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Indian Artifacts


Bodhisattva of the Earth
zombo, now we are talking! I can look at that for hours!

That pipe, we did toke some '78 Santa Marta Gold Bud in it. It blew my head off!



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on nice collection Z

nice pipe D

i have a few things i've found about 10 yrs back i bought a buffalo skull 3/4 grove axe 4 nice arrows 1 was 5 inch long. i still have the skull both horns some velvet intact i guess the whole upper crainum from eyes up and back to 1st vertibre its pretty intact. i'll take a pic when my friend brings back his cam the above stuff i purchased from a friend who lived in kansas. the skull came from a creek bank after spring swelling of the creek.
i know of a spot by sperry wash by death valley dumont dunes erea the whole hillside is covered in flaking and even some tool blanks can still be found. theres a spot out by valley of fire not in the park just outside of it lol where arrow chips and such can be found. when i run across artifacts i have mixed feelings about picking them up, a very close friend of mine is a cherokee medicene man and says pick them up when ya find them because the creator led ya to it. i would much rather fossile hunt and torquise hunt lol ive been collecting rocks and minerals i've found and have been gifted for 10 yrs now. heck i have fossileized eggs and petrofied wood right outside my front door most ppl dont even pay them a second look. only ppl who know about that stuff look and say your crazy putting this stuff here i told him ifn some1 takes it they needed it more then me lmao.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Super, I wish I was there right now!

A time when you survived by your hand skills, family, and being at one with mother earth.

Maj. thanks for sharing, you always add/give good medicine bro!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thankyou for the kind words D

heres a few pics hopefully ppl will enjoy
1st a very good friend of mines Obsidian collection

theres a few natural obsidian spears there in the center theres gold sheen mohogany and black and some snow flake in the pile. her father dug some natural obsidian spears approx 4-6 ft long but thier burried on her property shes unsure where. the spears where colelcted on whats now the navy testing range inland outside of SD cali. in the 50's the rock club her dad belonged to where allowed out on the range every few months to collect the obsidian.
next is some petroglyphs and a fossilized fisk skeleton




Elko from Black Rock Nevada. - 3,500 – 1,200 yrs old.

I found an arrowhead on my property last summer and I’ve been collecting ever since. Had to buy this one though. Having fun trying to photograph them.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I thought I had seen that pipe with columbian gold before :)

Zombo, very sweet collection, I am also on the Suskie, NY state side. If you're close by and interested in a hunting buddy, I'm always down.

Another Susquehanna River Rat here. I will try to get a photo of the items I have found. Mostly pottery fragments. I found a Vestal Point one time, but I gave it to my brother. Brought some sinker stones home one time and my father threw them in his garden.

A professor from a local university said that she hated people who look for relics and said you need to have a college degree in the field of archaology. I said she is full of crap. Her face looked like a false-face mask. ha!!

Cheers to all, and don't let a carp pull your fishing pole in the water.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Wow, a very small world indeed.

If you go to Hiawatha island, the farther end towards Owego, you will find transitional points, and sinker stones along the shore in the spring time.

You can also get in some great walleye fishing on that end. I am not sure of the season dates for walleye though.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I'm not in the best of health now due to heart surgery, but I used to fish that area from Windsor to Owego, and caught some nice fish and had some great times.

It is quite a historic area with the Sullivan - Clinton expedition. It would be interesting to explore the river area near Newtown battlefield.

"The Wilderness War" is an interesting book about that expedition with actual excerpts from soldiers journals.


Hey Guys, thanks for the kind words.
Zombo, very sweet collection, I am also on the Suskie, NY state side. If you're close by and interested in a hunting buddy, I'm always down. __________________
Hey Super Zero- I'm down in Pa.I was born and raised within a mile of the Suskie,spent many hours swimming and fishing in that river.
If I get a 'hot" field this summer,I'll pm you,and if you want to come down,we'll get smoked up and hunt some artifacts.
I've been interested in artifacts since about the age of 10, when some kid in school brought in some arrowheads his father had found.
I badgered my dad to find us a place to look,and it wasn't long until I had my first arrowhead.
Though I haven't hunted much in the last couple years,you guys got me the fever again.I'll be posting pics of anything i find this spring and summer in this thread.
Thanks guys for getting me motivated.
Oh yeah,I've used the excuse "I'm hunting arrowheads" more than once, when confronted while checking plants.


I always say I'm looking for ginseng, and I must be lost....You mean I'm trespassing? How do I get out of here...I'm lost.... Hard to be mad at somebody who says they don't know how they got here in the first place.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hey Guys, thanks for the kind words.

Hey Super Zero- I'm down in Pa.I was born and raised within a mile of the Suskie,spent many hours swimming and fishing in that river.
If I get a 'hot" field this summer,I'll pm you,and if you want to come down,we'll get smoked up and hunt some artifacts.
I've been interested in artifacts since about the age of 10, when some kid in school brought in some arrowheads his father had found.
I badgered my dad to find us a place to look,and it wasn't long until I had my first arrowhead.
Though I haven't hunted much in the last couple years,you guys got me the fever again.I'll be posting pics of anything i find this spring and summer in this thread.
Thanks guys for getting me motivated.
Oh yeah,I've used the excuse "I'm hunting arrowheads" more than once, when confronted while checking plants.

Zombo, Back in the 70's, a friend of mine caught a very large Tiger Muskie near great bend. It was a beautiful fish. I think it was somewhere around 45inches.

Maybe someday the three of us can get together if you don't mind an old man tagging along. I have a lot of good stories.

Do either you or SuperZero use a metal detector?