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Is the Water You Use the Best It Can Be? Structured Water. Why? And an Easy DIY



we gots structured water.

we gots dirty water.

we gots different experimental methods to restructure water.

we gots different methods to clean our water. some proven empirically over decades.

I don't have access to a microscope that is advanced enough to show if my water is actually restructured by the hippy dippy crystals.

I don't have access to a microscope to see if my blood levels are more oxygenated ( I think I might have hypoxia).

ever since I started drinking carbon cleaned ( activated, bone char and finally got my bincho charcoal) restructured water using crystals I am experiencing almost miraculous health recovery in several areas. it's a big deal to me.

none of my experiments prove anything.

I don't use restructuring water as a water purification system. I use 3 different types of charcoal concurrently to clean my water.

I don't know how restructured water can be used as a water purification system.

maybe it does somehow, maybe it doesn't.

There are claims without supporting empirical evidence that restructured water helps detoxify the organism using restructured water.

since I think we can accept as fact that lots of tap water is filthy and unfit for human consumption (toxic lead amounts in water is not just limited to Flint Michigan) we hopefully can endorse cleaning the water before drinking it.

now, do plants accumulate toxic poisons from the toxic water and secondly, does smoking bud material from a plant that has been watered with toxic poisons get into our system and poison us?


The dose makes the poison. Anything in excess is poisonous and potentially fatal. Regarding your ailments, I am genuinely happy that you are finding relief (despite the fact that you for whatever reason quoted Donald Trump and inadvertently bashed Mexico to support your wild medical claims). I come from a line of 3rd world doctors and nurses of mayan decent who were forced to rely on natural/holistic medicine, and it wouldn't really surprise me if your efforts to restructure your water (or more likely your own personal energy) was completely to blame for the relief you are experiencing.

They say sitting down and having a beer every day is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Not because of any detoxifying effects of the beer, but because habitually doing ANYTHING for yourself in the name of good health is good for your stress levels.

I don't think it hurts to write "LOVE" on your buckets, I don't think it hurts to project good feelings at your water while you mix it, or at your plants while you tend to them. This is considered common ancient knowledge where my family is from. From my "woo woo" perspective, this would be more effective than pouring your water through magnets and marbles, or at least much harder to disprove. You guys focusing on these esoteric aspects should at least try out an Emoto style rice test with your restructured water and post your findings instead of just saying "My toilet is cleaner, You are all blind".
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Active member

rofl, natural news is universally horse shit. i mean it really is.

they jumped the shark with the GMO debates and labeling laws... they just dont have any credibility what so ever. if you dont believe me google it, they basically publish free lance blogger type folks, not real journalists which isnt bad per se... but they have an insanely low threshold for publishing.
basically anything click baity gets published.

when you are looking for good shit to support your arguments, you need to just go what ever source they are quoting... some study or some document or some interview and start there, not at the natural news website.

regarding what you quoted... this is horse shit.

hexvalent chromium is not "amost universally" contaminating ground water sources... you can go onto the EPA website and read about the worst areas, they are in big cities with lots of industrial activity typically.

also chromium species are NATURAL as well as artificial. you can get hex and trivalent chromium from water simply percolating through some low grade shitty chromium ore.

the MCL's on hex chromium is exceptionally low, down into the parts per billion so one fuckup spill or bad well sanitary cap can ruin a shit load of water unfortunately.

the shit you quoted about flouride is also utter bullshit... im not going to go into that though... its been hashed out so often on the internet... if you actually wanted to find out you could quite easily.


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The John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) is a school within Harvard University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS).


I feel humbled that ic mag has members far superior re in depth scientific knowledge to those dumb ass Harvard Phd's and doctorate students..

thank you for instructing us.

thank you for wanting a thread on water enhancement to be binned.

omg... did you even TRY to google this? its complete bullshit.

no you just found some complete horse shit and thrust it out proudly to support your preconceptions...

here is the ACTUAL STUDY that the author is deliberatly misinterpreting.


PFASs were detected at or
above the MRLs in 194 of 4864 public water supplies

194/4864 = 4% of drinking water suppplies.

and they were not even randomized representitive samples... theya re from water supplies in and around big cities and suspected "point sources".

there is 0 mention of 65% of drinking water being contaminated. its just complete horse shit.

you are being fed a steady diet of horse shit from these websites. they exist solely to make money. they make money be farming ad revenue with click baity bullshit like this story.

the media has a long history of misinterpreting scientific papers... it dosent help that the PR wings of these research institutions and universities deliberatly spin shit to sound sensational...

but this natural news horse shit is on an entirely different level. they just lie about shit. seriously, they just out right lie, theyve been called on it so many times... but they dont give a shit because they continue to make make money.


Active member
You and a couple others have made it very clear you are content living your lives with the information provided by mainstream education system.

