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Is the Water You Use the Best It Can Be? Structured Water. Why? And an Easy DIY


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5 Star Organic Structured Water MEDICAL MARIJUANA Made with Structured Water
^ this link was posted by petflora. go to the 4 minute mark and listen to this female doctor. she remarks how surprised she was to see increased oxygen levels in blood after the patient just drank a little structured water.


Hypoxemia (low blood oxygen)
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Hypoxemia is a below-normal level of oxygen in your blood, specifically in the arteries. Hypoxemia is a sign of a problem related to breathing or circulation, and may result in various symptoms, such as shortness of breath.

Hypoxemia is determined by measuring the oxygen level in a blood sample taken from an artery (arterial blood gas). It can also be estimated by measuring the oxygen saturation of your blood using a pulse oximeter — a small device that clips to your finger.

Normal arterial oxygen is approximately 75 to 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Values under 60 mm Hg usually indicate the need for supplemental oxygen. Normal pulse oximeter readings usually range from 95 to 100 percent. Values under 90 percent are considered low.

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Several factors are needed to continuously supply the cells and tissues in your body with oxygen:

There must be enough oxygen in the air you are breathing
Your lungs must be able to inhale the oxygen-containing air — and exhale carbon dioxide
Your bloodstream must be able to circulate blood to your lungs, take up the oxygen and carry it throughout your body
A problem with any of these factors — for example, high altitude, asthma or heart disease — might result in hypoxemia, particularly under more extreme conditions, such as exercise or illness. When your blood oxygen falls below a certain level, you might experience shortness of breath, headache, and confusion or restlessness.

Common causes of hypoxemia include:

ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
Congenital heart defects in children
Congenital heart disease in adults
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Interstitial lung disease
Medications, such as certain narcotics and anesthetics, that depress breathing
Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in an artery in the lung)
Pulmonary fibrosis
Sleep apnea

I gots this shit. I've been going to a heart doctor. he says i'm dead man walking, yo.

I've been drinking my crystal restructured water for about a week. my shortness of breath and stamina is rapidly improving. big improvements.

I don't have access yet to a public microscope where I can see if the crystals actually restructured the water.

the woman said the restructured water affects the ph by raising it. my water buckets keep raising ph after I get them to 6.5. they won't stay below 7 ph.

i'm also using two types of charcoal ( waiting on my bincho charcoal from japan).maybe the charcoal is raising the water's ph? don't know.

what I can tell you is that my energy levels are now greatly improved, my breathing is greatly improved in the last week.

no bullshit. this stuff is important and i'm shooting straight on this stuff.

Berry interesting. :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wow. That's amazingly quick

Did you order the KJ Fuel Magnets yet? I placed 2 sets on my incoming water pipe a couple days ago. This morning's shower water felt smoother, almost creamy

Also, added one set to my 3 X 3 tent, and one on the 1/2" line feeding 2 plants in my SPYDR 600 tent


Active member
i'm using crystals.

the Doctor showing blood cells under a microscope said she was surprised that such a dramatic improvement was physically evident almost immediately after the patient drank some structured water. 4 minute mark in.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Crystals only, no magnets? For $13 do it. You might also add a set to your incoming water supply


Active member
5 Star Organic Structured Water MEDICAL MARIJUANA Made with Structured Water


rofl. seriously man. no animosity no combativeness....

do you REALLY believe water can cluster together like that? do you REALLY believe that water has "memory"?

you do understand that water clustered like that would be trivial to detect right? you dont need millions of dollars worth of equipment... its viscosity, refractive index and specific gravity would all change.

i get that u are anti establishment anti vaccine anti science etc... but even so, im sure you can see though the bullshit in this video.

they are trying to SELL U SHIT. its an infomercial.

that "doctor" does not show up on the nevada medical board website. she is not a doctor. she is not licensed to practice medicine in the state of Nevada.

look for your self.

Perl Laperla


shes full of shit. check Nevada county tax assessment database. i bet shes got a home worth a pretty penny... all from peddling bullshit.


