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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

A lil spanish

Well-known member
Goodmorning !!!
Its raining now .....the cold is coming ....
The Ketama drums ......loveeeeeeee iiiiiit !!!!!!
I go to put a few top pictures direct here in a few days .
@Piff Rhys Jones Who was the first to eat a raw oyster? or try a Roquefort cheese ? Curiosities of life . unintentional discoveries... things that happen. I think it all started on a forgotten plate in a pocket or a drawer... or in a house with the right conditions for it to happen.
@notoriousweed si ...soy del sur .
Goodmorning !!!
Its raining now .....the cold is coming ....
The Ketama drums ......loveeeeeeee iiiiiit !!!!!!
I go to put a few top pictures direct here in a few days .
@Piff Rhys Jones Who was the first to eat a raw oyster? or try a Roquefort cheese ? Curiosities of life . unintentional discoveries... things that happen. I think it all started on a forgotten plate in a pocket or a drawer... or in a house with the right conditions for it to happen.
@notoriousweed si ...soy del sur .
aqui en el centro esta lloviendo family!
por cierto hoy gracias a ti corte todo lo de exterior que me quedaba y lo he metido directito al congelador ! muchisimas gracias! , una pregunta para curarlo tienes algun sistema? o solo calor frio calor frio y asi
@notoriousweed people in Spain and here use Air dehydrators in low temp . I've used my WiFi for make this lil piece .....lol .
Just make the piece ....roll good in wax paper , put in the wifi and sleep .
When awake i touch the piece ...if its hard like rock ...its ready !! Just wait a few to cold the material ...and enjoy !!
Best wishes .
You the best bro its works gucci love!


  • Dosidos 33 dead plant hash.png
    Dosidos 33 dead plant hash.png
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Well-known member
Back from Nederland's most famous city.

Detailed report I posted here. For some reasons the ususal picture qualtiy above plus the mandatory picture of the Dam established in previous pandemic; this time with a special reference as in my previous post when taking the photo of hashish I used my sheet of paper from August I strangely still had with me instead of September as I must have been too bollocksed again at this moment from Dutch merchandise on site[or am just generally stupid myself as when uploading for the post being sober as usual I didn't notice this too, lol]so I just have to riddicule myself:laughing:].

Picture below is one of my 'findings' along this stay but merely overpriced blonde mid-grade Moroccan hashish which was sold for high grade.
Had to use a light this time for the last two pictures to show extra blondness of that piece ; one could think blondes are generally weak in flavour and such but from personal experience I know there are varieties as good in taste and what ever
as darkish ones[let alone many blondes with foreign genetics these days from Morocco prove them wrong too as they as reported if good quality then really provide a strong flavour mostly] but indeed, especially these days, not so much around anymore. Long story short since I really looked for traditional Moroc this time: disappointing and nothing I'd pass on as a recommendation.
1 Traditional Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops.October.2023.JPG

2 Traditional Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops.October.2023.JPG

3 Traditional Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops.October.2023.JPG

Luckywise I told myself to get me some solace in the form of foreign genetics at one point off my second favourite section so it wasn't such a real let down.

Next important topic where I hope for your input:

As written in the report I picked up some so called 'Mulberry' 90u double filtered hashish with foreign genetics and despite of the same smell it surprisingly carried this well detetable flavour it was named after so as I can't find a Mulberry strain on offer from any seedbank the section which produced it must have chosen this wisely.
Couldn't consume much of it as I didn't make it back but I'm undecided what to think of that as I on one hand hand had other flavours like lemon, berries, lavender, cacao, peaches, oranges and so on in the past in various degrees but on the other not this flavour and on this level.
Let alone concentrates I tried and dabbed. I know in theory many smells and tastes are possible and the smell was ambivalently not over the top but between pungent and subtle.
Smooth smoke also and as strong as many filtered ones from head to toe.

Also it didn't leave some suspicious aftertaste for too long on my palate which I heard of is a sign of added flavour[which was discussed too in this thread some time back when there were warnings about batches of hashish doing their rounds containing synthetic cannabinoids ; too adding flavour isn't a new thing as over 15 years back grass sprayed with Strawberry flavour appeared on menus and stayed until this very day, also apple and blueberry. Again, hope this isn't the case here but wouldn't be surprised as due to this which I discovered but not consumed this first hand back then I always were worried about this could start with hashish, too],
no ,
it felt natural – only thing I noticed was that it was a pretty one dimensional taste but that one could say about many hashes containing kush these days as well. Price was all right too for these days but others ask way more for a similar type of pungency.