Were you to take the time to look at history, you will see real change was only brought by those who think outside the box. AND, most of them were highly ridiculed at first, many were hung

Why not just move along as there is nothing for you here, or is there?

was it Shakespeare who said 'Me thinks thou dost protest too much'?

im content to deal in evidence based reasoning, not hand waving woo bullshit.

when are you going to address the fact that your peroxide and chlorine assertions are erroneous?

is ignoring your mistakes, "thinking outside the box"?


Active member
regarding natural news:

According to John Banks, Adams uses "pseudoscience to sell his lies" and is "seen as generally a quack and a shill by science bloggers."[12] One such blogger, David Gorski of ScienceBlogs, called Natural News "one of the most wretched hives of scum and quackery on the Internet," and the most "blatant purveyor of the worst kind of quackery and paranoid anti-physician and anti-medicine conspiracy theories anywhere on the Internet",[25] and a one-stop-shop for "virtually every quackery known to humankind, all slathered with a heaping, helping of unrelenting hostility to science-based medicine and science in general."[14] Peter Bowditch of the website Ratbags,[26] and Jeff McMahon writing for Forbes commented about the site.[27] Steven Novella of NeuroLogica Blog called NaturalNews "a crank alt med site that promotes every sort of medical nonsense imaginable." Novella continued: "If it is unscientific, antiscientific, conspiracy-mongering, or downright silly, Mike Adams appears to be all for it – whatever sells the "natural" products he hawks on his site."[2]

Individuals who commented about Adams' website include astronomer and blogger Phil Plait,[28] PZ Myers,[29] and Mark Hoofnagle.[30] Brian Dunning listed it as #1 on his "Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Websites" list.[31] Adams is listed as a "promoter of questionable methods" by Quackwatch.[32] Robert T. Carroll at The Skeptic's Dictionary said, "Natural News is not a very good source for information. If you don't trust me on this, go to Respectful Insolence or any of the other bloggers on ScienceBlogs and do a search for "Natural News" or "Mike Adams" (who is Natural News). Hundreds of entries will be found and not one of them will have a good word to say about Mike Adams as a source."[33]

An article in the journal, Vaccine said the site "tend(s) to not only spread irresponsible health information in general (e.g. discouraging chemotherapy or radiation for cancer treatment, antiretrovirals for HIV, and insulin for diabetes), but also have large sections with dubious information on vaccines."[11]

After Patrick Swayze's death in 2009, Adams posted an article in which he remarked that Swayze, in dying, "joins many other celebrities who have been recently killed by pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy." Commentators of Adams' article on Patrick Swayze included bloggers such as David Gorski[34] and Phil Plait, the latter of whom called Adams' commentary "obnoxious and loathsome."[35] When Angelina Jolie underwent a double mastectomy in May 2013 because she had the BRCA1 gene, Adams stated that "Countless millions of women carry the BRCA1 gene and never express breast cancer because they lead healthy, anti-cancer lifestyles based on smart nutrition, exercise, sensible sunlight exposure and avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals." Gorski called the article "vile" and noted that Adams had written similarly themed articles about the death of Michael Jackson, Tony Snow, and Tim Russert.[36]

In February 2014, Brian Palmer, writing in the Daily Herald of Arlington Heights, Illinois, criticized the site's promotion of alternative medicine treatments, such as bathing in Himalayan salt and eating Hijiki seaweed, and referred to the claims Natural News made about their efficacy as "preposterous."[37] In August 2014, Nathanael Johnson, writing for Grist, dismissed Natural News as "simply not credible" and as "nothing but a conspiracy-theory site."[38]

On August 11, 2014, Natural News published a blog post promoting a homeopathic treatment for Ebola, which was met with harsh criticism from several commentators, and was taken down later that day.[39] In a statement on the article, NaturalNews said that the blogger who posted the article, Ken Oftedal, was "under review" and that they did not condone anyone interacting with Ebola.[40] However, as of August 20, 2014, the site was still featuring an article written by Adams promoting the use of herbal medicines to treat Ebola.[41] In an article about "fake Ebola cures", Adams was criticized for arguing that herbs could prove effective as an Ebola treatment.[42]


this is what i meant when i claimed they jumped the shark...
In July 2014 Adams compared media outlets that wrote positively about GMOs with Nazi Germany's propagandists, calling them, "Monsanto collaborators who have signed on to accelerate heinous crimes being committed against humanity under the false promise of 'feeding the world' with toxic GMOs." He continued with a statement that he set in boldface: "that it is the moral right — and even the obligation — of human beings everywhere to actively plan and carry out the killing of those engaged in heinous crimes against humanity."[47][48] A day after the post a website called "Monsanto Collaborator" appeared online which listed the names of scientists and journalists who allegedly collaborate with the bio industry; Adams denied creating the website claiming that Monsanto set up the website in order to frame him.[49]


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
im content to deal in evidence based reasoning, not hand waving woo bullshit.

when are you going to address the fact that your peroxide and chlorine assertions are erroneous?

is ignoring your mistakes, "thinking outside the box"?

