BingoBango - yep the Grandma Enggy stuff is all OMRI complient/organic
M@rg - nope mate, I couldn't rid it of the mites so I sacrificed it for a clean grow room (fingers crossed)
Germination day 3 (+24 hour presoak)
I forgot to take a photo of the mix I'm using, It's Plagron Royal Mix - normally I use Light-mix for seedlings but I've run out so it means I won't give them any bio-grow.
Also I'm using slightly bigger pots than normal, I didn't want to risk a recurrence of the mites by using the smaller ones again. Saying that I was extra paranoid and put these ones through the dishwasher
Fill with soil, and water until moist (I use a little mister to keep the surface wet - don't let it crust up) - the pencil is to make a little hole, just drop and cover, about an inch down.
Biko II 4/5 showing tales
Kali 3.5/5 showing tales (if you look really closely you can see the one at the bottom just cracking)
DD haha, yea man the bags come with a picture of a beefeater on the front
It's basically the same mix you use, it's like batmix + mycorrhizae - still all organic. Haha thread wars I'm planning on pushing through a plant or two early to see if I can catch some pollen from the male I have outdoors - I think I might be a bit late though. Anyway you know I can't compete with those shagpile carpet buds :wink:
Back on track - that top Kali bean has broken the surface today, looks like it's a fast starter, I'm going to try and get some funky macros of it later
Hi Sammet, I saw this new thread with some delay my friend, but I have an excuse, i'm in vacation.
So, good luck with this new grow, btw this thread looks really nice.
May i ask why they call those dudes beefeaters? Always wondered. I know i used to steal my grandpas gin and it was i think called beefeater. The seedlings are looking great man.
May they all be females!!! I don't know why but I've allways been fasinated by the 2 seed halfs opening up into feeder leaves...Cotyledons. I even designed my handle from the word! Mabey it's the expectations of male or female,or is this finally going to be the holy grail strain for me and my pain. Anyway props to your newest grow Sammet!!!
ok ok!!! i sorrry! i dont come to the main diaries section much anymore... just go to the UserCP and watch grows im already subbed it... but i saw your link in your sig, so here i am!...
nice details so far man... and Y has been raving about the Kalichakras for a grip, so im sure you gonna like em too.
always a pleasure watching you grow my man.. you know im chimed in and subscribed now mate.