Well, since I try to not mention the sections with their pseudo brands producing it if one is following my posts I have to make this exception in case of anyone heard anything about suspicious stuff about that section.
I have them in mind since a good while and only heard good things about them yet, also some knowledgeable Italians I mentioned some time back we met at Family First in 'Dam seemingly knowing their hashish as well as being youngsters mentioned and recommended them too when they gave us a heavy update on what is available on the market ; funnily enough they said they're fellow-countrymen so one could think it was some type of patriotism praising them but other sections operating in the Rif are seemingly from Italy too and I like the ones they mentioned and tried them before.

All right, the name of the section in question is : Drytech.

If you know, please post. Hope it is just good work as I really heard a lot since easily more than a year and budtender selling this also said this is not even their best gear so I hope in the end I can give credit where credit is due as I am, whether bad or good result, impressed but would prefer not to name and shame them though would of course when other trusted people 'also' had suspicious experiencies. Until then: good high grade all in all! Maybe I too was confused as I had to consume too many tasteless commercial Moroccan high grade this trip so I forgot for a moment what good hashish is about, thinking positive again and all that:biggrin:!


Thanks again!

Eggs: You said you have seen 1000s of videos but as you know I am an anal wanker so I have to say there is quite a difference in seeing and having them. Bet a good bunch of them have been swallowed but neither you nor me can prove it obviously.

I know this shape is known for quality as it would be not that smart picking up low grade, swallowing it and passing it on at home as there are loads of that crap already about. So it is at least good quality very often.

Except for the fake ones either going to prisons mostly around here or probably to very unaware customers. Others and myself reported about them as I was ripped off some years back too and I can tell that they are wrapped in foil differently which means much less foil so some bastards somewhere just took a low grade quality probably heated it up and formed it into eggs to fake a certain quality and exploit their reputation.

Back to the current one I reported about: I unwrapped it personally and even though the smell was more or less subtle it was detectable.
I remember a mate of mine commenting on lovely quality we smoked together after crumbling up a random piece off a fully unwrapped egg with his own hands if this is hashish from swallowed eggs[as said he only saw a piece not the egg] which means the foil can't fully block contaminants as this shit[no pun intended]is just invasive.
By the way : this very egg is high grade material no low or mids crap.

Only chance to block it more or less are condoms[see other drugs smuggled that way ; while I think mostly because of the risk of a fatal overdose ]respectively that type of material.

I can assure you that I have seen and smelled swallowed eggs of high grade quality everywhere[hint, hint]to this very day.

You mentioned washed ones, too: I heard that from suppliers as well saying after arrival one has to let them soak in alcohol or what ever lotion[ one person who swallowed hisself before really said one has to air them properly when approached on smelly ones:biglaugh: ] to get rid of the smell but in my humble opinion this could indeed work on one part of the smell but as said the contaminants are invasive and one might get rid of the smell[+ terpenes and stuff]but the stuff is still contaminated[there is a small chance this won't happen if the eggs don't stay that long inside a human being but I don't know about the timeframe and nonetheless find it highly unlikely when used average foil].

I have seen and smelled high grade eggs as well seemingly not been swallowed as still containing full aroma without any odd smells but this was more rare definitely.

When those producers you mentioned really provide unswallowed eggs why they use this unhandy shape for normal smuggling?

Only because of the reputation?

I mean I know those belts the eggs coming in[as repacked before for passing on] often but they could produce let's say 10g cubes for people like you and me wanting to try different flavours which also would be more handy for smuggling, wouldn't they?
Wait Nepal Temple Balls haven't been swallowed neither, right?
By the way easily more than a decade ago as reported before I bought some still high grade Moroccan hashish with foreign genetics at a coffeeshop which came apple shaped so another creative way for smuggling which as you probably know changes all the time as officials aren't that stupid. Old hat.

So all in all if firstly I personally haven't seen the eggs coming straight off a boat[or wherever from] from Morocco[doubt they do their business during that trip on the boat, lol]or if secondly unwrapping them personally myself I will keep distance.
Usually one pays less for them because they are eggshaped as it is obviuos many of them cost less for a reason – so why bother with a half arsed product[pun intended, sorry] then me thinks now. Just my two cents and everyone is free to do differently that's for certain again.

Though again: as long as one doesn't use it for edibles it is all fine. It is just a personal decission after years of consumption.

Last but not least:

Yes, please post about your findings of recent months. Still in a few months{Crimbo ?] if I remember correctly the first cures you started and mentioned a couple of months back should be ready, shouldn't they? Still eager to read your opinion about the status before and after the cure.

The lab test of this static hashish from Usa[guess I know who you could mean as currently quite hyped I tried on my last trip to Amsterdam and reported here ; silly name of producer consists of three words then, from California/Usa]resulting in a not so high Thc amount one would expect compared to illegal farms in Morocco having a better result.

