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Is everyone really using TRIACONTANOL incorrectly?


Active member
I recently found a ready to use form of Triacontanol on ebay.
Just add water and you have a ready made Triacontanol emulsion.
I thought it was pretty cool and very simple.
Screw all that heating and such.
Me like-a simple!

Hey would you mind putting up some info about your find?


New member
It was a bit different, had a colloidal type look to it, not completely clear.
But not foamy.


They say it is a propritary mix, so I dont know the ingredients.
Everything is propritary these daze...WTF

I have been getting my hormones here for a bit now.

I will try to post a pic when I mix another batch.
:smoke out:


hey shaggy was just wondering how much of the product of Triacontanol did you put into water? how much water did you use?


I was told if you use enzymes to break down alfalfa the by-product is TRIA.
So most AACT teas with alfalfa and enzymes is prducing atleast some TRIA?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
AACT means that you have microbes in there doing a mighty good job breaking everything down in small pieces (molecules). I thought that alfalfa cuticle already contains free triacontanol and not the esterified version... meaning that one wouldn't necessarily need fermentation though that one will certainly help liberating tria from that waxy matrix.


Yea i kinda worded that wrong lol.
But the enzymes are whats breakin down the alfalfa realiesing the bi-product?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Approximately :) .
Yes, the enzymes are what breaks things down. Triacontanol is no by-product but an important constituent of the leaf cuticle. Due solubility reasons it's entirely possible that it can't get out easily of that waxy layer without enzymes breaking parts of it down first.


New member
Hey bud

I mixed 1 gram per liter for a concentrate, when diluted to usable strength the stuff was very clear.

I know if my old pal OO was around he would say give it the laser test.
But I did not.

:smoke out:

Hey Shag, how's the results with the water soluble TRIA compare to POLY20.

Just ordered some over eBay to try myself. Thanks


Active member
Does anybody know if Yucca extract can dissolve tria? That would seem like a perfect surfactant for the job.


New member
Hey back at ya L3G4CY !

I did not do a side by side but the soluble TRIA seem to work as good or even better than the ploy/tria mix, but other hormones were involved when the TRIA was applied.

So I can not state for sure, but it would seem to me from anecdotal evidence the soluble TRIA worked slightly better.
Plus now I don't have to all that extra work, also sometimes I would have to trash a batch of the polysorbate 20 mix due to precipitation.


Great thanks Shag, got mine, will see by myself. Also working with a hormones cocktails :) so will keep my eyes wide open for results :good:


New member
SO i thought i would share my experiences so far tria. Used polysorbant20 and microwave and only needed one heating to dissolve . Foliar feed at 15ppms the day i turned 12/12 and also added approx 5ppm at the same time to the feed schedule.Growing in straight coco coir. I didn't do a control but have been growing these strains for some time. Now at 18 days 12/12 thus far on the bushier strains over all height increased in stretch around a 15 to 30cm taller than usual with side branching also stretching a little longer.I usually dont have to tie my plants until 26-30 day flower mark but found they needed support before stretch time had even finished. Even the plants under much poorer light conditions are doing much better. Next time i think i will add the tria much earlier week 1 veg.


Well-known member
In this thread I've read that using poly20 is not a good solution for dissolving tria. But then what is a good solution?


Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
...poly20 is not a good solution for dissolving tria...
That was likely my doing ;) . It all depends on the point of view and the definition of "good". Tween 20 is insofar "good" as it's idiot proof and will with a high chance for success result in a clear solution. But there's neither much good about Tween on plants (except that plants by themselves won't mind at all unless you overdo it and get leaf burn) nor about the technique regarding "style". Tween 20 is a very blunt, cheap, and environmentally ignorant strategy even if one uses way too much detergent. Freshly prepared and properly diluted, there is no real health concern or imminent toxicity but that's true for many agrochemicals one does not apply to the plants we love, grow, and finally consume ;) .


Active member
That was likely my doing ;) . It all depends on the point of view and the definition of "good". Tween 20 is insofar "good" as it's idiot proof and will with a high chance for success result in a clear solution. But there's neither much good about Tween on plants (except that plants by themselves won't mind at all unless you overdo it and get leaf burn) nor about the technique regarding "style". Tween 20 is a very blunt, cheap, and environmentally ignorant strategy even if one uses way too much detergent. Freshly prepared and properly diluted, there is no real health concern or imminent toxicity but that's true for many agrochemicals one does not apply to the plants we love, grow, and finally consume ;) .

So what is your advice to get tria in solution? Maybe a simple alcohol diluted with water? I'd be also interested in your take on Yucca extract as a possible solubilizer.