You need to understand the life cycle to deal with any bug, especially thrips! It takes up to 20 days from egg to adult. The adults can live up to 35 days and can lay up to 20 eggs per day. The eggs are ovideposited (layed) under the epidermis (skin) of the leaf.
Spinosad works because it IS TRANSLAMINAR. It will get into the leaf. When the larvae from the egg eat their way out, they digest the spinosad that is on their egg. Do the math, you need to treat thrips several times to knock them back. Put up stickly cardboard at the soil level.
Nematodes help in the soil as well.
You will find residue 40 days after application. Then it disappears. Don't apply in flower.
You didn't hear it from me...
Spinosad works because it IS TRANSLAMINAR. It will get into the leaf. When the larvae from the egg eat their way out, they digest the spinosad that is on their egg. Do the math, you need to treat thrips several times to knock them back. Put up stickly cardboard at the soil level.
Nematodes help in the soil as well.
You will find residue 40 days after application. Then it disappears. Don't apply in flower.
You didn't hear it from me...