I agree: probably strain dependent and to some degree some strains may be more suited for Bubble or Drysift as one maybe can overdo stuff[ as e.g. unproven assumption in therory: static sifting[insert any method] the shit out of a harvest may lead to a sterile resin in some cases which gets one very high but pretty much lacks flavour et cetera as terpenes and such got filtered out maybe].

Thc percentages and price: as discussed also multiple times in this thread before I too would expect a high level of Thc in a high priced product but if it really is static technique it is work-intensive which plays a role too no matter what comes up as a product in the end[and is proabably the reason for a certain price in the end as banal as this may sound]
let alone there may be less cannabionids in a prodcut but certain terpenes present preventing a consumer feels less high and vice versa. In the end: not only level of cannabinoids are important but the terpenes, flavonoids et cetera.

By the way since you mentioned you are a mean one not willing to pay such prices I can say I have the same spirit[no one didn't see that coming, huh?]but isn't it funny you now easily pay more[double? tripple?] for hashish compared to what you paid only some months back? I mean since you started ordering 'directly'.
Saying so as I remember mean posts of you stating your philosophy years back and now this.
Times they are indeed changing, don't they?

The same with me as I might always was willing to pay for quality but even my limits have extended as I too read old posts of myself where I stated that this or that price is insane. That's to some degree funny and nonetheless especially retail prices at coffeeshops are like that but world keeps on spinning without any remorse. Again, if legalised one day this is the future most probably but I better stop writting about that as endless discussion.

As said before I can live with that as everything in life due to several economic structures got more expensive on one hand and techniques got better. Said it the other day some people live in their bubble expecting their traditional Moroccan to cost the same 4 quid or preferably less they paid 30 years ago while globalization, trippled demand and other aspects kicked in heavily during this time.
Farmers, middlemen and others have a life too, huh[hard to believe I guess, lol]? I mean these low prices are still realistic – if these guys come up with numbers which they won't most probably, haha.

Long story short: congratulations on extending your limits in the end as it might hurt a bit but the quality is worth it[still it is very essential to be sceptical about everything in life and e.g. having a certain idea(l) about prices, limits and so on. Though there are limits, haha].

By the way: have your direct online contacts offered traditional Moroccan to you? What I was told these farms are way more dedicated to foreign genetics but maybe there are some exceptions.

And while I'm on it: what do you think about tradtional Moroc personally as I remember you sepnd some time in Amsterdam and mentioned the Rifman section[which did some pioneers work more or less ; producing sifts mostly with the foreign genetics of that time e.g. Afghanistan, Pakistan and all that, ; don't quote me on that but I think they had not many traditional lines ]so is there any interest of yours in such stuff?


Thanks for your thoughts in regards to the batch from last and this year of your traditional. I'd take the one from last year then as the new batch sounds like the watered down versions since roughly damn Covid19 in 2020 and the ones I experienced mostly on this trip.
I too prefer 'loud and deep flavour' which is just good high grade to me, the ones as mentioned before coating my mouth for a long time and hopefully coming with a sort of potency for traditionals play in the 'very good' league, just saying.

As reported in my previous post:

private source came up with ususal smell but taste was very weak if at all present. The one above in fact the same dilemma, look different but smell traditional though no taste at all and also a mid-grade product. Others had a different look and same smell but also lacked taste or same smell but different taste as well as intensity.

Bummer you haven't found another one yet apart from that mid-grade you posted recently. Yes, it is indeed all still critical plants outta there, haha[still think it really is to some degree and probably Nicole Kush as well ; harvested with different approaches, Fresh Frozen, Drysift, Static and so on].

Your Amsterdam trip:

Don't know if you have been already or will go but again I have to point out that despite I saw your post before I can't give recommendations as it constantly changes over there, especially if one is interested in new stuff.

That's why I only do reports every now and then about certain coffeeshops but will not give additional recommendations before my usual post frequenzy as I just don't have the time as said before as well as trying to put everything in a post so ideally no pending questions anymore and generally want to spend as less time in front of a screen as possible as my reports speak for themselves[let alone they are after posting already yesterday's chip paper considering so called Social Media is much faster and reccomendations pop up at second intervals ; this digital age is way too fast for me and I don't take this stupid challenge. ].

Side-effect is they are, just like this time, sorta overloaded but it is all I can offer ; merely they are a starting point respectively inpiration. If they are handy for some, cool. If not, also cool. Don't take it personal I am a helpful person I just want to treat everyone the same at best, just saying.

Am not a service person and have no intention to become one as people tend to grow bizarre expectations when doing so. Let alone I depend on mates coming with me or I coming with them, haha, so I can never calculate at all when I'm around and where.

