for example the LED i use has 6 wavelengths
440nm, 470nm,
525nm, 640nm,
660nm, 740nm
is that not any good? i though they were specifically chosen to be ideal for plant growth?
i believe it produces 1000-1200 umol at 12" which is about the distance im using it.
That is a very nice spectrum for an LED. the best growth ive ever seen in a study was from a mix of 455, 640, 660 and a green that i cant remember the nm of. Ratios are important though, red (640-660) to far red (740) for instance. can you post the amounts or ratios of the bulbs?
However the output of "1000-1200 umol" is confusing. do you mean 1000-1200 umol/s-1 (PPF) or umol/m-2/s-1 (PPFD)?
Either one is very hard to believe unless your unit is at least 400W.... but you might have me eating my words in a minute if the stats you provided are accurate and your unit is less than 600W. however for stats to be accurate, we need data from3rd party testers, not data from the company selling you equipment or competitors.