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Info on The Real Seed Company?


Active member
I was a high iq nerd that overthought everything and Columbian gold made it worse. The red put me in avery zen place, of course i hadnt had indica yet so ita hard to gauge, but it didnt make me sleepy just at peace with all creation and myself. It felt good.


Active member
I have also wondered about columbian black, does anyone have it or use it? I know gage green supposedly had some and shoreline used to pollinate some ' shoreline' plants. Gage hreen then had a Miss Columbian rhat had skunk in it? Possibly some of shorelines genetics? It would be nice to know.


Well endowed member
I had lots of Colombian experience in California in the 70's, a very magical time.
Back in the 70's I smoked through pounds of Colombian. This is one of the best times of my life! The Gold was the best, a magic carpet ride from the first hit you could feel the effect come on spreading through your veins radiating out from your lungs as the hit expanded to the coughing point, then an hour or two of extreme exuberance followed by a couple of hours of introspective self examination. The taste was like incense, chocolate, and smooth caramel and you wanted to keep exhaling through your sinuses to catch that flavor after the hit. It was a Heavenly smoke, never rolled fat, always a skinny joint or just a pinner, any more was too much. Had to really know you wanted to get high and plan for it, did not want to be in too busy a place for fear of being overloaded and freaking out. I lived out in a peach orchard outside of town back then, best place on earth to be, warm weather, my lady and lots of room to play. I had a McIntosh stereo I could turn to full blast and rock or Reggae out, it was heaven and the Gold made it MORE SO.
The Red was around at the same time and was sometimes so red it was almost black, very fermented, very sticky and pungent, like earth and cinnamon and nutmeg, wood and bark. Not as pleasurable as Gold flavor and very thick, sticky and greasy, also stem-my, the Gold was little round nickel sized nuggets full of seeds. Red made you relax to the point you wanted to go to sleep. This was also before I had ever smoked any indica bud, hash yes lots of Afghani and Nepalese(Temple Balls and Fingers) and it was an excellent tasty dreamy floating high. But the Colombian Red was slow down and be lazy to the point of wanting to go to sleep, not exciting or trippy and after about 30 minutes you were nodding.
I'd had good Mexican herb, Oaxacan and Michoacan and Gurerro and loved it, but the Gold Colombian was degrees above that, it was a longer high with much more sudden impact and bold flavor that went for a long time. I coated myself in this herb, I had it everywhere I went, I lived in it, it was part of me by 1976. This album came out in 76, it was the THEME SONG for Gold Colombian Jah Lion, Colombia Colly says everything you need to know about Colombian Weed, listen to the lyrics https://youtu.be/Ri9_n_NHOSo

After about 1977 or so Colombian was way too much in demand and it started being of way lesser quality and the DEA was on to the smuggling routs also cocaine started being more profitable and easier to smuggle and the Colombian herb was gone.
So I tried growing it...


Are Punto rojo and Columbian red the same thing? I smoked one ounce of columbian red as a 17 year old and have wanted that back for 43 years...

There are two types of Colombian Red. 1) Highland grown 2) is lowland coastal grown. They have different highs. The lowland Colombian Red is often more dense, euphoric, dreamy, and almost narcotic, similar high to Panama Red. There will be some stone in lowland Colombian Red / Panama Red.

The high of a Highland Colombian Red will be cerebral, trippy, and euphoric.

No Colombian varieties are pure or stable in 2019. You'll find various combinations of the 1970's Colombians. Classic Punto Rojo is green with red tips, so its not Colombian Red. But if you grow enough CBG Punto Rojo plants you'll find a good expression of Highland Colombian Red in Cannabiogen's seed lots.

Red coloration is also a product of the harvest window and the curing process. If you want the Colombian Red high, you can harvest late and glass cure for 5 - 7 months. Earlier harvest will yield a lighter greener color and a cleaner high that is less complex and dreamy.