Saying this maybe we have some matches nonetheless if you have gone inbetween. If you still wait in the wings then it could be helpful.
From the experiencies I had traditionalwise I whole heartely can't recommend anything to you. If you want to compare nonetheless then only the Honey Hash would be a reference point as it is a solid piece of high grade bubbling, burning and smelling the way it should while coming up with a classic taste of gherkins, flowers and spice but not that intense to be not a commercial one.

My only advice you probably don't wanna read would be: go to Terps Army or more preferably Reefer and pick up some modern hashish from Morocco.
The latter one's menu was on that occassion roughly divided hashwise into indeed two sections and the Lemon Bean I tried is a good reference point of what is possible with foreign genetics these days assuming you haven't tried respectively reported yet about such gear as far as I can remember[only remember ususal stuff with foeeign genetics you tried]and I think especially you are the right person as you grow yourself and produce your own sift(s) on the regular[well, I can imagine you still don't like the price but the quality is undenieable from my perspective].

The Lemon Bean is produced by my current second favourite section, the one with a good price/performance ratio as crazy as this may sound to you, haha.

Also if you want to go all in they have a relatively big section on their menu usually dedicated to my most favourite section until this very day whom didn't let me down yet with one of their products[though I didn't try them this time as I was on a traditional rampage around town and for some other reasons but looked delicate again].

Terps Army offers a lot of the producer of the Lemon Bean as well, just ask for a heavy flavour but it will most probably cost you the same as the Lemon Bean.

Don't be mean though as you are on holiday so get yourself a treat and just buy one gram of average hashish less, haha.

Also think positive: the price may hurt you and your ideals but if you like it, save the name of the section and order material from them at your source at home for roughly[depending on contact]half the price more or less[pun intended].
In your neck of the woods I hear it is very easy to obtain material from those sections now operating in Morocco ; considering what you posted already it should be no problem.

Please don't come back crying here you haven't found anything to your liking or the foreign genetics I recommended changed your whole perspective so tremendously you can't enjoy the midgrade Morocs you buy every now and then at home anymore! You are responsible for your own actions and have been warned:biggrin:+;)!

Last but not least, what ever you do: enjoy your trip!

@A lil spanish

Lovely work indeed. As myself living in the back of beyond seeing not much stuff for some reasons I personally prefer my hashish as raw as possible and would cure it myself while I appreciate it if done correctly and delivered on time at let's say a coffeeshop for trying.


I remember you writting the Moroccan landrace stuff is exclusive to some circles now which I observed as well in recent years but do you enjoy it yourself still every now and then? What types of quality you see? I asked before if you can roughly say how many producers are still existing in let's say percentages of the Rif area producing the landrace?
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Well-known member
My only advice you probably don't wanna read would be: go to Terps Army or preferably Reefer and pick up some modern hashish from Morocco.
The latter one's menu was on that occassion roughly divided hashwise into indeed two sections and the Lemon Bean I tried is a good reference point of what is possible with foreign genetics these days assuming you haven't tried respectively reported yet about such gear as far as I can remember[only remember ususal stuff with foeeign genetics you tried]and I think especially you are the right person as you grow yourself and produce your own sift(s) on the regular[well, I can imagine you still don't like the price but the quality is undenieable from my perspective].

The Lemon Bean is produced by my current second favourite section, the one with a good price/performance ratio as crazy as this may sound to you, haha.

Also if you want to go all in they have a relatively big section on their menu usually dedicated to my most favourite section until this very day whom didn't let me down yet with one of their products[though I didn't try them this time as I was on a traditional rampage around town and for some other reasons but looked delicate again].

Terps Army offers a lot of the producer of the Lemon Bean as well, just ask for a heavy flavour but it will most probably cost you the same as the Lemon Bean.

Don't be mean though as you are on holiday so get yourself a treat and just buy one gram of average hashish less, haha.

Also think positive: the price may hurt you and your ideals but if you like it, save the name of the section and order material from them at your source at home for roughly[depending on contact]half the price more or less[pun intended].
In your neck of the woods I hear it is very easy to obtain material from those sections now operating in Morocco ; considering what you posted already it should be no problem.

Please don't come back crying here you haven't found anything to your liking or the foreign genetics I recommended changed your whole perspective so tremendously you can't enjoy the midgrade Morocs you buy every now and then at home anymore! You are responsible for your own actions and have been warned:biggrin:+;)!

Last but not least, what ever you do: enjoy your trip!

@A lil spanish

Lovely work indeed. As myself living in the back of beyond seeing not much stuff for some reasons I personally prefer my hashish as raw as possible and would cure it myself while I appreciate it if done correctly and delivered on time at let's say a coffeeshop for trying.


I remember you writting the Moroccan landrace stuff is exclusive to some circles now which I observed as well in recent years but do you enjoy it yourself still every now and then? What types of quality you see? I asked before if you can roughly say how many producers are still existing in let's say percentages of the Rif area producing the landrace?
Hi bro !

my trip is report due to car probs ,
but i will try terp's army and reefer for my next trip ,
i will not cry about anything but just enjoy for sure ....
lol ....