Active member
do you REALLY believe water can cluster together like that? do you REALLY believe that water has "memory"?


she showed the blood after structured water ingested. she might, I guess be spoofing us. I doubt it.

tons of videos showing water being restructured by all kinds of methods.

it's all good.

what forums are for. :)


Active member

she showed the blood after structured water ingested. she might, I guess be spoofing us. I doubt it.

tons of videos showing water being restructured by all kinds of methods.

it's all good.

what forums are for. :)

who knows how that test was done... like u said it could easily have been spoofed.

yes tons of videos talk about structured water. tons of videos talk about the flat earth too... so i think we should understand that lots of videos does not mean that an idea is valid conceptually and empirically.

put all of the above aside.

do u believe me when i say that water structured in such a manner would be easy/trivial to detect and measure?
do you believe me when i say that hydrogen bonding is responsible for a shit load of physical qualites of liquids? viscosity surface tension, density, refractive index etc?

if you believe both of the above, then what is to stop you or me from measuring the differences in this persistent structured water?

before you spend any money just read about hydrogen bondings.... how they effect boiling points, and how they change with temperature and pressure. this science was all ferreted out way way way back in the day by germans... i wanna say this was back in pre ww1 1900s.

its not hard to understand conceptually... yes the physics and modeling is insane( physical chemistry), but on a CONCEPTUAL level its very easy.
like explaining a rocket... verses building one.

idk if you will believe what i tell you, so check out youtube.

here: (sorry i dont have time to review these videos, if these are shitty just bumble around youtube for more)




hydrogen bonding is part of the reason your DNA molecules are held together... its most of the reason water boils at high temps, and alcohols of similar molecular mass boil at much lower temps.


Active member

if you were enjoying my very recent and miraculous health improvements this "beavis and butt-head" denial thang would end immediately.

breathing substantially improved.

legs substantially improved.

energy levels substantially improved.

sense of well being instead of feeling shitty substantially improved.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
rofl. seriously man. no animosity no combativeness....

do you REALLY believe water can cluster together like that? do you REALLY believe that water has "memory"?

you do understand that water clustered like that would be trivial to detect right? you dont need millions of dollars worth of equipment... its viscosity, refractive index and specific gravity would all change.

i get that u are anti establishment anti vaccine anti science etc... but even so, im sure you can see though the bullshit in this video.

they are trying to SELL U SHIT. its an infomercial.

that "doctor" does not show up on the nevada medical board website. she is not a doctor. she is not licensed to practice medicine in the state of Nevada.

look for your self.

Perl Laperla


shes full of shit. check Nevada county tax assessment database. i bet shes got a home worth a pretty penny... all from peddling bullshit.



Active member
I don't give a f*** about structured water. seriously, why would I?

structured water should be investigated for it's potential water enhancement properties.
^ I do give a f*** about that.

i'm into water enhancement by use of crystals. i'm into investigating how crystal frequencies can improve horticulture. if it flops i'll admit it here.

I was looking at water enhancement. it's ok to look at ways to improve our growing methods. it's not a crime. ic mag is an obsessive/compulsive forum composed of obsessive/compulsive ic mongers who are fanatically trying to up their game. it's our signature. we be fanatics, yo.

i'm investigating crystal technology use in horticulture. it's ok. I gave myself permission and I don't need your permission nor approval.

heckling investigating a potential viable means to up one's horticulture methods is not cool.

posting that you are up front doubting hippy dippy voodoo is ok. it's sane and reasonable to doubt this stuff.


the plants aren't showing any demonstrable improvement from structured water yet ( I use crystals to structure the water).

I gots no evidence from a microscope that the crystals are actually working to structure the water. I have emailed the public library adult support desk to help me find a publically available microscope.

I am experiencing miraculous personal health improvements in the last few days.

^ I do give a f*** about that. :)


Active member
interesting update on crystal technology.

had some lame beans that would not germ properly. they would not extrude a white tap root. they would just unfurl and stop. gone thru over 100 beans with just two extruding white tap root and germing into wittle plants. same technique used on all attempts.

put the remainder of the lame beans in the following special crystal quartz chip mix:

clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, fluorite.

This is the Andromeda mix they use on their spaceships according to Elena Kapulnik.

that's right, spaceships. idiit be a little out there in wacko woowoo world.



shitty picture. you can see that the beans on the left are extruding a white tap root. beans on right are just unfurling.

The germ rate went from 2% to 50% after being dry immersed (plastic baggy) in the dry special quartz chip mix for 24 hours.

now, idiit be giving you permission to heckle him on this post 'cause even I admit it's pretty far out there. :)


New member
interesting update on crystal technology.

had some lame beans that would not germ properly. they would not extrude a white tap root. they would just unfurl and stop. gone thru over 100 beans with just two extruding white tap root and germing into wittle plants. same technique used on all attempts.

put the remainder of the lame beans in the following special crystal quartz chip mix:

clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, fluorite.

This is the Andromeda mix they use on their spaceships according to Elena Kapulnik.

that's right, spaceships. idiit be a little out there in wacko woowoo world.

shitty picture. you can see that the beans on the left are extruding a white tap root. beans on right are just unfurling.

The germ rate went from 2% to 50% after being dry immersed (plastic baggy) in the dry special quartz chip mix for 24 hours.

now, idiit be giving you permission to heckle him on this post 'cause even I admit it's pretty far out there. :)

Why dont you use GA3 or Auxins?


