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In 2014, Pot States Will Be Growing Like Weeds

In 2014, Pot States Will Be Growing Like Weeds
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- The economics of legalizing marijuana for recreational use has several states watching Colorado and Washington to see if revenue can grow like a weed. The latest member of the club is Portland, Maine, which just legalized pot within the city limits. A city ordinance went into effect on Friday, Dec. 6 that allows possession up to 2.5 ounces. It's the first city on the East Coast to legalize recreational use of marijuana.

"It's like the onset of casino gambling," says Alan Bochstein, founder of the 420 Investor. Colorado and Washington are the first states to legalize recreational use of marijuana and the money is as green as the weed.

Colorado's Amendment 64 was expected to save $12 million a year for reduced criminal costs and generate $32 million in new revenue. Washington state says it can save $23 million a year on criminal costs, but thinks the business could deliver up to $530 million, a much higher number than the other states partly because it includes marijuana tourism estimates.

All in all, it's no wonder other states are jonesing for this new found revenue.
The states are approaching legalization from two different angles: medicinal use and recreational use. States using the medicinal marijuana approach employ varying degrees of enforcement. Illinois passed a medical marijuana bill that is one of the strictest in the country. Patients can't just go to a "doc in a box" for a patient card, they have to be a long time patient of a doctor to receive their card. California is known for its very lax medicinal enforcement where a headache qualifies you as a patient.

Quite a few states are entering the medicinal arena, including:

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Minnesota -- This state had several bills introduced this year. Senate Bill 1641 permits medical marijuana and authorizes cities to enact zoning regulations to address dispensaries. House Bill 1818 also permits medical marijuana use and authorizes rulemaking and fees. A separate measure, House File 508, doesn't legalize marijuana, but instead gives a defense for medicinal use.
New York -- Where you can smell the chiba wafting as you walk down the city streets. Newly elected New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio is in favor of legalization. Two Senate Bills and one Assembly Bill were filed this year. SB 1682 legalizes pot possession of up to eight ounces and is mostly concerned with organizations, while SB 4406 and Assembly Bill 6357 deals with the patients.
Pennsylvania -- The Keystone state may become the Key Stoned state. It has both a Senate Bill 770 and a House Bill 1181 that provide for the medical use of marijuana.
Meanwhile, other states are skipping the medicinal route altogether and jumping right into recreational.

Here are the next states expected to say "don't bogart that joint."
Alaska -- John Davis, founder of the Northwest Patient Center says the polling is there to support it, with 54% in favor. Alaska removed the penalties for possessing pot in 1975, so they were ahead of the game. But then in the 1990s an anti-cannabis law was passed, but it wasn't enforced. The Marijuana Policy Project is gathering signatures in Alaska to qualify an initiative for the August 2014 primary election that would make possession legal and regulate it in a similar fashion to alcohol. "A lot of people just realize the writing's on the wall," said Davis.
Arizona -- This conservative state only has 37% of the population opposing decriminalization, with 56% in favor. It was the 15<SUP>th</SUP> state to approve marijuana for medicinal purposes. Initially Gov. Jan Brewer opposed it, but then relented. Arizona politician and former marine Ruben Gallego announced he will introduce legislation to legalize marijuana for those 21 and older next year. Davis said most supporters prefer the legislation to land in a presidential election year, because they believe this brings out the youth vote. However, in states where the polling more heavily favors legalizing recreational use, they are pushing to get into the 2014 elections.
California -- A new poll by San Francisco-based Tulchin Research shows a majority want to relax laws against marijuana use and tax it, with 65% in favor of legalization and regulation. This state shows how quickly the public is accepting the idea because in 2010 only 53% felt that way. California has already benefited financially from medicinal marijuana which has potentially raised more than $100 million a year in tax revenue for the state, according to th California Board of equalization. The ACLU announced a new panel headed by California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom to draft a possible 2016 ballot measure, preferring to wait for the presidential election year.
Oregon -- In November, Oregon's Senate Judiciary Chairman Floyd Prozanski presented legislation that would ask voters if they wanted to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and over. There was already an initiative filed with the elections division that would skip the step of having to gain signatures to qualify the issue for a voting ballot. If the state goes the legislative route, it would cover rules and regulations, like oversight and taxation. Either way, it looks like Oregon is moving full steam ahead.

There are a few states bucking the trend. Montana, for instance, remains a question mark. Davis believes Montana will follow its western brothers, but the state is actually passing very strict driver impairment laws. Davis said that a majority of voters support decriminalization; however the legislators are actively working against easing its strict medicinal laws.
Illinois passed a medical marijuana bill that is one of the strictest in the country, issuing cards only to those who are longstanding patients of the prescribing doctor. Reversing course entirely, Ohio introduced House Bill 153 that actually repeals the medical use of marijuana.
Once more states go recreational, the next big hurdle for the green revolution will banking. Most marijuana growers and dispensaries can't currently take standard business deductions for a cannabis company according to tax provision 280e. Then, there's the simple issue of daily banking. Marijuana is still considered a controlled substance by the Federal government. Banks aren't morally opposed to dealing with these customers says Davis, but its small potatoes to them and they don't want to anger their regulators for a miniscule piece of business. That may begin to change since Bank of America (BAC_) said it would take pot revenue in Washington. They just said "yes."
Here is an interesting article about which states would benefit the most.



