic leaf colour on the JEM's..:yes:
Great trics on the Low-J's.
I clocked LowAsis pure and noticed a tric similarity..I was hoping it would lead to a strenthening in that area and it certainly looks like You HIT it.
White Out...:woohoo:

I see you got a green JEMS!! That is rare indeed
someone who wishes to remain anonymous mailed me and they have picked up a very strong Tangerine/Orange pheno out of that green bud JEM.
Might have Pinned it.
What does yours smell like..?


Active member
Day 57

Day 57

Sorry for long absence... I'll explain a little later but first the good news.

Here's my colored LoXJem. God I love her. She will probably come down this coming weekend. Strangely her top bud is mostly green yet the middle and bottom have a definite purple tinge. Oh well. Too bad I didn't seed her, bud she is going to be awesome smoke.

My no color Jem is doing well, won't yeild much but what I get will be tasty. Very interesting smell... not orange tangerine... I don't know. I don't recognize it.

My seed mom. Sigh. Let this be a lesson kids: don't pollinate too early. I would have gotten much more seed if I had waited even just a week longer but eh, sometimes you fuck up. I'll still get enough seed to make it worthwhile, and I'm still confident I made a good pick, even if she looks kind of straggly, I see the makings of greatness. Alot of the seed pods are turning the shell yellow, most of the seeds can be clearly seen..

And finally the two purples. Little one still doing jack squat, I must have really traumatized her form the transplant. Oh well. They look like they might go to day 75 or so.

Now, if you don't want to get bummed out, quit reading. I don't want to ruin anyone's night. So here's why I've barely been around at all for the past month. I'm coming to grips with a condition I might be stuck with for the rest of my life. It's really one of those things you don't want to have to explain in real life, but it feels good to vent online. Without further ado.....

A few months ago I met a woman. Thank god, it had been awhile. All seemed hunky dory until I started getting odd pains in my feet, hands, and knees. After a protracted "WTF" few weeks, it was finally figured out: she'd given me chlamydia. Now if you've done your STD homework, you know that's an STI (infection) not STD (disease). You might also know that current medical advice is antibiotics, then *boom*, all better. So you might ask yourself why am I mentioning it.

Welll... genetics are a funny thing. I have what you might call a hyperactive immune system. I've had asthma all my life, doctors say presumably I was exposed to some kind of mold early on and ever since then my immune system is 'primed': ready to give a response at a moments notice to anything that might even be BARELY harmful (such as getting an asthma attack from just dust, or , say cold air. Yes, it's a bitch). So....

For most people clamydia is no big deal. You take your azythromycin, you get rid of clamydia. Done deal. However, some people have a gene called HLA 27, which, for some unknown reason, causes these people to have bouts of reactive arthritis triggered by otherwise unrelated infections. Herein lies the problem. It used to be called Reiter's syndrome. You see, as a byproduct of killing clamydia, current antibiotics deposit the scraps of the fight... usually bits of protein and the like... just shreds of clamydia material, not live organisms.... into the joints. This is the bugaboo. My immune system now thinks I have a persistent infection within the affected joints, and the inflammation is CONSTANT. I'm talking, so painful I cannot walk on my feet... that is... without medication.

Here's the next chapter. So, in an effort to curb the effect, I'm put on prednisone. If you don't know, this is a steroid which suppresses the immune system, thereby in my case reducing inflammation. As a bonus, my curbs my asthma. Cool! However, it comes at a cost. To boil it all down, it's poison in the long run, and I can't keep taking it. In fact, I should have stopped weeks ago, but I didn't, because the pain has been intense. Without it, I can *sort* of get by on aleve and ibuprofen, but even that's bad to take at the dosage I require, and even then the pain is quite severe. So, you see my problem.

There's no current 'cure' for this condition. No one seems to know HOW you could get the scraps of the material out of the joints... you see, it's the synoval fluid. A fluid very rarely cycled. I've done plenty of research, and I'm trying a product called Wobenzym N, an enzyme which might further break down these proteins which are causing the problem, but there's not real literature or studies behind it's usage for that, beyond some scattered posts on the internet.

Well, I'm done ranting. Please, if you know anything about this condition or know anything for joint detox, let me know. And please, whatever you do be it pray or well wish or do your own research, hope that I find a cure, because I don't know if I'll be able to live a normal life much longer. I don't relish having to move back in with my mom as a cripple. :fsu:


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
The plants are looking great I need to start growing some other AF strains myself and branch out.

