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Fuck Entropy.
For my records:

Stripped 2,3,4.

Hooray for naked plants.

Bumped up internal air flow in the 12-12 space.

Too much? Looking for wind burn later.


Fuck Entropy.
Hey red,

Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to say 'hi'.

You one of the first posters in my first thread on ICMAG, "The NGW.com Epic Failure ScrOG."

NGW hose fucked me royally.

But such is life.

We all have setbacks, right?

I've been lurking your grows ever since... which reminds me that I ought to say 'hi' back.


So, I 'compost' my shade leaves. It's not really composting. It's not composting at all. It's more like a slimy mold factory.

Now, before I get lots of concerned replies, let me assure you that I know how to compost. Like everything else I describe here, it's more related to the initiative spectrum than it is a lack of knowledge base: Blah, blah, browns(carbon):greens(nitrogen)::2:1, blah, blah. Oxygen. 'Cooking'. Blah. Blah.

But today, in a fury of cleverness, I set up a mysteriously inherited dehydrator (cheap appliances adhere to my life with the persistence of gum on a shoe... who really makes jerky anyway?) and tossed a bunch of chopped up fan leaves in there for a few hours.

Crispy goodness.

Crumbled and added to the box of dirt.

Not a lot of fuss, not a lot of muss.

Problem solved.

No more moldy sliminess.

Just dirt.

With some green flecks in it.

And the residual smell of Furious Cleverness.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
This is definitely one of the most unique threads on this forum, keep it up.

Try not to get too bored!



Fuck Entropy.
The more careful you are to isolate yourself from others, the more isolated you become.

If you spend all day defending your secrets, should you be surprised to find yourself alone with just them at night?

My hands are worn down an haggard.

They say that hands always show your age.

Mine say that my age is twisted and broken and tired.

Fucking hands.


Fuck Entropy.
Hammer Time, only I haven't got an anvil.

Hammer Time, only I haven't got an anvil.

So just now, I was trying to cobble together some ducting from various pieces and parts. I have a eight to seven inch reducer (to six inch reducer) I used a while back to connect my carbon filter with an eight inch flange to cool tubes. To make it work with the flange on the can, I over crimped the bitch. (In retrospect, it would have been cleaner and easier and cheaper to replace the 8" flange on the filter with a six inch. But then I wouldn't have these parts about, would I?)

So I was looking at this crazy pricy piece of aluminum or rolled steel or whatever, and I thought, "Jeeze, if I could find my linesman pliers, I could probably flatten out these crimps and save my ass some lira."

Instead, I found needle-nose pliers. They were not effective. I mean, they really, really were not going to work. I was ready to go beg on the streets in hopes of raising money to replace either the reducer or the linesman pliers, when this though sort of appeared and told me, "If you only had an anvil, you could blacksmith those bitch-ass crimps right-the-fuck-out."

I was surprised at the dirty language of the thought.

But it was on to something, there. It sure was.

So I started looking around for something anvil-like. I found a jelly jar, a broken vacuum, and some needle-nose pliers.

I made my selection.

Thankfully, fate intervened. While dragging the broken vacuum to the back veranda I subbed my toe.


On a splitting maul.


Hallelujah, bitches. Hallelujah.


Add one over crimped reducer to a framing hammer to a splitting maul, mix with four minutes of your careful time, and you are right back on track.

You'll get behind if you go write a post about it though...

So go blacksmith, then get your ass back to HVAC people. No time for this silly posting shit.


Get your work did.


Hydronaut Ganjaneer
:wave:Geeeeze IF! You must have been super bored to look me up! Sorry it took so long to respond... forgot where I left off reading, so I re-read from my last post. I am loving the vert pics... need more... more often.... please!

I have to say... ever since I got rid of that shit-tube... everything grows Awesome! Gotta try harder to keep up! Favorite thing is... the plants stay green?