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A lil spanish

Well-known member
Awesome post @NotYourSaviour . Top work !!
Honestly ..i don't like to smoke beldia , but my top bud only smoke beldia . Only . From 3 dh to 13...14...15 !! dh gram ... In the mountain!!!
I can take some beldi pictures lol....
with good contacts ...you can take top beldia sure. The beldia selled in all cities is cheap grade.... From 3 to 5 dh . Guys sell in 10... Or 1€ gram everywhere .
also in tangier ..top beldia is expensive , and dificult to find .
the top beldia still Alive in the mountains in a good farmers hands ....


Well-known member
@notoriousweed is Frozen sift .
@Piff Rhys Jones i cant explain all ...but i'm a top smoker ...oldschool .... I know very good this plants ....this place ...this people ....
Its like my family.
@sandsmp81 shokram khoya . Its a sample .. i need to see how change from fresh .. i Love this sand texture ...easy for roll ...top smell .
I Love this place ...this plants ...this world !!!
I go to the mountain in a few days .....
Best wishes !!!

The sand texture is the perfect texture to work with, anymore curing and it becomes too sticky to break down.

Can you tell us why the hash makers have introduced this cooking technique where they heat the hash to change the texture?

Who introduced this, as from what I understand it is a new technique and the old school Beldia was not usually heated to cure it.


Because you cannot smoke high quality resin while it is "glassy" there are hardly any terps and it doesn't break down between fingers.

You don't have to heat it to do this, it can done in normal room temperature but the hash must be vacuum sealed/air tight.

The heat method can be risky anything past the cured stage and the resin is "cooked" it becomes sticky and dark, looses terps and is hard to work with.

All these resins must be keep cool after curing as they will cook too much and become ruined in a normal environment.

You cannot cure commercial/lamousse and other low grade resin but people will boil them in the bag to make them look like a different hash to sell on.

The introduction of better sieving techniques has caused the rain to be of higher quality and the use of cold storage to protect the resin.

It isn't a new technique people have been curing for years, the heat method us just to speed it up but I prefer cold curing.

Beldia wasn't done like that because no one really knew that you could improve the resin after it was made.

Also people didn't know how to care for resin like they do now, you can cure beldia as I've seen people do it and also seen the same done with Lebanese.

Here's an example of glassy vs cured

Glassy... shouldn't be smoked, less terps doesn't break down properly and sticks between fingers


Cured, terps are more present/smoother smoke and breaks down like soft sand.


Everything usually comes glassy if you've bought it from a good source or you can ask them to cure it for you.

If your product comes cooked get a new source.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The sand texture is the perfect texture to work with, anymore curing and it becomes too sticky to break down.

Because you cannot smoke high quality resin while it is "glassy" there are hardly any terps and it doesn't break down between fingers.

You don't have to heat it to do this, it can done in normal room temperature but the hash must be vacuum sealed/air tight.

The heat method can be risky anything past the cured stage and the resin is "cooked" it becomes sticky and dark, looses terps and is hard to work with.

All these resins must be keep cool after curing as they will cook too much and become ruined in a normal environment.

You cannot cure commercial/lamousse and other low grade resin but people will boil them in the bag to make them look like a different hash to sell on.

The introduction of better sieving techniques has caused the rain to be of higher quality and the use of cold storage to protect the resin.

It isn't a new technique people have been curing for years, the heat method us just to speed it up but I prefer cold curing.

Beldia wasn't done like that because no one really knew that you could improve the resin after it was made.

Also people didn't know how to care for resin like they do now, you can cure beldia as I've seen people do it and also seen the same done with Lebanese.

Here's an example of glassy vs cured

Glassy... shouldn't be smoked, less terps doesn't break down properly and sticks between fingers

View attachment 18909712

Cured, terps are more present/smoother smoke and breaks down like soft sand.

View attachment 18909714

Everything usually comes glassy if you've bought it from a good source or you can ask them to cure it for you.

If your product comes cooked get a new source.
This new product is very strange , seems added something, seen video even.

Defo weird and doesn't smoke like you think it would for being that Pure with Rosin like Resin , fake added terps ?

Triple filter they call it ?
Why is the goo just on the outside and how come we need this extra process when you using pure flower and make drysift, water Hash at home Pure melt ? , how come this new procedure is need , all very strange

This stuff doesn't smoke near as good as the old beldia u still got from years back or not near as good as any drysift made yourself of top grade , all very strange


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The sand texture is the perfect texture to work with, anymore curing and it becomes too sticky to break down.

Because you cannot smoke high quality resin while it is "glassy" there are hardly any terps and it doesn't break down between fingers.