By legalizing, you are redirecting income from the only free thinking folks we have left in this country and giving it too to the bastards who criminalized it in the first place.


By legalizing, you are redirecting income from the only free thinking folks we have left in this country and giving it too to the bastards who criminalized it in the first place.

If the only free thinkers left are our dealers , we are already fucked. I agree with you that it is sad to see the rich getting involved, but we must move forward somehow. The people who truly love this plant will start businesses instead of get prison sentences. The money men who don't love herb won't all make it in an open market, but they can always move on to selling hard drugs or whatever else. Worst case I would rather work at a weed factory than some concrete plant or whatever dumb job half us have anyway. Free up the herb!


Active member
Hey fest.....

Then tell me you dont want it legal?
Legal weed is the ultimate freedom in the world!


I love my life
Hey fest.....

Then tell me you dont want it legal?
Legal weed is the ultimate freedom in the world!

Well if legal weed is the ultimate freedom we need to keep fighting, because their new versions of prohibition (v.2.0) doesn't seem to be legal weed.

When the government stays out of my home and garden, then I'll stay out of the fight.

More laws to throw more growers into prison is not LEGALIZATION.



Active member
I hope they all go legal lol .. Let it be a free market ,, not everyone will want to grow it ..

Limited quantity "privliged license's" with a 250k-2million dollar app requirement is not a free market. These pit demons are scared to death of a free market. "Competition is a sin". Wise up fuckheads.
Lotta money to play ball I see .. Yea I agree not much a free market with Big investors playing the game . There is a Co from Canada trying to get into Michigan ATM , I bet they get their way soon .. Amazing things happened in the House because of that co .. Bills moved faster than ever before lol


Active member
Lotta money to play ball I see .. Yea I agree not much a free market with Big investors playing the game . There is a Co from Canada trying to get into Michigan ATM , I bet they get their way soon .. Amazing things happened in the House because of that co .. Bills moved faster than ever before lol

Iys more than just alotya money. There are a limited number of licenses available. So even if you had tje money it would come down to luck or bribes. Say your chld grows up and you leave tjem a million dollars and they want to open a weed shop in your honor. Well too bad even rhough they have tje skills, knowledge, desire, money to do it. Well too fucking bad. All licenses are filles. Go fly a kite.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Minnesota -- This state had several bills introduced this year. Senate Bill 1641 permits medical marijuana and authorizes cities to enact zoning regulations to address dispensaries. House Bill 1818 also permits medical marijuana use and authorizes rulemaking and fees. A separate measure, House File 508, doesn't legalize marijuana, but instead gives a defense for medicinal use. [/FONT]
i haven't heard a word about any of this stuff in mn, and frankly, i really don't see it happening here...we may be a blue state, but i bet were one of the last states to legalize it...total daycare state...without governor Dayton around to veto fireworks and keep liquor stores closed on Sundays the whole state would just start killing ourselves en mass...
Iys more than just alotya money. There are a limited number of licenses available. So even if you had tje money it would come down to luck or bribes. Say your chld grows up and you leave tjem a million dollars and they want to open a weed shop in your honor. Well too bad even rhough they have tje skills, knowledge, desire, money to do it. Well too fucking bad. All licenses are filles. Go fly a kite.

Yea . I am looking at IL. Atm with the 60 they are going to allow and they are going to award them on a point system ,, If the desired has a Biology Degree.. Has worked or ran one in another state ,, Has experience with chemicals ,, and Molds and mildews. The more one knows the more points ,, The more points the more chance he has ,, But I do not believe that for a min .. I am with you , I think deep pockets and Buddies of Buddy gets them ..


New member
You didn't use to be able to brew your own beer either. Baby steps, man. The pessimists are astounding me. Here for the first time in 70 years there is legal access to recreational herb, and everywhere I go I see a handful of people whining about how not good enough that is.

What I think is some people's expectations are way off the rails. Society is still burdened by 70 years of aggressive propaganda. You don't just say: "as of today pot is universally legal! Everyone do whatever you want!!". That's just fantasy.

Colorado is doing it RIGHT. Ease into it, ease the fears of the indoctrinated and establish a basis of trust. Then work on the rest of it.

Jan 1st 2014 was HISTORIC.


Active member
You didn't use to be able to brew your own beer either. Baby steps, man. The pessimists are astounding me. Here for the first time in 70 years there is legal access to recreational herb, and everywhere I go I see a handful of people whining about how not good enough that is.