My vPPK, with the microfiber wick, 100% perlite, air driven spider feeder 24/7, would have worked great if I didnt combine the experiment with OC+. OC+ and constant drip was a bad combination... flushed out too much nutes. I will try again with GH Flora series since I have about 1 years supply left, but then I'm switching to Jacks and cal/nit!
Last edited:


Fuck Entropy.
Hey Med,

I like green plants.

I don't have any signs of nute burn or obvious deficiencies on this run. My bulk res has an auto top off from the RO. So I'm running as high as 1.7EC down to about .6 or so before I add back nutes. At it's highest EC, pH is in the lower 6s, at it's weakest it sits closer to seven. I have a submersible pump swirling things around most of the time.

Number 1 is showing purple on the few shade leaves that remain on her limbs. This started happening around day 52ish. No other leaf material is showing any yellowing at all.

Feeder reservoirs test out around EC 0.8. So there's probably room to feed run a slightly higher pH swing (2.0 to 1.0). My thinking is that that would keep my my pH closer to the range I'm looking for in coco anyway...


Garden update:

Preliminary flower set on #4 is visible, which was the girl that got the dark treatment. If I'm adding correctly, leaving the plant in the dark for fourty eight hours rushed the flower set by three days (moved it from day sixteen/seventeen to day twelve/thirteen). It should be noted that #4 was stripped right before she went into the dark. So that may have effected the hormonal balances, etc., and may have influenced this effect. It also should be noted that she came out of the dark super perky, and looked the liveliest in the 12-12 room for her first week in there. I'm not sure it was worth the effort, but I'll continue to play around with it with plants in different conditions, etc.

I'm scheduled to take number one down in three days. The date is an amusing coincidence.

I'm planning on trying to finish her with 72 hours of dark and a cold root zone. We'll see how that turns out...


Can't find the cable between my camera and the computer. It was right here a few days ago. I swear. I got so frustrated that I drove in to the office supply store to buy a new one, and there wasn't anything that matched my camera port.

Anyway, those are my excuses for today.


Hydronaut Ganjaneer
:blowbubbles: SWEET! Your Girls are looking very healthy! Did you rotate the plants? The buds look 360 solid. I cant wait to see the harvested buds later this week.

I uploaded a few pics into my Album of my DIY Universal Bucket System, hopefully round 2 will be loaded in tonight. I still may swap out the plant containers so I can add a small res and bubbles for backup feeding, just incase a sprayer gets clogged? Hmmm, but I would need to run some airlines.... maybe not? Feeling a bit lazy. I can always swap out later, really want it loaded a.s.a.p..


Fuck Entropy.
Shocker Tech... too tired not to be vague.

Shocker Tech... too tired not to be vague.

I think it is working.

I've never seen these colors before.

I'm running a crazy D9 experiment in my not-12-12 room. I'm confused. Plants may not be awesome. But might be. Can't tell yet.


Fuck Entropy.
It's a DJ Short gene from of the Floral lineage. Based on what I can tell, it has an awful lot in common with the Temple FLO, rather than one of the more recent FLO releases... but that puts it's lineage way back to the early nineties. Even accounting for someone holding on to a pack or two for a few years, that puts her at roughly fifteen years old...

It could, of course, be a more recent release that happens to express the structure of the Temple FLO. I've gotten some help over in the DJ forum with some pics of recently released FLO with a rarely expressed green pheno/geno/whatever that has a lot in common with the way this plant expresses.

I got it passed to me just as FLO... so... who knows exactly?

She's pretty awesome... so who cares exactly?


dw, I took a pic of my girl that looked a lot like your recent pic. My editor is a pain in the ass for blacking out personal identifiers, so I didn't get that done, and had to delete it before I found out a way to post it. But I was proud.


love machine
ICMag Donor
well she look chunky for sure, nice sugar coats on her as well..

cpl big gals in the first pic look quite huge :)

how much longer ?



Fuck Entropy.
EDIT: I was just over at Bobblehead's thread where the door to his old op was kicked in. I've removed direct references to finishing dates from this post as a half-hearten attempt at being prudent. Silly? Maybe. But I did it anyway.

how much longer ?
If I don't screw anything up, forever.