Im not. I copied them from Wiki

and as to calling Adams all that crap, well, were you to understand that there are gatekeepers at every level, to scare people off, then you have to think for yourself more often than not




Active member
Im not. I copied them from Wiki

and as to calling Adams all that crap, well, were you to understand that there are gatekeepers at every level, to scare people off, then you have to think for yourself more often than not

so you are ok with adams calling for the murder of GMO related scientists and researchers?

also please show me evidence to support your assertions that chlorine is dangerous, your tap water has more chlorine than a pool( lolol), and that peroxide is used in "most" of europe.


Active member
here is his archived post... he ended up deleting much of his origional post, this is why the URL is from archive.org and not naturalnews.


hes also thought to be responsible for the website naming various scientists. i think he was savy enough to cover his tracks though? the FBI was "looking into it" last i recall, but i dont think anything ever happened so i imagine they had nothing.
hes a professional web social networking pr guy from what i remember.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
so you are ok with adams calling for the murder of GMO related scientists and researchers?

also please show me evidence to support your assertions that chlorine is dangerous, your tap water has more chlorine than a pool( lolol), and that peroxide is used in "most" of europe.

when someone is murdering your family, albeit slowly through constant poisoning over time, wouldn't you if you actually knew the danger?

My apologizes, I meant Ozone


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The only person slowly murdering you is yourself

You are what you eat, drink and breathe

3 of the largest industries in the world are fast food/junk food, insecticides/pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. Highly incestuous

Rather than fortify the soil (expensive) commercial agriculture relied on pesticides/insecticides. Over the last 10+ years genetically modified grains/fruits and vegetables, which have pesticides/insecticides gene spiced into them were developed to supposedly to stop the need of insecticides/pesticides

Anyone who eats commercial foods is consuming them. Is it any wonder that the majority of people are on numerous medications?



3 of the largest industries in the world are fast food/junk food, insecticides/pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. Highly incestuous

..Was this a typographical error? Is English not your first language? You are posting unintelligible pseudoscientific non-sense in horticultural forums.. and getting down voted to shreds. There are more appropriate settings within IC (and elsewhere!) where this kind of pseudoscience can be flamed at length.

I only bother saying this because your average Joe is going to look at your post count, be misled by your confusing and inappropriate scientific-sounding jargon, assume that you aren't a total wack job, and further propagate your BS conjecture.

Most of us were young and stupid at one point or another. We know where you are coming from, and it's not a comfortable place to be. We can empathize.

Get out, go to school, learn to command the english language, get a job, get along, pick your battles, know your audience.. this way you don't sound like a total dickfart every time someone challenges your pseudoscience.

If there is any credibility to water restructuring and plant memory, you are ruining it within this forum by coming off as someone who will believe and propagate any old bullshit that they stumble upon at davidicke.com just to sound intelligent.

I'm a passive guy. I'm just going to "slowly back away" from this thread. I am only trying to help you grow, because I know how detrimental it is to wake up every morning and deny yourself the right to be a sane person, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

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Active member
when someone is murdering your family, albeit slowly through constant poisoning over time, wouldn't you if you actually knew the danger?

My apologizes, I meant Ozone

ok so you condone murder. fine ok. sometimes i want to murder people too... i guess i cant judge you.

but no. you meant peroxide.

you typed out h2o2.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ok so you condone murder. fine ok. sometimes i want to murder people too... i guess i cant judge you.

but no. you meant peroxide.

you typed out h2o2.

When you get to be my age, you will understand that you can think one thing, but write another


Active member
generally speaking... admitting when you are wrong garners you more credibility than you loose from being wrong in the first place.

just say'n.

i admit when i fuck up all day erry day.

id still like to learn more about your tap water being more chlorinated than a pool lol...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
generally speaking... admitting when you are wrong garners you more credibility than you loose from being wrong in the first place.

just say'n.

i admit when i fuck up all day erry day.

id still like to learn more about your tap water being more chlorinated than a pool lol...

I sold water equipment for in home sales as well as commercial restaurants. Used pool test kits for chlorine. Always well above safe levels for pools


Active member
I sold water equipment for in home sales as well as commercial restaurants. Used pool test kits for chlorine. Always well above safe levels for pools

WELL above safe levels for pools?

lol wow how did i miss this post.

when are you going to notify your state regulatory body? or do you not care about your neighbors or anyone else drinking the same water?

or... perhaps you are bullshitting.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
WELL above safe levels for pools?

lol wow how did i miss this post.

when are you going to notify your state regulatory body? or do you not care about your neighbors or anyone else drinking the same water?

or... perhaps you are bullshitting.

I have repeatedly emailed my cities mayor about fluoride. He just ignores me. I bet many have complained about chlorine as well. Like Michael Jackson's last song "They don't care about us". Actually, it's worse, much worse

Before you ask me (once again) to PROVE it, let's go to one thing we all know for certain:

Cannabis is not a drug, to make it a schedule one drug is a crime against humanity! It heals, and replaces pharmaceuticals, and yet we are denied it through the financial pressure of those who have plenty to lose

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