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Indica is diluting the sacred herb



google marijuana stronger myth or marijuana potent myth

for sure growing methods have evolved alot in the last few years

I have no doubt that growers managed to breed weed with higher thc content but like I said there is more to weed then thc content.

I know this potency thing has been exaggerated by the media.

and like I quoted, these studies... they arent always accurate... they dont always show the whole thing


Active member
I am going to tell you right now that I have smoked some certified lab tested 20+ % thc bud from a well know D in cali that didn't compare in high to some lab certified 14% thc bud from the same well known D. THC does not always equal higher highs in fact, breeding for increased thc may have neglected canabinoids that act as a sort of "multiplication factor" for the effect of thc.


I agree with the OP, though i think it's easy to misunderstand our point. I think it's basically a problem of prohibition though. I had the luck to experience real choices in my cannabis in Holland and Switzerland(when it was quasi-legal there). But around 95% of the smokers i know and met have no choices and no clue. They've never smoked a pure sativa and basically can be sold anything as anything- same strain sold under 5 different names, no problem. I know that even some of the less reputable coffeeshops in Holland do it(mislabeling). 60%-80% sativas sold as "Pure Haze", no problem, because the customer has no clue.
This is a real problem as i see it. I hold nothing against indicas or ruderalis, they have their place for sure. I have a problem with no choice for most consumers and a large part of smokers never experiencing a good sativa.

enter sandman

Active member
Thank God we can grow our own 'cannabis'...me & friends I grew up with don't even consider Indica marijuana, just a subspecies that was forever used 'only' for hash production. Give me a pound of shitty Indica & I'll dry the whole thing out just to make hash...then I can get high.

soil margin

Active member
google marijuana stronger myth or marijuana potent myth

for sure growing methods have evolved alot in the last few years

I have no doubt that growers managed to breed weed with higher thc content but like I said there is more to weed then thc content.

I know this potency thing has been exaggerated by the media.

and like I quoted, these studies... they arent always accurate... they dont always show the whole thing

I like how you ask for studies then when I share them you ignore them.

Very enlightened.


Imagine going to an apple growers' convention and arguing that Fuji apples are an abomination, diluting the sacred fruit that is the Granny Smith apple. If the Fuji menace is left unchecked, the landrace genetics that produced the Granny Smith will be forever lost! Fuji apple eaters are fools who only want to drip apple juice down their uneducated chins!

You would be laughed out of the convention. Why? Because apple farmers enjoy a distribution network that ends in the supermarket and supermarkets like to offer a variety of produce. There is a market for both apples. The Fuji apple is a much bigger seller overall. In general, supermarkets can count on obtaining their variety of crops year after year, and apple breeders and farmers can maintain their fields and their genetic diversity without worrying that someone is going to come in and burn them down.

As for myself, I like a Fuji when I am eating an apple by hand, and I like a Granny Smith when I am cooking a pie.

The argument in this thread is to my mind mainly about bad production and distribution practices, and we all know the pressures that influence those.


Old School Cottonmouth
Well I'll say my take on the argument.

For the past year I've been smoking a lot less pot. I have to drive a distance to get good high grade, but it is top notch, but it also costs a lot. So I usually just buy a 1/4 for $20 of regs from a local guy and honestly its usually pretty good quality. Not a lot of seeds and very resinous. Even smells pretty good. Its a lot different than the crappy bags I remember seeing a decade ago. Better genes and better handling.

Anyway, I was given two grams of high grade weed recently. 1 of jack herer, and one diesel. I've smoked several ounces of both those strains in the past. I really thought they were going to tear my head off since I've been smoking less and smoking brick weed when I do.

It was more potent. But not even twice as potent. And the jack herer made me anxious, and the diesel just had a dumb stupefying effect to it. I wasn't very pleased with either of them. They were so aimed at potency that they were sorta bland.

