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JB's sativa hacking hub


Well-known member
End of -
Week 6 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 7 - Panama
Week 8 - snakes
Week 9 -Ohaze

Still just all trucking along. I potted on the haze into 5 litre pots to help them get bigger through flower, hopefully. Also jarred up the autos - 7g on the gorilla skittles, 5 on the pink kush cbd. That's what happens when you screw up autos I guess.

The rest are just in that boring stage. Few buds starting to finish up on the snakes and they're certainly going yellow as they normally do towards the end of flower, even though I've top dressed with more nutes. The indicas are also showing a few red hairs which is good, maybe another 4 weeks max on most of this run.

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Haze will go into the main tent once a few more plants come down but they're doing fine under the crap light.


Well-known member
End of -
Week 7 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 8 - Panama
Week 9 - snakes
Week 10 -Ohaze

Coming close to the end now, although still a few weeks to go on most. The snakes usually come down between 10 and 11 weeks and these two look to be at least 11, maybe even a bit longer. The larger ortega mix is getting close, with just the upper buds still pushing out new growth. I'll give her until this weekend then make a decision whether to chop or not. The smaller one and the bubblegum need at least 2, possibly 3 weeks still.
Panama is the big mystery as she seems slow with flowering and could be as much as 5 weeks away from ripe. Trying my patience this one.

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Haze still hazing. They're slowly building buds up and I'll let them go until the seeds are ripe and everything else is down. I'm hoping these are tamer than the oldtimers which can take over 20 weeks but judging by how these look, halfway through is about right.


Well-known member
First harvest

The taller ortega mix is down at 53 days. Hairs are all orange and she finished up quickly in the last few days. Very easy to pick the leaves off indicating she was well into senescence.

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The full plant

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Just the top bud.

With the heat kicking in here now she'll likely be sampled next weekend at the latest. Should be a few more down soon as well - her sister needs maybe another week and the bubblegum mix about the same. Snakes close to but I'll save that for the end of week update.



Well-known member
Good growing Jock! Any interesting aromas?
At first it was orange but lately its more sour rhubarb smelling. I've had a few buds like that, both purchased and grown, over the years and they're usually strong and long lasting so I'll be testing small doses of this girl just in case I end up wasting an evening in crazy town.


Well-known member
End of -
Week 8 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 9 - Panama
Week 10 - snakes
Week 11 -Ohaze

Another late update due to personal stuff getting in the way so the plants got neglected and are now very burned looking. The light is way powerful and still hasn't been above 75% but I've put it down to 50 now.
The snakes look nearly done and will be down next weekend at the latest, possibly even this week, same with the smaller ortega. The bubblegum is hard to call but probably another week at least. Panama could be as much as 2 weeks out.

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Haze are starting to get light burned now as well so they'll go in to the main tent as soon as the snakes are down as there's more head room in there.

Looking forward to more harvests


Well-known member
Harvest No. 2

The skinny red snake came down a few days ago at 72 days of flower. Fairly heavily seeded by either the haze or the ortega herm - I might hold onto those seeds and test grow a few in future just in case they were haze progeny but they won't be top of the list.

Edit - she came in at 19.82g although with all the seeds I'm expecting at least 2g of that to be seed mass. Still, pretty decent for snake and she's already seeing plenty of action in the vape and is as good as always

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I also put some more snake onto soak along with some of my Nirvana NL x Sag NL9. There's others I wanted to do but I might be away in late October so needed some plants I can expect to be down before then.
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Well-known member
End of -
Week 9 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 10 - Panama
Week 11 - snakes
Week 12 -Ohaze

OK, a very late update as my phone camera died on me and only just came back online. Means I didn't get photos of the other snake coming down either but the pot is still there for the bottom buds to ripen up the haze seeds. The rest of the plant was also heavily seeded which sucks, this has not been a great run for seedless bud and the smaller ortega mix hermed as well so I'm not sure I'll keep the haze cross seeds cooking on her.

Haze plants are now all in the main tent to finish up although they could be taken for seed now. All are giving woody smells apart from a juicy orange one at the front which is a nice change for haze.

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Another update soon...


Well-known member
End of -
Week 10 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 11 - Panama
Week 13 -Ohaze

Nearing the end now, apart from the haze girls who could go another 4 or 5 weeks if not seeded. The seeded buds are starting to die off and I'm going to lose seeds to the tent floor if I'm not careful so I'll harvest these in the next few weeks and try to rig up a drying box or something so that I can contain the beans. Panama will come down as well - I'm going to be away for a bit and thats a good reason to crop the lot at once before starting again. Thinking of maybe an OT haze repro next...