Off the top of my head.
Colombian varieties off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more Colombian landrace varieties

Colombian Red (Narcotic and psychedelic high, often noted as jungle or lowland Colombian)
Colombian Highland Green/Red seedless flowers (Punto Rojo or Red Dot green with red points, some with red pistils blissful, contemplative high, one of my favorite highs)
Colombian Santa Marta Highland Gold - Santa Marta (Clear, clean, cerebral, not for the faint of heart) Frankincense aromas, grown in Santa Marta region
Highland Colombian - Gold / Light Green -
Colombian Rainbow - Maroon and Green euphoric more feel good, and happy high
Colombian Purple - Purple Corinth, Mangobiche is often purple
Dark brown/Dark Green Colombian - stronger denser high
Colombian Black - strong dense high
Green Coastal Colombian -
Cannabiogen's Punto Rojo has a lot of diversity of geno/phenotypes.

SamS Colombians - Main phenotypes of Colombian in Original Haze.

1) Light-Green with red stems - SamS once noted the Light-Green as his favorite smoke.
2) Green good resin pistillate flowering structure - corrugated leaf earlier flowering dense flowering- leaves pointing upright
3) Green with Red Points - Long flowering ~ classic Punto Rojo with droopy leaves
4) Maroon - Red - Purple- looks like its on fire. Probably what SamS called Burning bush- Rootbeer aromas
5) Dark Green - Purple - corrugated leafs calyx flowering

I like the high from the Light Green with red stems. Punto Rojo -1, gold is Light-Green and Old Timer's Haze - 1 male is a Light-Green male.

Old Timer's Haze used:

Colombian Gold,
Colombian Light-Green,
Colombian Green
Colombian Purple

Cannabiogen Punto Rojo phenotypes

1) Light-Green with red stems - Punto Rojo -1, gold. The high I like est so far.
2) Punto Rojo - Green with Red Points - Long flowering ~ classic Punto Rojo with droopy leaves.
3) Green good resin pistillate flowering structure - corrugated leaf earlier flowering dense flowering- leaves pointing upright
4) Maroon - Red - Purple- looks like its on fire. Probably what SamS called Burning bush- Rootbeer aromas
5) Dark Green - Purple - corrugated leafs calyx flowering
6) Punto Rojo - 3 "Marron Bells" Green -Maroon ~ Rainbow - Rootbeer aromas
7) Green - silver - methane - petroluem aromas. Very long cure to mellow out into a pleasurable high. Intense cerebral high.
8) Green - Sweet Tropical Fruit
9) Tree Resins - Frankincense, Pine, Cedar, Sandalwood, Black Pepper
10) Wintergreen, Citrus, Rose, herbal, Carrots

Zamalito selected:
Colombian Purple - Dropping leaves with a smother texture - and drapping growth structure - Haze A type
Colombian Black. I'm growing a Colombian Black cross next.
(Colombian Purple x Colombian Gold) x Huesos Santa Marta Gold - made at Growmore.
Colombian Gold - 2) Green - gold with dropping leaves with pistillate flowering structure.

I remember a 1975 Colombian Red that was exceptional. It was top shelf and not mid-grade commercial Colombian that was often a reddish - brown.

As you probably know there is no variety available today called Colombian Red. Cannabiogen's Punto Rojo is a hybrid with about 7 to 8 phenotypes of Colombian. Most of Cannabiogen Punto Rojo is green with red tips, or green with purple tips. Some of the Cannabiogen phenotypes will cure to a nice red color. There is also what folks call Red Hair.

Classic Colombian Punto Rojo is green with red points or red tips and will often cure to green. Colombian Red should cure to an all redidsh / brownish color. Colombian Red high may be more of a euphoric, dreamy, laid back high and not as energetic as a Colombian Light green or gold.

Punto Rojo green with red tips

Punto Rojo - light green / gold

Punto Rojo - red color - late harvest long cure

Punto Rojo - Red coloration from a late harvest, with a denser more complex high

Punto Rojo - same plant earlier, the early harvest will not cure completely red. The high will be cleaner and more trippy earlier
Last edited:


There are more factors in the red coloration than just genetics. There was also a Colombian that was all maroon, leaves, stems flowers.............

photos and grow my others.



I was a high iq nerd that overthought everything and Columbian gold made it worse. The red put me in avery zen place, of course i hadnt had indica yet so ita hard to gauge, but it didnt make me sleepy just at peace with all creation and myself. It felt good.

Yes, that's the general description of the Colombian Gold high its cerebral, energetic, trippy and can be intense with a high frequency vibration. Its not a relaxing or laid back high.