The brickweed wasn't as potent, or pampered, but it also wasn't turbo charged to produce a stupefying stone. It was just cross bred in the old way of picking healthy plants out of the garden for seeds. The high was more complex and enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong there is lots of great dank weed out there, but lots of what is available has a very boring high that was bred for raw potency. It almost has to be if its going to cost $20 a gram. The brickweed is usually a polyhybrid of dozens of strains that just has to produce well in its area. Its a very diverse gene pool compared to a lot of seedbank genes. Its certainly not all good, and lots of it is absolute trash, but there is some complex stones to be had out of some brickweed, if your tolerance isn't too high to appreciate them.
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Old School Cottonmouth

The potency of marijuana, measured by the presence of its (psycho)active ingredient, THC, has tripled since 1987, according to the latest figures from the Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center.


OXFORD, Mississippi (CNN) -- The average potency of marijuana, which has risen steadily for three decades, has exceeded 10 percent for the first time, the U.S. government will report on Thursday.

That was hard...

That is the average Thc percent, not what the highest was. There is no doubt that thc percentages of siezed marijuana has gone up. Nobody is even arguing that point. But all the bad bags lowered the total percentage

Strains like deep chunk however, are just as potent now as they were when it was removed from afghanistan in the 70's, and it obviously is great weed.

The genetics of top grade weed was as good then as now, its just that so many of the low grade strains have been replaced with hybrids of better genetics and it raises the overall average percentile of what is on the market.

That doesn't mean that there wasn't high grade weed back then, just that there was less of it, and it was often not grown very well. That has nothing to do with genetic potential or the quality of stone. It just means todays weed is better grown and less likely to be half hemp ditchweed. But properly grown examples of original afghani, or thai, colombian gold, etc, would be just as potent as modern seedbank strains.
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Active member
i like a good strong indica, it is so nice after a long day at work, or a long bike ride or working my butt off in the yard all day, it's just like *Puff* then *ahhhhhh* as my muscles melt into the chair and my eyelids begin to drop. there's a time and a place for it

the majority of the time though, it is not the right time and place for any indica up in here


Imagine being able to be able to have our relationship with the herb taken out of the closet and in broad daylight.

Love in the open is much more beautiful than in the dark.

Damn those that are responsible. Really.


i like a good strong indica, it is so nice after a long day at work, or a long bike ride or working my butt off in the yard all day, it's just like *Puff* then *ahhhhhh* as my muscles melt into the chair and my eyelids begin to drop. there's a time and a place for it

the majority of the time though, it is not the right time and place for any indica up in here

yeah, those are good times for an indica

and I agree, that most of the time is not a good time (for me at least)
especially in the morning, I have said that before in another post

I like to wake up early in the morning. smoke some sativa and go for a hike


the energy of the morning, of the sun and of a sativa smoke make a great mix


Active member
The best thing about a really good sativa is that you KNOW the bears are watching you when you walk through the woods.

Look! There's another one!

Them suckers are damn good at keeping just a bit out of sight.


We need to have a dancing street battle. I take indica over sativa anyday. It's my medicine, truly. I hate sativas, with the airy buds and 14 week flowering periods.

soil margin

Active member
The genetics of top grade weed was as good then as now, its just that so many of the low grade strains have been replaced with hybrids of better genetics and it raises the overall average percentile of what is on the market.

This is completely wrong. People have been selectively breeding cannabis for potency for over 30 years, the genetics have been 'improving' that entire time.

Both the genetics and the cultivation methods of cannabis have evolved rapidly over the past several decades, resulting in significantly stronger specimens, there is no debate over this.

soil margin

Active member
I disagree ^

life has a way of balancing things out

You're disagreeing that people have been selectively breeding for potency?

Or you're disagreeing that cultivation techniques have progressed significantly?

You're entitled to believe whatever you want, but all of the observable facts suggest otherwise.

I invite anyone, from anywhere, at anytime, to share any single piece of scientific literature suggesting that cannabis was stronger or more potent in the past. I don't believe any such thing exists.


I said I disagree partially

of course cultivation techniques/knowledge have progressed

but potency... if the only way that they calculated it was through thc quantity....

this thing about stronger/more potent, I don't feel it.

I know that there have been some amazingly hard hitting strains that have been brought out in the last few years but...

some things in life you just can't compare

like apples and oranges


I Personally prefer indica's or indica dom strains sativa's just dont do it for me but do agree they have there place in our weed world .