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Indoor cactus garden.


Hi, i am a long time grower thats thinking about starting an indoor cactus, succulent garden. The thing is that i dont have any experience with this to speak of. So i wonder if there are some cactus growing members around here that can give me some pointers?

I have two small Lophophora Williamsii seedlings that are about a year old right now. They are pretty small for their age. I think thats becouse they were brought out of their grow bag too soon. They went from a high RH % to a low humidity. Plus that ever since that they have not gotten any artificial light.
My two San Pedro seedlings did alot better, but they are known for their hardiness and resistance against various things.

The place where i buy my seeds also have some other seeds of species. Like Ephedra sinica, Hawaiian baby woodrose, Papaver somniferum, Tobacco and a bunch of other stuff.
Anybody have grown some of these indoors?

Have a great day everybody. :)



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
are you wanting to grow cactus or drug producing plants? either way you're in for a long haul,cactus take years and years to grow to any size...go to a nursery and buy some adult specimens,cactus generally only cost a few dollars....first maybe read a book or something,theres this thing called the internet as well...if your just looking to get high theres easier ways to go about it...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Yeah, especially with cannabis. Why grow, when you can buy.....

The shroomery has a great section for this sort of thing. I was thinking of acquiring a few cuttings sooner than later, see how she goes. Growing cacti seems like an awful lesson in patience, something I could stand to pick up a little more of.
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dude grow shrooms, it easy. if you really just want to gro cacti then there are better species. prettier and faster growing. nothing wrong with growing the halucinageic ones, just dot expect to beable to harvest anything for like 10 years. 5 if you don't mind consuming your entire crop.

I guess you could grow tons of them and cashin in 5 years. good luck moving that much of that typr of substance without getting popped. all it takes is one kid (or grown ass man for that matter) who manages to get ahld of it and freak out
Humidity is something to watch I'd assume. Maybe do a greenhouse for light and controlled environment. May be better and cheaper for long run.

paper thorn

Active member
get one of those little pots with three or four different little cactuses and put it on the kitchen counter by a window. You could grow a cactus like the one in my avvy out in the sun or under a good light indoors. It grows fast. Two or three segments a year outside.
A piece falls off and roots where it lands in a couple weeks.


Active member
the shroomery and dmtnexus is a good starting point for the hobby of growing cacti and such.
be aware that it takes a long time for a cutting to grow and become potent.
nevertheless they are beautiful and very rewarding to grow.

I wood

Well-known member
Learn how to graft onto a more robust cacti and you can grow a weak but fist sized lophophora in about a year.
Small seedlings graft the easiest and with the best success rate.
Metal halide and compact fluorescent (6500k) both work well in a box to hold the heat.
Patience is a must but cacti are very rewarding to grow.
I prefer the montrse varieties, they are living sculptures always changing.


Active member
Just don't get stoned...and forget that you bought a new cactus which is in a brown paper bag...

Nothing like putting your hand in there the next day....FUCK...it hurt....needles in every finger..


Active member
my houseplants, just for fun as i got them as a gift. any good tips to just keep them living happily?



ICMag Donor
The L.Willamsi can be grafted, as mentioned above, to the Pedro. It's really not a difficult task as long as you wear gloves.

Ephrdera plants can become huge bushy things.
It's also called Mormon Tea in the western US.


New member
L. Willamsii will do okay under fluorescent lights especially grafted. Trichocereus will etolate and burn at the same time under 1000 watt hps. Wrong spectrums I believe, its better to overwinter and keep them outside during the summer. Trich's dont take long to raise in alkaloid levels from cuts but seeds will take 3-5 years. Cuttings in proper conditions can grow up to a foot in a year. Look into perreskiopsis they will make your seedlings plants in no time.
Hi, i am a long time grower thats thinking about starting an indoor cactus, succulent garden. The thing is that i dont have any experience with this to speak of. So i wonder if there are some cactus growing members around here that can give me some pointers?

I have two small Lophophora Williamsii seedlings that are about a year old right now. They are pretty small for their age. I think thats becouse they were brought out of their grow bag too soon. They went from a high RH % to a low humidity. Plus that ever since that they have not gotten any artificial light.
My two San Pedro seedlings did alot better, but they are known for their hardiness and resistance against various things.

The place where i buy my seeds also have some other seeds of species. Like Ephedra sinica, Hawaiian baby woodrose, Papaver somniferum, Tobacco and a bunch of other stuff.
Anybody have grown some of these indoors?

Have a great day everybody. :)

You should get some pereskiopsis cuttings, root them and graft your lips onto them or some San Pedro cactus and graft your lips on them they grow much faster that way. Pereskiopsis grows them faster, golf ball size in 3 or 4 months and flowers I less than a year.
You should get some pereskiopsis cuttings, root them and graft your lips onto them or some San Pedro cactus and graft your lips on them they grow much faster that way. Pereskiopsis grows them faster, golf ball size in 3 or 4 months and flowers I less than a year.
The damned keyboard changed lophs to lips and I didn't see it till I posted it, sorry. don't graft your lips to a cactus ha ha.
Cacti do very well under good strong led grow lights. My go to brand is Sonlipo on Amazon. I am running the 250 watt light on veg only in a 4x4 tent and all my cacti are quite happy. Go 50 percent or less organic to mineral, (more mineral than organic). Especially with lophs you want more like 90 percent mineral aggregate unless they are grafted. Really good cacti threads on Reddit specifically for Trichocereus and Lophophora.


Well-known member
I have a couple trichocereus bridgesii x pachinoi crosses going.. just took afew cuts about aweek ago

I can't wait to get them outdoors.. they're not doing the greatest in the window with a small supplemental LED..