Here's the next chapter. So, in an effort to curb the effect, I'm put on prednisone. If you don't know, this is a steroid which suppresses the immune system, thereby in my case reducing inflammation. As a bonus, my curbs my asthma. Cool! However, it comes at a cost. To boil it all down, it's poison in the long run, and I can't keep taking it. In fact, I should have stopped weeks ago, but I didn't, because the pain has been intense. Without it, I can *sort* of get by on aleve and ibuprofen, but even that's bad to take at the dosage I require, and even then the pain is quite severe. So, you see my problem.

We are here for ya man no need to worry about the rant.

I like the Prednisone myself for my asthma and if I could handle taking it daily I would rather have it then any other drug. But man I pack on ten pounds as soon as I take the first one and it just rips my stomach apart no matter if I eat or drink milk. At least for men you don't have to worry about the fact it doesn't let your body use calcium I had kidney stones at 18 so I have to much calcium.




you are crossing right over into the realms of my research m8..
ALL the Immune system reactions and yeast overgrowth.

and I know some of the things are Real hard to follow..
but I guarantee you if you do you Will get relief.

There's no current 'cure' for this condition
I know..BUT..there are things that definitely HELP..I'll bring you them.

Are you getting Nerve pain m8..is that why you think you will be crippled..?
JEM's are my first ever nerve pain assistant...and they work best harvested a bit early.
Test bud from 7 weeks....:yes:

Also..this Might help with a bit of the joint build up..
no promises but it is cheap to try.
1 can of Tonic Water per day...the kind you put in Gin..
stops crystals forming in the joints..might just alleviate a bit of swelling.
Make you a bit more comfortable..

Thoughts with you my m8..:smoke:

not orange tangerine... I don't know. I don't recognize it.
this is what I was saying about the Green pheno..someone is picking up a strong tangerine.
Could be similar..


Active member
Are you getting Nerve pain m8..is that why you think you will be crippled..?

I don't think it's nerve pain, just inflammation of the tendons and the joint itself. But, I will be crippled in a sense that when I stop taking prednisone, I won't be able to walk. Not a true crippling, but debilitating in the same way.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i'd rather be sex starved then get laid by random girls. std's are too prevalent now a days. was it a one night thing or did you know her?


Active member
I... sort of knew her. Acquaintance turned love affair, you know? It's not like she was a hooker, she didn't even know she had it (or so she says, seems honest enough).... alot of times it's asymptomatic in women, so they can't tell...


krazycure..gotcha some questions in your mail m8.
Just to give me a bit background info.

In the meantime..I was mulling it over last night...:chin:

After having seen the LowAsis Pure..
I have the J-Lo cross marked up as a Possible pain-killer strengthener.
I would say I am about 80% sure...:yes:
it will be dependant on how she clicks...
but there are 2 identified matching chunks..I am pretty confident.
You might be growing the very 2 that could help.

Yup..ALF#3 came back with a V good Arthritis help score.
Reduction on sleep meds..reduction on pain meds and much Mood improvement.

Plus..there is the DC cross..
ALF#3 as above..with DC added...(ALF#4 on hyb)
This one carries the incense that I need for nerve pain in abundance
BUT..on One non-af pheno I have picked up a bit paranoia.
Not bad..more of a nip in the stomach..
but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with nervous complaints.
Til it has been tested further.

'Nother thing..read years back..to get the best pain-killer from an Afghan dom
harvest @10% amber Trics....
It Works for me. :yes:

so I would recommend that you start test budding on the JEM..and probably the J-Lo 7-7.5 weeks from germ.
Last edited:


ICMag Donor
'Nother thing..read years back..to get the best pain-killer from an Afghan dom
harvest @10% amber pistils....
It Works for me. :yes:

Do you mean amber trichs? I've never heard of amber pistils before.


it appears that you have done a good bit of work on the medical capabilities of your strains. Do you have this info in a thread anywhere that I may be able to look at it? the reason I ask is that I rely on herbs for pain management, insomnia, nausea and vomiting all due to chronic Lyme disease. I am changing my whole grow over to AF's, and am hoping to produce good medicine. I am not off the ground yet, as I am moving, and it will be about 3 more weeks til I am underway. I have a pack of blue streak and a pack of auto ak x diesel, and femmed seeds from all of my old 12/12 strains that I hope to introduce into the af's. I have a lot riding on the blue streaks, and chose them becuase of the great effect that blueberry has had on my pain. Hoping the ak x diesel will be a good night time knockout. I have about 2 months worth of stash left before I am out, and then have to rely on my AF's for meds. I would love to see what you have on the medicinal qualities of your strains. I may just have to add some JEMS to my repetoire.

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