Colombian Red high like you say is Zen like, it has a feeling I call contentment, its a slow frequency vibration that's feel good, feel God, and feel euphoric. Highland Reds can be trippy and have some stone.


I have also wondered about columbian black, does anyone have it or use it? I know gage green supposedly had some and shoreline used to pollinate some ' shoreline' plants. Gage hreen then had a Miss Columbian rhat had skunk in it? Possibly some of shorelines genetics? It would be nice to know.

Zamalito's selection of Colombian Black is the one to look for. Vapor posted a grow report here at IcMag. They weren't black.

I smoked a dark Colombian for about 10 years in the 1970's. It was the strongest, densest, most intense and most trippy of the Colombian highs. It was my best friends favorite high, he always had it for 10 years. The high on this Colombian Dark Green / Black was too intense for everyday smoke.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I had lots of Colombian experience in California in the 70's, a very magical time.
Back in the 70's I smoked through pounds of Colombian. This is one of the best times of my life! The Gold was the best, a magic carpet ride from the first hit you could feel the effect come on spreading through your veins radiating out from your lungs as the hit expanded to the coughing point, then an hour or two of extreme exuberance followed by a couple of hours of introspective self examination. The taste was like incense, chocolate, and smooth caramel and you wanted to keep exhaling through your sinuses to catch that flavor after the hit. It was a Heavenly smoke, never rolled fat, always a skinny joint or just a pinner, any more was too much. Had to really know you wanted to get high and plan for it, did not want to be in too busy a place for fear of being overloaded and freaking out. I lived out in a peach orchard outside of town back then, best place on earth to be, warm weather, my lady and lots of room to play. I had a McIntosh stereo I could turn to full blast and rock or Reggae out, it was heaven and the Gold made it MORE SO.
The Red was around at the same time and was sometimes so red it was almost black, very fermented, very sticky and pungent, like earth and cinnamon and nutmeg, wood and bark. Not as pleasurable as Gold flavor and very thick, sticky and greasy, also stem-my, the Gold was little round nickel sized nuggets full of seeds. Red made you relax to the point you wanted to go to sleep. This was also before I had ever smoked any indica bud, hash yes lots of Afghani and Nepalese(Temple Balls and Fingers) and it was an excellent tasty dreamy floating high. But the Colombian Red was slow down and be lazy to the point of wanting to go to sleep, not exciting or trippy and after about 30 minutes you were nodding.
I'd had good Mexican herb, Oaxacan and Michoacan and Gurerro and loved it, but the Gold Colombian was degrees above that, it was a longer high with much more sudden impact and bold flavor that went for a long time. I coated myself in this herb, I had it everywhere I went, I lived in it, it was part of me by 1976. This album came out in 76, it was the THEME SONG for Gold Colombian Jah Lion, Colombia Colly says everything you need to know about Colombian Weed, listen to the lyrics https://youtu.be/Ri9_n_NHOSo

After about 1977 or so Colombian was way too much in demand and it started being of way lesser quality and the DEA was on to the smuggling routs also cocaine started being more profitable and easier to smuggle and the Colombian herb was gone.
So I tried growing it...View Image

Very interesting. I wonder if you have found any Colombian Gold seeds that have given you something like you had back in the 70's? I know you have grown many strains and also if you have a new favorite.

I liked the USC '72 I have grown but I did not get the old incense smell from it. Other than that, a great high. Better than the CG I had in '79. I like my Michoacan, Guerrero, Acapulco Gold as well as the CG if not better.