You don't have to heat it to do this, it can done in normal room temperature but the hash must be vacuum sealed/air tight.

The heat method can be risky anything past the cured stage and the resin is "cooked" it becomes sticky and dark, looses terps and is hard to work with.

All these resins must be keep cool after curing as they will cook too much and become ruined in a normal environment.

You cannot cure commercial/lamousse and other low grade resin but people will boil them in the bag to make them look like a different hash to sell on.

The introduction of better sieving techniques has caused the rain to be of higher quality and the use of cold storage to protect the resin.

It isn't a new technique people have been curing for years, the heat method us just to speed it up but I prefer cold curing.

Beldia wasn't done like that because no one really knew that you could improve the resin after it was made.

Also people didn't know how to care for resin like they do now, you can cure beldia as I've seen people do it and also seen the same done with Lebanese.

Here's an example of glassy vs cured

Glassy... shouldn't be smoked, less terps doesn't break down properly and sticks between fingers

View attachment 18909712

Cured, terps are more present/smoother smoke and breaks down like soft sand.

View attachment 18909714

Everything usually comes glassy if you've bought it from a good source or you can ask them to cure it for you.

If your product comes cooked get a new source.
Looks like you made Rosin and instead of collecting Rosin it's with a lump of what was pressed ?

So that 2nd pic is what was pressed from pic 1 ? , and do you collect up the Rosin separately or that's the block after its been pressed and is sold like that as that's how we recieved the Triple filter looking exactly like your last pic
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Well-known member
This new product is very strange , seems added something, seen video even.

Defo weird and doesn't smoke like you think it would for being that Pure with Rosin like Resin , fake added terps ?

Triple filter they call it ?
Why is the goo just on the outside and how come we need this extra process when you using pure flower and make drysift, water Hash at home Pure melt ? , how come this new procedure is need , all very strange

This stuff doesn't smoke near as good as the old beldia u still got from years back or not near as good as any drysift made yourself of top grade , all very strange
I thought 3x filter was just a new branding for the old high quality dry-sift but recently I have seen some resin with very strange texture, I have no idea how it is produced but it's extremely sticky and lack terps most of the time. I'd like to visit Morocco to see how it's done today compared to my travel in 99, it must be very different method of haschich production and different plants in the field because I don't see the same type of smoke I used to get in the 90's. I rarely buy haschich as I grow weed but sometimes troubles get in the way of harvest and right now I have to find some smoke but it's not easy or cheap to get decent quality, at least in my part of France.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I thought 3x filter was just a new branding for the old high quality dry-sift but recently I have seen some resin with very strange texture, I have no idea how it is produced but it's extremely sticky and lack terps most of the time. I'd like to visit Morocco to see how it's done today compared to my travel in 99, it must be very different method of haschich production and different plants in the field because I don't see the same type of smoke I used to get in the 90's. I rarely buy haschich as I grow weed but sometimes troubles get in the way of harvest and right now I have to find some smoke but it's not easy or cheap to get decent quality, at least in my part of France.
This Triple filter is very strange and defo not what it seems.

Triple filter should be as good as the best Drysift Resin or water Hash as made with whole buds of new hybrids full of Resin

It's knowhere near any top grade Drysift/water Hash


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Why wouldn't they just make Rosin I've always wondered , electricity issues but they can get Generators

I first thought this Triple when see it last year was maybe Canna oil added or Rosin and defo fake terps as smells great but never gives that same loud flavour , and funny High also

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
The sand texture is the perfect texture to work with, anymore curing and it becomes too sticky to break down.

Because you cannot smoke high quality resin while it is "glassy" there are hardly any terps and it doesn't break down between fingers.

You don't have to heat it to do this, it can done in normal room temperature but the hash must be vacuum sealed/air tight.

The heat method can be risky anything past the cured stage and the resin is "cooked" it becomes sticky and dark, looses terps and is hard to work with.

All these resins must be keep cool after curing as they will cook too much and become ruined in a normal environment.

You cannot cure commercial/lamousse and other low grade resin but people will boil them in the bag to make them look like a different hash to sell on.

The introduction of better sieving techniques has caused the rain to be of higher quality and the use of cold storage to protect the resin.

It isn't a new technique people have been curing for years, the heat method us just to speed it up but I prefer cold curing.

Beldia wasn't done like that because no one really knew that you could improve the resin after it was made.

Also people didn't know how to care for resin like they do now, you can cure beldia as I've seen people do it and also seen the same done with Lebanese.

Here's an example of glassy vs cured

Glassy... shouldn't be smoked, less terps doesn't break down properly and sticks between fingers

View attachment 18909712

Cured, terps are more present/smoother smoke and breaks down like soft sand.