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Anyway, in the meantime the smaller ortega mix and the bubblegum mix will probably come down this coming weekend. The other snake is nearly dry as well so there's a trim up in my near future. Til then...


Well-known member
End of -
Week 11 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 12 - Panama
Week 14 -Ohaze

Coming to the final days here as everything needs to be down at the end of this week ideally. The temptation to give the haze and Panama plants more time is heavy but I need them down before I go away. In a perfect world they'd be dried and jarred by then as well but down may be all I can manage with just the extraction left on low to slow dry them. Still not sure what to do with the snakes and northern lights crosses either - might just leave them in the dark for a week and see how that goes.

So, harvests. The final snake came in at 19.3g but a lot of seed again so I'll say closer to 17 in reality. I've also taken the smaller ortega mix down at 11 weeks, with shots below. She could've been down earlier this week but I've been busy.

First up some harvest shots

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Next up the full tent

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And finally some shots of the Panama and bubblegum mix to show progress

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Til next week and the likely final update


Well-known member
Another harvest report

Took the haze #8 down today at 100 days of flower. She's still putting out pistils but the seeded pods are drying up and ejecting seeds now and I don't want to lose any. I already collected 9 from the driest buds that would've dropped out whilst drying but I'm sure I'll lose a few as she hangs. Lovely scent of orange on this one and I wish I could've given her longer - maybe 2 more weeks would have had her cooked.

I was skeptical about this haze line at first and I'd say the OT line will yield more per plant, but I think these are worth playing with more in future - certainly never found and orange OT haze.

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I think the bottom photo shows I'm justified in taking this one before I lose too many seeds. There's another that's just as dried out so she'll be down next, probably in the next few days.


Well-known member
OK, its been a while but I'm back. Everything came down about 2 weeks ago and all plants are now dried and in jars - and actively being vaped of course.

I'm going to split this into a chop report for the Panama and haze plants and then another post just on the hazes themselves.

I'll try to remember to update yields on everything as well if I can remember, although some plants have taken a hammering already in the post harvest free-for-all.

Right, harvest

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So, the Panama was fairly cooked although some lower buds looked like they needed another week or 2, but the tops were getting fried so even if I had been around, I would've cut this one anyway. Seeing this happen alongside happy plants in the same environment makes me feel better and like the Panama line is just fucking picky.

The hazes though, could've done with a lot more time. First up is haze 4 which could've taken another 4 weeks at least, then haze 1 which maybe only needed another 2 or 3 and finally haze 6, the Thai line, which could clearly flower forevermore.

And that's it, we're done on this round. Seeds are already soaking and even some cracked, for the next lot - zamaldelica, some NL2 x NL9 and (surprise, surprise) some red snake.

Next up, haze report...


Well-known member
Right, haze report time.

I've just gone for bag photos here as the buds aren't much to look at and I'm lazy. I also didn't bother weighing any of these as there's so much seed that its not worth it. Yields are volume based alone.

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So first just a generic shot of all the bags, looking like some old school nonsense.

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Haze 4 - small yield and I haven't had too many vapes on this yet but its haze so of course its good, just maybe not the best of the batch. Smell is hard to pin down, its a lot like a Malawi dom zamaldelica, kind of sharp, woody and spicy. Very nice

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Haze 6 - surprisingly resinous for how early she came down. Smell is pretty much like #4 but this I have vaped a bit and the high is almost totally my Thai dom zamaldelica. If you handed me a bud of this unseeded and told me that's what it was, I'd believe you - then ask how the fuck you got hold of my stash.

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Haze 1 - same zamaldelica vibes on the nose, maybe a bit more creamy. But this seems to be the one I keep coming back to alongside the 6. Very similar zamaldelica type effect but perhaps a bit more manageable. So far she's top of the list for seed popping in future.

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And finally we have

Haze 8 - I thought she'd lost her nice orange scent after a hasty jarring that required me to redry her after a few days and in the bag she's not up to much, but when squeezed or ground the orange nose comes back. Flavour is good as well and ground up this is a slightly muted version of Panama orange. In a blind sniff test I can't say I'd be able to tell them apart. The effect as well is markedly different to the others. Its like a sledgehammer to the brain - very spacey and stoney. You'll get couchlock, you'll forget what you're doing, you'll lose a few hours. Fun, but I'm more into the up haze effects. Still well worth trying a few seeds some day though.