Yeah sure! I'll fix you up with some comparison-shots tomorrow!
I got nabbed.
ittg, just checking in with your thread. looking really nice in here. wishing you more good growluck in the future. thanks for sharing the awesome pictures of your work.
Say what!?
ITTG, those cola's are a good size, roughly about how big I envisaged they were. How long till the chop now?
Thanks for the good vibes Shhh, and yes I got a very good lawyer^^ Hey Raph, I'm really sory to hear that bro!!! Good luck, hope you got a good lawyer buddy.
First round of drying: ~12 oz.
I would guess that it's 2-3x as much still in there.
Time will tell.
Even though I am part of a collective and I checked the narc ( hispanic woman)'s rec and it was current and I called and verified it because it felt shady.. turns out I actually called the sheriff and they lied saying they were the doctor and that it was valid.
Good shit bro, looks like you'll be on track for the 2.2 pounds. What's the dried stuff smelling like?