View attachment 18909714

Everything usually comes glassy if you've bought it from a good source or you can ask them to cure it for you.

If your product comes cooked get a new source.

Is that heat cured? Surely not room temp cure? Looks like it was already semi cured in the first pic as opposed to the rock hard glass like @A lil spanish posted.

I wonder why it takes oxidation (whats actually happening when you cure), to get terpier smoke. I understand why it would smell stronger but not as much how it would improve the flavour when smoked.

I imagine it's similar to what happens when you press hash, but even more severe oxidation.

It's funny you mention storage, I recently saw bits going cheap during the hot summer months that had apparently spoiled due to being stored incorrectly. Surely some curing happens in the transportation from maroc to eventually being unwrapped by the buyer? If you're saying it happens at room temps when sealed, then there's a curing period after it leaves the fridge in maroc. Most people are clued up about storing it in the fridge once it lands, but even in the fridge some curing is taking place I imagine.



Well-known member
The piece in my photo was body heat cured in my pocket, just so I could have a test smoke.

You're right that first piece was slightly cured not as glassy as the other piece you mentioned but still not at the smokeable stage, it had been in the fridge a week so some curing had occured since I bought it.

It still cures in the fridge, if you want to stop that process it goes in the freezer.

Yes, while traveling they are already curing so sometimes you may get a piece already cured and ready to smoke, sometimes not.

So far I've not have anything arrived cooked as the groups I buy off are pretty clued up on it all, they won't even send me any higher grades during summer because then would get destroyed, they would do meet ups only.

I've also learnt the hard way with a few pieces of my own by leaving them too long, although they are still smokeable just less terps than it originally had and you can tell easily.

Also it just sticks to your fingers and more ends up on your skin than gets smoked, alcohol hand wash is good for removing that


Well-known member
This new product is very strange , seems added something, seen video even.

Defo weird and doesn't smoke like you think it would for being that Pure with Rosin like Resin , fake added terps ?

Triple filter they call it ?
Why is the goo just on the outside and how come we need this extra process when you using pure flower and make drysift, water Hash at home Pure melt ? , how come this new procedure is need , all very strange

This stuff doesn't smoke near as good as the old beldia u still got from years back or not near as good as any drysift made yourself of top grade , all very strange

Nothing strange about it, just high quality resin with nothing added.

What extra process? It's curing, people have done it with resin for centuries it's nothing new, it's just the quality of the resin is way better now and modern genetics with more terps.

No one is pressing anything, it's just well made hash, nothing added there's no need.

The 2nd photo is the smaller piece from the 1st photo cured via body temp, that's terps and oil leaking out.

Modern hashes like this are 60 plus percent THC (70% plus total cannabinoids) and over 5% terps, there's no need to add anything I don't understand why you think there is something weird going on.

No such thing as triple filtered that's a marketing thing for commercial operations.
Two times filtered at most is what is used now.

I'm sorry but it shits all over beldia and any top quality home made I've tried, nothing comes close to it but if you think that, that's your opinion and this is mine based on my experience the last few years.

I can get beldia now if I want it but I don't, it's not worth the money to quality ratioit's too much work to produce it too.

The Moroccan hash game has changed for the better in my opinion, people have more knowledge and are actually caring about how the resin is made, stored and then sold.

I thought 3x filter was just a new branding for the old high quality dry-sift but recently I have seen some resin with very strange texture, I have no idea how it is produced but it's extremely sticky and lack terps most of the time. I'd like to visit Morocco to see how it's done today compared to my travel in 99, it must be very different method of haschich production and different plants in the field because I don't see the same type of smoke I used to get in the 90's. I rarely buy haschich as I grow weed but sometimes troubles get in the way of harvest and right now I have to find some smoke but it's not easy or cheap to get decent quality, at least in my part of France.

High quality resin shouldn't be sticky or dark, that has been ruined by heat and oxidation.

Before anyone says that Indian hash or charas is dark, well they don't have a clue how to look after resin and it shows it in their products.

Also hand rubbing processes introduce more heat too from the body, so that resin will darken more because of that.

Look at any real Afghan hashes they are blonde not that black goo that's exported to Europe after being bashed together in a cement mixer.

3x filter is a bullshit marketing ploy for commercial operations, 2x filtered are what most high quality resins are.

I buy most of my hash from France, country is flooded with great resin but the methods of buying are more modern.

It's all the same process as years ago, just better sieves and more care is taken to make a better product.

Look at products like "Piatella" cold cured resin and you'll see what the best hash should look like.
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Well-known member
Nothing strange about it, just high quality resin with nothing added.

What extra process? It's curing, people have done it with resin for centuries it's nothing new, it's just the quality of the resin is way better now and modern genetics with more terps.

