I knew that terpenes modified THC I have felt that for decades, this was the first chance I had to test my hypothesis. Rob was in agreement with me. I think I will publish it in O’Shaughnessy’s as Fred is a friend and they have wanted me to publish it for years. Until then you need to wait. When you see the list of subjects you will understand why we waited, at their request.
The work started 15 years ago with the first 100% pure THC 25 mg being tried by vapeing by just me and Rob, then we tried 25 mg of a 50/50 mixture of pure THC and dry sifted resin that was 50% THC, and 25 mg of the 75% THC mix was stronger then the pure THC. We thought we knew why..... we were right.
Certainly understandable I am just interested in the data and the potential for learning something from it. Whenever that happens Ill be the first to contribute my fair share to get to lay my eyes on the data. Thanks for sharing the general outcome however that is more than helpful all by itself.