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Je suis charlie

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Tens of Thousands of Jews Leaving Israel for Germany

OCT 2014

.... Few couple months later......


Jews are leaving France : 10,000 to Arrive in Israel in 2015



When you can see the Patterns of Evil at work....you can sniff them out from a Mile away all day
I'm sorry but i don't see the pattern you're talking about?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member

Reports: Hollande Didn't Want Netanyahu at Paris Rally



New member
c'est vrai tu te permets juste de juger les gens, de dire que les autres sont des ignorants, que t'e le seul a avoir la vérité absolue comme si tu avais était présent (mais peut-être tu sais des choses que nous misérables mortels ignorons...?. De plus tu te sert des soit disant victimes pour essayer de fermer la gueule aux autres. C'est toi qui porte de coups bas espèce de lâche.

T’inquiète j'assume très bien, je suis même très fière de ce que je suis, mais je ne suis pas ru que tu puise dire de même. J’aimerais juste savoir ou tu te planques au cas ou un jour l’état déclare la loi martiale, la je te garanti que tu regretterais que j'ai signé ;)

mais inquiète pas, tant que les petit personnages comme toi restent a leur place bien planqués il n’arrivera rien de tout ça, alors vas'y continue a te défouler sur ton petit clavier, a ce qu'il pareil ça aide quand on a pas de vie :)


Active member
there are many factual issues with the france disaster, all of them in total and many of them by themselves point to "false flag".

French president says on national TV that the Illuminati is attacking Paris.
Posted on January 12, 2015

^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z9y-FtskzY


^ click on the above noliesradio link. read for yourselves.

no blood, no recoil, no body movement. actual video:

^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PwgoFWeHbA#t=46

later on as media reports that blood was put there:


Later Sky News came to the scene to photograph the huge blood stain caused by the miss and dust cloud, blood not seen on the actual shooting video, not a single drop. This is totally insane, Jim W. Dean says it looks like it was done with a paint roller. Liquids don’t move around like this, flowing up and down and around unless “helped.” Shame!



^ great vt article. james dean vt editor along with gordon duff say this was the worst executed false flag in history. obvious fake stuff happening all over the place. read the vt article.

Breaking Down The False Flag Event In Paris – Episode 561 . . . and much, much more . . . here it is all in one place! ~J
Posted on January 11, 2015 by Jean
Here is much of what I have been reporting recently – summed up in one place. It doesn’t get any better than this . . . ~J

^^ https://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2015...much-much-more-here-it-is-all-in-one-place-j/


Well-known member
It becomes ridiculous, creating a plot because of blood stains on crappy images.
And Storm Shadow, i still don't understand what you mean with your links, why don't make a sentence like normal people
The VT article is an awful piece of shit. If France is a totally controlled country, USA is the worst dictature of the world.
The french president says illuminés wich is a current word to speak about religious people and has no relation with Illuminati (wich is a latin word)
I'm afraid whatever i can say all people who decided it's a false flag will believe it even if they're wrong in this case.
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Stormie

An even more interesting twist is the resettlement of Ashkenazic Jews in the Ukraine, their old home land !
Crimea to be precise .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

hard rain

Je suis Charlie.


Pity threads like this bring out the usual conspiracy theorist nutcases with your join the dot you tube bullshit. Seriously I wish you'd all fuck off. You are an embarrasment to the cannabis community.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Baaaaahhh (I'm not sure how you spell the sound a sheep makes when he follows the heard And believes what he is told to believe)

Well if you don't know how to spell it then it just makes you that much more the fool for trying to use it as a counterpoint in a debate. No source told me to believe that as no source ever discussed the notion that finding a passport in the debris of an explosion was difficult to believe. Just simple deductive reasoning tells us it is possible. Things close to a point of explosion tend to get obliterated both from the force of the blast and the fireball that follows. So it's reasonable to conclude that people onboard the planes striking the towers would have been obliterated especially those towards the front of the planes (where the terrorists were mostly). Reason also tells us that most people aren't traveling on a plane with their passports in hand and out in the open, typically they are in one's pocket, briefcase, carry on bag or a purse. So the clothing, briefcase, bag or purse would provide a layer of insulation against a fireball allowing them to remain mostly or wholly intact to be shot out away from the blast by the shockwaves of a blast.

The only people likely to have difficulty with such reasoning are those trying to build a flimsy argument on the notion that an intact passport or other form of ID is just too impossible to believe when in fact it is very possible to believe. The only thing remotely suspicious is the fact that such things were found given just how much debris there was and how far from the point of origin that something like a passport might have been flung.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That the powers that be have made another sheep out of the guy tht believes the ridiculous stories about 9/11 from the American media.

It's funny how people who don't buy into the 9/11 conspiracy are often labeled as sheep who believed lies they were feed by the media and yet those believing 9/11 was a conspiracy are people who thru critical thinking didn't drink the koolaide even though the things they believe also were spoon fed ideas from opposing media sources.

Enough about 9/11 though, how about we try to stay focused on the more recent attack on Charlie Hebdo?


Well-known member
boko haram,isis,alkaida is terorist org.maybe people run from syria for fun?
they kill every one who is not member,pure evil on the planet!
je suis charlie.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I am sure the funerals for those killed were all staged too….. The left wing and the right wing sure have a lot of conspiracy theories…. makes it easier to make the bad guy whatever side your not on, facts be damned.
Anyone noticed how well the demonstrations after the attack were organised by front national and all?

Or how a hijacker was live on the news and could tell his story to the world, but all he had to say was that he was send from Al Quaida?
He didn't seem fanatic at all, rather mellow, as if he still smokes pot.

You got to ask yourself who wins by this attack? Whoever that is is most likely behind it.
To them an attack like this was necessary to make clear to the weak harted (as they put it) where "our" priorities lay.

It has happened so many times in history even before the Christians burned down Rome.
Nothing conspiracy about that, L'histoire se repete.

Max Headroom

Well-known member

hard rain

all you need to know about this and other similar attacks is this:

read up on "Operation Gladio" and "The Strategy of Tension".

these are time-tested methods of how to use crazy fundamentalists to do the bidding of the elite and shepherd the population into the desired direction.

they got rid of socialism in italy that way. watch the BBC doc on youtube.

None of your links have anything to do with what occurred in France? The second one is a theory??? And a youtube clip? Really?

Why on earth do you lot jump to the conclusion that everything that happens is a conspiracy? And so soon after an event? Evidence?

Pretty poor taste to start this sort of rubbish so soon after an event like this.
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