No one is pressing anything, it's just well made hash, nothing added there's no need.

The 2nd photo is the smaller piece from the 1st photo cured via body temp, that's terps and oil leaking out.

Modern hashes like this are 60 plus percent THC (70% plus total cannabinoids) and over 5% terps, there's no need to add anything I don't understand why you think there is something weird going on.

No such thing as triple filtered that's a marketing thing for commercial operations.
Two times filtered at most is what is used now.

I'm sorry but it shits all over beldia and any top quality home made I've tried, nothing comes close to it but if you think that, that's your opinion and this is mine based on my experience the last few years.

I can get beldia now if I want it but I don't, it's not worth the money to quality ratioit's too much work to produce it too.

The Moroccan hash game has changed for the better in my opinion, people have more knowledge and are actually caring about how the resin is made, stored and then sold.

High quality resin shouldn't be sticky or dark, that has been ruined by heat and oxidation.

Before anyone says that Indian hash or charas is dark, well they don't have a clue how to look after resin and it shows it in their products.

Also hand rubbing processes introduce more heat too from the body, so that resin will darken more because of that.

Look at any real Afghan hashes they are blonde not that black goo that's exported to Europe after being bashed together in a cement mixer.

3x filter is a bullshit marketing ploy for commercial operations, 2x filtered are what most high quality resins are.

I buy most of my hash from France, country is flooded with great resin but the methods of buying are more modern.

It's all the same process as years ago, just better sieves and more care is taken to make a better product.

Look at products like "Piatella" cold cured resin and you'll see what the best hash should look like.
I've been a smoker for decades, I know what is good haschich....The modern high priced resin are not on the same level of quality than the ones I could get in the 90's. You're confusing a lot of things, oxydation is what is happening in the curing it's not bad for the resin at the good amount. Same for afghan it is traditionally worked by hand and heat to become this black stuff.
In 99 when I went to a haschich farm they were keeping the resin for months before selling it, I'm not sure this is done today. That's why I'd like to go back and see how it's done today. The x filtered is very strange to me, it's not as good as the first pass was but it's more expensive, I really want to see how they do that. I've seen the the first pass being done in 99, they used a specific cloth for sieving and were sieving for 30sec/1 min only. The resin was stored and after a few months it was pressed by hand to make eggs people could swallow, that's when it changed color from yellow/light brown to a darker tone.
The small piece you're showing in your picture looks like it was pressed to extract rosin, this hasch has no more oil inside, I don't think it's an improvement but a downgrade.
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Well-known member
I've been a smoker for decades, I know what is good haschich....The modern high priced resin are not on the same level of quality than the ones I could get in the 90's. You're confusing a lot of things, oxydation is what is happening in the curing it's not bad for the resin at the good amount. Same for afghan it is traditionally worked by hand and heat to become this black stuff.
In 99 when I went to a haschich farm they were keeping the resin for months before selling it, I'm not sure this is done today. That's why I'd like to go back and see how it's done today. The x filtered is very strange to me, it's not as good as the first pass was but it's more expensive, I really want to see how they do that. I've seen the the first pass being done in 99, they used a specific cloth for sieving and were sieving for 30sec/1 min only. The resin was stored and after a few months it was pressed by hand to make eggs people could swallow, that's when it changed color from yellow/light brown to a darker tone.
The small piece you're showing in your picture looks like it was pressed to extract rosin, this hasch has no more oil inside, I don't think it's an improvement but a downgrade.

I have 30 plus years under my belt and I was there in the 90s too and most hash was crap, the good ones that were available don't come close to what's available now.

These modern resins are not that high priced I'm paying 5e a g for most and 10e a g for the frozen or static which is a v fair price considering the quality.

Some people are paying 30e a g for similar quality but because it's from the USA ( like the Cali weed nonsense good weed can be grown almost anywhere) they think it's better but lab tests say otherwise.

Have you actually tried any of these resins from a top farm? I'm guessing you haven't if you think hash from the 90s was better, I'm heading towards my 50s now and I wish I had this choice of quality back then.

I don't know why you think that piece of hash in my photo was pressed, it came under no pressure at all, it was in my pocket and that's what body heat does, terps and oil leak out because the quality is so high and it needs to cure, they seap back into the hash like a steaks juices do when you rest/relax the meat after cooking.

It's filtered 2x through 2 different micron screens and that can including using static or frozen plants if you're wanting higher quality, they have cold rooms to keep everything cool and protect the resin.

Commercial grades like la mousse are still made the old way, the 1st pass and everything else is all mixed together, but I wouldn't trust a product sold by the mocro mafia.

Technology and knowledge over the years has enabled them to produce a far better product.

Anyway you're entitled to your opinion and I have mine and they are subjective, have a good day and I hope you get to see the modern techniques used.

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