What I think is some people's expectations are way off the rails. Society is still burdened by 70 years of aggressive propaganda. You don't just say: "as of today pot is universally legal! Everyone do whatever you want!!". That's just fantasy.

Colorado is doing it RIGHT. Ease into it, ease the fears of the indoctrinated and establish a basis of trust. Then work on the rest of it.

Jan 1st 2014 was HISTORIC.

You have been a member for a year and this is your first post? I'm guessing this is a secondary account for someone. Anyhoot. Yes this new year was major progress not denying that. However I guess my gripe is with a general societal attitude of trading tje cow for milk. Trading. Give a man a fish vs teaching him to fish. "Fuck a G ride, I want the machines that are making tjem". They realized that tue people weren't buying their "weed is bad for you" line anymore and people like tommy, jack herer, etc got togeather and started the mmj movement in cali eary 90' slowly from there it has evolved into a fill fledged multibillion dollar market and tje big fish are smelling the waters.its all about controll of the comodity. If you can grow at home you won't have to go to the store and buy=bad for business. God forbid they allow you to grow and sell to the stores legally if ypur product meets all testing guidlines that would be bad for business. Yes its nice that in some states ee have made some progress but its very important not to lose site of what's important. Everyone is soo hapoy that tjey get to go to the store and spend the money they don't jave on a product that they could easily make themselves. If sick of pasifists lioe you telling those of us who are actually paying attention to be happy with what you have. Stoo making waves. To you I say its better to die on your feet than live on your knees.


And no your wrong. Brewing your own beer at home was not illegal. It was hoe you survived the fucking winter. Its not untill the federal government needed money in the startup of tje nation that they decided to "regulate="tax"="controll"= fucking steal from people who were just living their own life. Alchohol to get money to build the nation and pay off war debts. So wake the fuck up you somblinombs and realize tjat its benn just at 100 years since the god fed declared cannabis a menace to society just after they were ordering farmers to grow it for the war effort. Go look up the first cannabis prohibition conviction. You unlearned fucking passafists disgust me. May your chains set lightly upon you.

Blue Socks

You didn't use to be able to brew your own beer either. Baby steps, man. The pessimists are astounding me. Here for the first time in 70 years there is legal access to recreational herb, and everywhere I go I see a handful of people whining about how not good enough that is.

What I think is some people's expectations are way off the rails. Society is still burdened by 70 years of aggressive propaganda. You don't just say: "as of today pot is universally legal! Everyone do whatever you want!!". That's just fantasy.

Colorado is doing it RIGHT. Ease into it, ease the fears of the indoctrinated and establish a basis of trust. Then work on the rest of it.

Jan 1st 2014 was HISTORIC.

Awesome first post!

Blue Socks

You have been a member for a year and this is your first post? I'm guessing this is a secondary account for someone. Anyhoot. Yes this new year was major progress not denying that. However I guess my gripe is with a general societal attitude of trading tje cow for milk. Trading. Give a man a fish vs teaching him to fish. "Fuck a G ride, I want the machines that are making tjem". They realized that tue people weren't buying their "weed is bad for you" line anymore and people like tommy, jack herer, etc got togeather and started the mmj movement in cali eary 90' slowly from there it has evolved into a fill fledged multibillion dollar market and tje big fish are smelling the waters.its all about controll of the comodity. If you can grow at home you won't have to go to the store and buy=bad for business. God forbid they allow you to grow and sell to the stores legally if ypur product meets all testing guidlines that would be bad for business. Yes its nice that in some states ee have made some progress but its very important not to lose site of what's important. Everyone is soo hapoy that tjey get to go to the store and spend the money they don't jave on a product that they could easily make themselves. If sick of pasifists lioe you telling those of us who are actually paying attention to be happy with what you have. Stoo making waves. To you I say its better to die on your feet than live on your knees.


And no your wrong. Brewing your own beer at home was not illegal. It was hoe you survived the fucking winter. Its not untill the federal government needed money in the startup of tje nation that they decided to "regulate="tax"="controll"= fucking steal from people who were just living their own life. Alchohol to get money to build the nation and pay off war debts. So wake the fuck up you somblinombs and realize tjat its benn just at 100 years since the god fed declared cannabis a menace to society just after they were ordering farmers to grow it for the war effort. Go look up the first cannabis prohibition conviction. You unlearned fucking passafists disgust me. May your chains set lightly upon you.

We all agree that the best option would be to remove it from Schedule 1 completely. That's all we have to do, no new laws, no governments coming to your house or garden, just take it out of schedule 1 and all is solved.

But until that day happens we have to do it this way.

Colorado is not perfect (nothing is short of full on rescheduling), but it's a damned good start.

No one is saying to stop fighting to have it rescheduled, just that the fight has evolved and so should we

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