Active member
Why dont you use GA3 or Auxins?

hey solid snake,

I did . so did a lot of other ic mongers. didn't work for me. neither did scuffing. seems like a lot of ppl had problems getting lame beans to pop no matter what was tried.

i'm very surprised first go with crystals to reinvigorate lame beans with some fresh chi actually had positive results.

i'm not sold on this germ technique yet so it's ok to haze me about using alleged alien horticulture tech.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
OK magnetic water update: I put 2 sets of the fuel magnets on my incoming water pipe Tuesday morning. They are much smaller that I thought they would be, but they are neodymium, very strong

I have a toilet near the incoming water line. Within 2 days I noticed a big difference in that toilet. Sorry for the somewhat graphic description, but I have had to use Arm and Hammer Washing Powder to prevent skid marks when I flush. In just 3 days, no more marks without using the washing powder!

My kitchen and upstairs bath are on the opposite side of the house.

Now, since the distance from the incoming line to my kitchen and upstairs shower is a lot farther, I did not expect much for a few days, at least until the non treated water moved through.

Yesterday, in the kitchen, I noticed a clear glass mug that I had rinsed in the tap water the day before: it did not have any mineral spots (even though the minerals are still there). I keep a small container of soapy water at hand to clean up while/after cooking. The suds typically subside within minutes (this due to the hardness minerals). I made it fresh ~ over an hour ago, and there's still a full head of foam.

Will this translate to my fuel line? Dunno, but damn. This will prevent water valves from corroding with minerals, as well as all water lines, though I expect it will take awhile to clean it all out. Cleaner showers are just around the corner, too

Simple to connect, cheap to buy. I recommend 2-3 on the incoming pipe.

Also, the magnets are in attract (stick together) one needs to be flipped over so they repel. This creates a stronger energetic area



Active member
I don't see any improvement in my plants with structured water and my crystal technology yet. been 1 week.

the crystals do seem to increase germ rates with lame beans ( low life force; they unfurled but don't have the energy on their own to extrude healthy, viable tap root). germ rate radically improved.

I did not use structured water to germ beans. I used distilled water. I dry immersed the lame beans in a dry crystal mix for 24 hours.

here are my health benefits from 2 weeks drinking structured water:

vastly improved energy levels.

dramatic increase in stamina, breathing. don't get nearly as winded after low levels physical exertion.

increased mental clarity and general performance.

legs feel a lot better.

over all general feeling of "feeling good". was feeling like shit for a long time.

I think I had very poor blood oxygen levels and this has been corrected by drinking structured water ( crystals).


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Any water can be structured,wine, beer,.... any liquid, including oils

You can buy bags of marbles eBay/Amazon to fluff the water prior to running through the magnetic field

Here's a pic of 2 on my incoming water line

View attachment 376880


I gave this a shot a couple years back, magnets marbles and all. I had a couple high powered magnets from my vinyl laying days and a bunch of decorational marbles layin around, so it wasn't a big commitment or anything to throw the magnets opposite of each other on my supply line, and a bunch of marbles in my 4" drain. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this system pumped out one good harvest, and then failed 100% for like.. 14 months before I scrapped it for single cell units, so I didn't really get much out of the experiment.

My grow mentor has been pumping out flamer flame than anybody has ever flamed at a lb+ per 600w using small air pumps, minimal nutes, no ec or ph meters, no pumps or means of water cooling, using faux co2 supplementation in a tent that turns its air over every hour... He somehow manages to PUSH any genetics he comes accross to the point where it is no longer recognizable. I am 100% convinced that there is something metaphysical going on, dude is either a shaman or has some incredible karma built up or SOMETHING.

When he came to trouble shoot after a year of failure and saw my 50 gal 4 site turbo charged water chilled biocave, magnets, marbles, complete gh lineup the works.. He told me to throw all that shit out, to read the back of the bottle, and to feed half strength in flower.

Once I stopped trying to force the plants to grow, they started booming (almost) just like his. I do believe that we have a metaphysical effect on the world around us. I refuse to work on or be around or even think about the things that matter to me or affect my livelihood if I am in a poor state of mind. If there is an "x-factor", I would think good intentions, good chi, good daily karma, and perhaps small prayer or sacrifice to the weed god would have much more of positive effect on your yields than a couple magnets. I might be a little naive or biased coming from a line of mayan homeopathic nurses and doctors.. but.. those are just my 2 cents.


, The Ghost of
Any water can be structured,wine, beer,.... any liquid, including oils

So the nutrients added to the water don't change how the magnetic field structures the water?

Could I simply put 1 of these fuel doo-hickies around the spout of my watering can and get the same benefits?