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Indoor SSSTN


Well-known member
SSSTN #1 has finished its rise or at least slowed down significantly🙂 it has evolved so much that it dominates SSSTN #2 in width and height. It appears in a form that I don't know and which fascinates me and I can't wait to see what happens next!


Well-known member
Small bonus, photo of the new room for the SSSTN + my KillerA5Haze, I placed them under 400w HPS for a few days then I plan to send 600w HPS, previously they were under a LEC 315 CMH! I leave the mix in this light because as you can see I don't have enough space. I put some photos of the leaves to get an opinion, should I fertilize at the next watering or wait?
Ask your questions!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Looking great there @badass-eu !
Two quite different phenos -- lets you see what this plant really has.
I agree with @midwestkid , slow down with the N at least.
I grow organic and only fed my two SSSTN twice.
Once at the first show of pistils as she was already pale and quite hungry.
The second time about a month later.
My first one chopped just started to fade out her green a week or two before harvest.
The other plant still flowering is still quite deep green, so no need to feed her any more.
That's with organics, so your situation may be quite different. Just sharing!


Well-known member
Thank you @Maria Sanchez , the fact of having two different phenotypes is very interesting there are wonders to be found in its seeds, the fertilizer that I plan to use contains little N, I hope that this will be sufficient and I plan to fertilize as SSSTN #2 initially.
SSSTN #1 is still very green and at a completely different stage in my opinion and my KA5H seems too scratchy for me to add anything to it...I'm going to check the watering either this evening or tomorrow 😉


Well-known member

SSSTN #1 continues its ascension, although slowed down, but every day new shoots and height are taken, I wonder what turn this will take in the evolution of the heads, calyxes...we are well on our way for 14-16 weeks with her so let's go there is currently no fertilizer for her😉Smell-wise it doesn't smell like that but the stems are so greasy and sticky that when you touch them you end up with a sort of strong lemon, a very minty product if I may say so!
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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Bravo, @badass-eu !
The SSSTN pheno 1 looks like a crazy stretch explosion jungle vine medusa monster Thai pheno -- love it!
The SSSTN pheno 2 looks far more manageable and leaning SSSDH. I think she'll keep reflowering a bit.
The mixed seed looks amazing too.
You're in for a fun ride.
Keep us updated!


Well-known member
SSSTN #1 A thought for this phenotype, it intrigues me with its sharp shape (in a good way) to make a point I fertilized it a little heavily when repotting the final pot (7L), it took 6 weeks showed the pistils which makes it 13 weeks since the last fattening 😳, she clearly doesn't need them at the moment unless I'm wrong... she grows generously making Y branches, it's great, I notice that some places are ripe in the upper middle of the plant but it doesn't stop😉am I halfway through flowering? I'm not sure 😁first attempt with a real sativa and I'm delighted!
The other plants are not to be outdone, all magnificent with a great personality on top!


Well-known member
Need help please!!!
This evening I noticed a certain rather particular curling of leaves on SSSTN#1, for a few days I had noticed a certain crumpling of the emerging leaves but which disappeared afterwards... but here is a new symptom I suspect the light which I switched to 600w Wednesday last since it's the only thing I modified...I would like more opinions before acting!!
I will send you photos for more details.


Well-known member
Thank you for your contribution @elanius , it's been a few weeks since I fertilized it so I worry less about it otherwise I have a light fertilizer NPK 2-3-4 and PK 10-20 in my possession , you mention "turn on the lights "or maybe the translator?
sorry for my understanding...I can and I plan to lower this room to 400w tomorrow to see, sorry for the other girls but this point must be resolved!