Anyone run greenhouses exodus cheese yet ?? Not the normal cheese that they produce for big Buddha but their exodus that they supposedly reversed
I've run it a few times this year and last and found it to be the best seed cheese I've ever seen ( from seed )
I appreciate this may sound ridiculous due to their rep but it's great, anyone else run it yet ?? And what did you think ??
Yes, friends have and like it, you are spot on, the first cheese they did was an afghan cross, like BB, then they sussed out how to reverse the exodus clone and now sell exodus S1 seeds. IIRC Kali man also has reversed the clone and also sells S1s.
Most of this "rep" shit flying around was from their ex partner and his buddies/random www forum arselickers trying to big up his own business and was repeated against almost everyone in the business. They are not perfect, but who is, lots of their stuff is very good and it's also cheap as chips. The Trainwreck is epic, currently got my 4th pack on order to add to an already well stocked mother room.