Active member
I had lots of Colombian experience in California in the 70's, a very magical time.
Back in the 70's I smoked through pounds of Colombian. This is one of the best times of my life! The Gold was the best, a magic carpet ride from the first hit you could feel the effect come on spreading through your veins radiating out from your lungs as the hit expanded to the coughing point, then an hour or two of extreme exuberance followed by a couple of hours of introspective self examination. The taste was like incense, chocolate, and smooth caramel and you wanted to keep exhaling through your sinuses to catch that flavor after the hit. It was a Heavenly smoke, never rolled fat, always a skinny joint or just a pinner, any more was too much. Had to really know you wanted to get high and plan for it, did not want to be in too busy a place for fear of being overloaded and freaking out. I lived out in a peach orchard outside of town back then, best place on earth to be, warm weather, my lady and lots of room to play. I had a McIntosh stereo I could turn to full blast and rock or Reggae out, it was heaven and the Gold made it MORE SO.
The Red was around at the same time and was sometimes so red it was almost black, very fermented, very sticky and pungent, like earth and cinnamon and nutmeg, wood and bark. Not as pleasurable as Gold flavor and very thick, sticky and greasy, also stem-my, the Gold was little round nickel sized nuggets full of seeds. Red made you relax to the point you wanted to go to sleep. This was also before I had ever smoked any indica bud, hash yes lots of Afghani and Nepalese(Temple Balls and Fingers) and it was an excellent tasty dreamy floating high. But the Colombian Red was slow down and be lazy to the point of wanting to go to sleep, not exciting or trippy and after about 30 minutes you were nodding.
I'd had good Mexican herb, Oaxacan and Michoacan and Gurerro and loved it, but the Gold Colombian was degrees above that, it was a longer high with much more sudden impact and bold flavor that went for a long time. I coated myself in this herb, I had it everywhere I went, I lived in it, it was part of me by 1976. This album came out in 76, it was the THEME SONG for Gold Colombian Jah Lion, Colombia Colly says everything you need to know about Colombian Weed, listen to the lyrics https://youtu.be/Ri9_n_NHOSo

After about 1977 or so Colombian was way too much in demand and it started being of way lesser quality and the DEA was on to the smuggling routs also cocaine started being more profitable and easier to smuggle and the Colombian herb was gone.
So I tried growing it...View Image

Yup i was born in 1960 so i remember 1975 columbian red. I wouldnt no go to sleep but smoke it and go wandering by myself in the Mark Twain national forest talking to the trees and critters. It sure didnt make me sleepy. It put me in areal mystical frame of mind.

I remember the Randy california too. I can play some of his licks...lol


Active member
Zamalito's selection of Colombian Black is the one to look for. Vapor posted a grow report here at IcMag. They weren't black.

I smoked a dark Colombian for about 10 years in the 1970's. It was the strongest, densest, most intense and most trippy of the Colombian highs. It was my best friends favorite high, he always had it for 10 years. The high on this Colombian Dark Green / Black was too intense for everyday smoke.
Where would you find this Zamalito?


Well endowed member
Very interesting. I wonder if you have found any Colombian Gold seeds that have given you something like you had back in the 70's? I know you have grown many strains and also if you have a new favorite.

I liked the USC '72 I have grown but I did not get the old incense smell from it. Other than that, a great high. Better than the CG I had in '79. I like my Michoacan, Guerrero, Acapulco Gold as well as the CG if not better.

Nope not yet, at least anything just like it. I have grown many that came close in different ways but none that were the whole package.


Seed Whore
There are two types of Colombian Red. 1) Highland grown 2) is lowland coastal grown. They have different highs. The lowland Colombian Red is often more dense, euphoric, dreamy, and almost narcotic, similar high to Panama Red.

Thanks for answering his questions. :thank you:


Well endowed member
yes I remember the blacker stickier flet like soft tobacco lowland tropical was the stronger of the reds but to me in a way that made me sleepy and dreamy.
The Gold to me was numero UNO, it was my flying carpet to go with my killer stereo and beautiful babe, I'll never forget the intense time I spent out in the peaches with pounds of that gold on those warm nights when they flooded the orchard to water the peaches and everywhere we ran naked through the orchard it smelled like peach heaven. It was a musically intense as well as weed intense with what was goin around in those days. Puts things happening now to shame, especially politically, Carter was President, times were good, except for the arab oil embargo. Marley was Alive, Zappa was Alive, Jerry was Alive and I could go on but it's just an old man ranting now hehe


Active member
I must have got the highland because it looked like gold bud only darker and red-haired...yea it was a good time. nixon was gone, Gregg Allman was visiting Jimmy Carter in the Whitehouse...the first Saturday night live was something totally new. I watched it live while i was high on columbian gold knowing full well Belushi and Akroyd were smoking it before they went on the air! Lol...


Where would you find this Zamalito?

Zamalito used to post at IcMag. Zamalito and Charlie Garcia both collected seeds in Colombian.

Now, Zamalito is the grower / breeder for:

"Kiona - Tropical & Heirloom Cannabis"

Kiona is a marijuana grow / dispensery in Oregon.

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