I'm currently--and finally--on a x plant, xx day perpetual. I may adjust that number up to xx and run xx days of flower. I've transitioned to a new genetic (and feel some remorse) mostly do to the fact that I can't reliably clone the FLO. The new line is obviously a new line for me, but root like clockwork between seven and eight days. They should run about xx days, but this garden seems to run a bit slower than I would otherwise expect. (Operating temps are in the high sixties right now. D9, DHF I'm working on it. I promise. Kinda.)

A nice thing about perpetual is that it takes the sense of impatience out of the picture. I can run lots more days in flower by just adjusting my timing by a lot fewer days. Wait x more days to take cuts. Wait x more days to move plants. Just wait x more days.

Other little niceties include the chance to try out a new pruning technique. Then try out another one. Then try out another one. As you watch the plant in the cycles ahead of the one in front of you, you get a more direct feedback. Oh... she's really clustered up at four weeks in 12-12, so I need to be more aggressive here... Oh... you stripped off too much lower material, so leave these branches alone... etc.

I think, if you're paying attention, it allows you to dial in a strain to its space much faster.

To be more direct on the schedule:


I guess another good reason to run perpetual is that I'm never a high-value target for rippers... unless you want to come back every couple of weeks... I'll always only have a portion of my flowers ready to get stolen. The rest... well... you'll just have to wait.


Fuck Entropy.
Stripped number six.

I did not dark-shock number three or number five.

I ran number four through dark shock.

The speed of flower development seems to support the process. What appeared to be a few days earlier in flowerset now seems a week plus on development.

I will run number six through dark shock. This strip should give recovery time before she goes to dark.

To remind myself: I am stripping to manage size right now. I intend to run the next girl with whole foliage, and only prune manage structure-density/spread, and strip at the end of stretch.


No Jive Productions
Stripped number six.

I did not dark-shock number three or number five.

I ran number four through dark shock.

The speed of flower development seems to support the process. What appeared to be a few days earlier in flowerset now seems a week plus on development.

I will run number six through dark shock. This strip should give recovery time before she goes to dark.

To remind myself: I am stripping to manage size right now. I intend to run the next girl with whole foliage, and only prune manage structure-density/spread, and strip at the end of stretch.

hi, i've been wondering about the effects of the dark period going in. you're using 36 hours?

i'm not taking anything off the plant until the end of stretch. then cleanup of small interior branches and a light defoliating of the largest exterior fan leaves.

i'm vegging 4 weeks now and am getting 30" plants by then. this is under the 8/4-8/4 routine which seems to be working fine. i'm using the meter to set distance from the light. 14" is 1500 umols with my light.

i think everyone should get a quantum meter sooner or later. it is the only way to quantify light applications. it turns the haphazard "maybe i'm right and maybe i'm wrong" technique into manageable numbers.

that plant is one frosty looking bitch! sooo cooold! like my ex wife!



Fuck Entropy.
hi, i've been wondering about the effects of the dark period going in. you're using 36 hours?
The way my day went, she ran 48 hours of dark. I had stripped her aggressively right before she went in, and she was a sad looking girl. She came out awesome. I'm still not uniform enough in my protocol to really do direct comparisons, but I may have lost a bit of vertical stretch in that she flower-set earlier... that is, she transitioned out of the stretch phase faster. But that's just an impression.

But the flower set does seem to be definitively faster. I hopefully will be able to get a decent read on trich clouding between girl number three and four to see how much much time it shaved out of 12-12 (if any at all).

Of course, there are other factors (primarily environmental) that might have played a roll, so this is by no means a scientific effort.

I am hoping to hit thirty inches in five weeks. My cut in a hand watered solo is really moving nicely; I hope when she steps up the the PPK, she'll really ramp up and I'll be able to go from rooted cut to 12-12 in 30-34 days.


I just checked her, and she's ready to move up. Rooted, then 12 days in a solo which gives me only gives me three and a half weeks to get her big. Good luck to me.